General Introduction" [Today’s challenges are] resisting protectionist tendencies,investing in policies which ensure that the bene ts of trade arespread fairly among and within countries and investing in astable multilateral trading system "Pascal LAMY, WTO Managing Director" The policies of the international economic institutions are alltoo often closely aligned with commercial and nancial interestsof those in the advanced industrial economies. "Joseph E. Stiglitz, Globalization and its discontentsAs globalisation progresses, sovereignties of each country confront each othermore often. Sometimes, countries even have to transfer part of their sovereignty.The dilution of the \ownership" of sovereign power and the lack of international lawshave made international relations more complex. As complexity increases, caveatsappear in the rules that govern international relations. These caveats induce someactors, are they special interest groups or governments, to try take advantage of2their power. The classical David Hume’s \balance of power" is a ected by thesenew relations which all induce relations of inuence. Nowadays, inuence is then acrucial question as it is the vector of all means to take advantage over a partner.There are many reasons to think that the so-called balance of power is not balancedanymore.2 He de nes the concept in his books Essays Moral and Political, 1741-1744, in particular, in theessay entitled Of the balance of Power. The main ...