The Benchmark - What the world thinks about the AIDS response








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The BenchmarkWhat the world thinks about the AIDS responseUNAIDS in partnership with Zogby InternationalMay 2010TaBle of con TenTsMethodology 3Findings 4Annex 1. Benchmark study: sample size by region 71List of tables1. Level of importance of the global AIDS epidemic2. How important is the AIDS epidemic compar ed with other issues 3. Two most important health-care issues4. T e issues in selected countries5. Greatest achievement in the AIDS response 6. Selected countries: gr eatest achievement in the AIDS response 7. Where AIDS resources should focus 8. Words that describe the AIDS issue best 9. S elected countries: words to describe the AIDS issue best10. Is the world effectively dealing with AIDS? 11. Is your country ef12. Is your community ef 13. Obstacles keeping the world fr om effectively dealing with AIDS14. Selected countries: obstacles to ef 15. Obstacles keeping your country fr om ef 16. Selected countries: obstacles keeping your country fr om dealing with AIDS 17. Obstacles keeping your community fr om effectively dealing with AIDS 18. Selected countries: obstacles keeping your community fr 19. Can the spread of HIV be stopped by 2015? 20. Issues that have been dealt with more effectively due to the AIDS epidemic 21. Selected countries: issues that have been dealt with mor e effectively due to the AIDS epidemic22. Statement that describes people who inject drugs 23. Selected countries: statement to describe ...
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T h e B e n c h m a r k
What the world thinks about the AIDS response
UNAIDS in partnership with Zogby International
May 2010
TaBle of conTenTs
Anne 1 enhark study saple sie by r egion
ist o tables 1. Level of importance of the global AIDS epidemic 2. How important is the AIDS epidemic compar ed with other issues 3. wo most important healthcare issues . wo most important healthcare issues in selected countries  . reatest achievement in the AIDS response . Selected countries greatest achievement in the AIDS response . here AIDS resources should focus . ords that describe the AIDS issue best . Selected countries words to describe the AIDS issue best 1. Is the world effectivel dealing with AIDS 11. Is our countr effectivel dealing with AIDS 12. Is our communit effectivel dealing with AIDS 13. bstacles eeping the world fr om effectivel dealing with AIDS 1. Selected countries obstacles to ef fectivel dealing with AIDS 1. bstacles eeping our countr fr om effectivel dealing with AIDS 1. Selected countries obstacles eeping our countr fr om dealing with AIDS 1. bstacles eeping our communit fr om effectivel dealing with AIDS 1. Selected countries obstacles eeping our communit fr om dealing with AIDS 1. an the spread of HI be stopped b 21 2. Issues that have been dealt with mor e effectivel due to the AIDS epidemic 21. Selected countries issues that have been dealt with mor e effectivel due to the AIDS epidemic 22. Statement that describes people who inect drugs 23. Selected countries statement to describe people who inect drugs 2. Level of agreement — travel restrictions against people with HI 2. Level of agreement — subsidie treatment for people living with HI  2. here the maorit of funding for HI prevention should focus  2. Selected countries focus of maorit of funding for HI pr evention 2. Importance of HI services being lined to other health services 2. ersonal worr about AIDS 3. is of acuiring HI 31. onfidence level about protecting themselves from HI 32. or with someone who is living with HI 33. Sharing a meal with someone who is living with HI 3. AIDS a problem within our countr 3. AIDS a problem within our communit 3. ho is at ris of acuiring HI 3. Selected countries who is at ris of acuiring HI 3. ersonall donate to the AIDS cause
ist o figures 1. Selected countries level of importance of the global AIDS epidemic 2. Selected countries how important is the AIDS epidemic compar ed with other issues 3. Selected countries where AIDS resources should focus . Selected countries is the world ef fectivel dealing with AIDS . Selected countries is our countr ef fectivel dealing with AIDS . Selected countries is our communit ef fectivel dealing with AIDS
. Selected countries can the spr ead of HI be stopped b 21 . Selected countries travel restrictions against people living with HI . Selected countries subsidie tr eatment for people living with HI 1. Selected countries importance of HI services lined to other services 11. Selected countries personal worr about AIDS 12. Selected countries ris of acuiring HI 13. Selected countries confidence level of pr otecting themselves against HI 1. Selected countries woring with someone living with HI 1. Selected countries sharing a meal with someone who is living with HI 1. Selected countries AIDS a problem within our countr 1. Selected countries AIDS a pr oblem within our communit 1. Selected countries personall donate mone to the AIDS cause
2 |e Benchmark
oprised o
South Africa ganda
Dominican epublic amaica
hina apan
elarus aahstan Latvia ussian ederation raine
rail eico
India Indonesia hailand
gender age region education race religion part
rance etherlands Spain Sweden
3. ±
Africa no Senegal
Latin America
Southeast Asia
South Africa
astern urope   
ast Asia
estern urope   
ussian ederation
A samling of Zogby International’s online anel which is reresentative of the adult oulation of the United States was invited to articiate or all other nations artner anel members were invited to articiate
Zogby International was commissioned by UNAIDS to conduct an online survey of adults with Internet access in 25 countries e survey was conducted between  arch 2 and 2 Aril 2
1. How important would you say the global AIDS epidemic is?
able 1 eel o iportane global AIDS epidei
e Benchmark | 
 2 
erall not iportant
ot at all important
ot ver important
erall iportant
ot sure
Somewhat importa t n
er important
 11    1  1 1
1 2     2
 3  2
2 12  
Nearly all in the aribbean  SouthSouthast Asia  North Africaiddle ast gyt  atin America  and ast Asia regions  say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant with the large maority in most demograhic subgrous in each region saying the same
e global AIDS eidemic is imortant according to nine in ten in the westerncentral uroe  eastern uroecentral Asia  and ceania Australia  regions e large maority across most demograhic subgrous in each region say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant
In the subSaharan Africa region nearly all 5 say the global AIDS eidemic is imor tant with large maorities across most demograhic subgrous saying it is imortant ust  overall in the subSaharan Africa region say the global AIDS eidemic is not imortant
ight in ten 2 in the North America the United States region say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant while 5 say it is not arents of children under age  22 and men 2 are more liely than those who do not have children under age   and women  to say that the global AIDS eidemic is not imortant
igure 1 Selet ountries leel o iportane global AIDS epidei
nited States
South Africa
ussian ederation
1 1
1 2
1 0
2 0
Nearly all in India  South Africa  rail  and hina  say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant with nearly all across the demograhic subgrous of all four countries saying the same
Nine in ten  in the ussian ederation reort that the global AIDS eidemic is im ortant and  say it is not omen  and arents of children under age   are more liely than those who are not arents of children under age   and men  to say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant
In the United States eight in ten 2 say the global AIDS eidemic is imortant while 5 say it is not omen  those age 5 and older 5 those who are not arents of children under age  5 those aged 5–  and those aged – 2 are more liely than men  arents of children under age   and those aged –2  to say that the global AIDS eidemic is imortant
 |e Benchmark
ot important
ot sure
Less important
ore important
ust as important
ot sure
e Benchmark 5 |
2. Would you say the AIDS epidemic is more or less important than other issues the world currently faces or would you say it is ust as important as other issues?
able 2 ow iportant is the AIDS epidei opared to other issues
In the ast Asia region half  reort that the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while two fiſths  say it is ust as imortant Nine er cent say the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world cur rently faces ose aged –2  and arents of children under the age of   in the region are more liely than those who are not arents of children under age   aged – 5 and those aged 5–  in the region to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces esondents in hina  are more liely than those in aan  to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces
alf  in the SouthSouthast Asia region say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while more than two fiſths  say it is ust as imortant Seven er cent reort the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces arents of children under age  5 and men 5 within the region are more liely than those who are not arents of children under the age of   and women  within the region to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces esondents in India 5 are much more liely than those in ailand  or Indonesia  to say the same
Si in ten  in the subSaharan Africa region say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imor tant as other issue the world currently faces while three in ten 2 say it is more imor tant ust  say the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces esondents in Uganda  are more liely than those in South Africa 2 to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces
In the ceania region si in ten  reort that the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces with the large maority across most demograhic subgrous saying the same Nineteen er cent say the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces while  say it is more imortant
About two thirds  in the aribbean region say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while a uarter 2 say it is ust as imor tant en er cent reort that the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces esondents in amaica 5 are more liely than those in the Dominican eublic 5 to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces
e AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces according to seven in ten  in the atin America region with the large maority across most demograhic subgrous saying the same About a uarter 2 say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while  say it is less imortant
Si in ten 2 in the eastern uroecentral Asia region say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces with the large maority in most demograhic subgrous saying the same A fiſth each reort that the AIDS eidemic is less imortant  or more imortant  than other issues the world currently faces
In the westerncentral uroe region si in ten  reort that the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces and a large maority across most demograhic subgrous say the same A fiſth 2 say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while  say it is less imortant
e AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces accord ing to more than half 5 in the North Africaiddle ast region with the maority across most demograhic subgrous saying the same ore than a uarter 2 say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world current faces while 5 say it is less imortant
In the North American region half  say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces while two fiſths  say it is less imortant en 5 and those age 5 and older  are more liely than those aged –  those aged 5–  those aged –2  and women 2 to say that the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces
About two thirds 5 in India reort that the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces with those who believe AIDS is a roblem within their community  being more liely than those who do not believe AIDS is a roblem within their community  to say the same ore than a uarter 2 overall say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces and  say it is less imortant
ore than half 55 in hina say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces while two fiſths  say it is ust as imortant Si er cent reort the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces
In hina arents of children under age   and those aged –  are more liely than those aged –2 5 those who are not arents of children under the age of   and women  to say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces
Seven in ten  in rail say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces with women  more liely than men  to say the same A fiſth 22 say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces and  reort it is less imortant
 |e Benchmark
igure 2 Selet ountries how iportant is the AIDS epidei opared to other issues
nited States
South Africa
ussian ederation
ore important
1 1
Less important
ust as important
ot sure
In South Africa seven in ten  say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces with women  and those who do not believe AIDS is a roblem within their community  being more liely than men 5 and those who believe AIDS is a roblem within their community 5 to say the same About a uarter 2 say the AIDS eidemic is more imortant than other issues the world currently faces and  say it is less imortant
Si in ten  in the ussian ederation reort that the AIDS eidemic is ust as imor tant as other issues the world currently faces with those aged –  women  and arents of children under age   being more liely than those –2  those who are not arents of children under age   and men 5 to say the same About a fiſth each say the AIDS eidemic is more  or less  imor tant than the other issues the world currently faces
In the United States half  say the AIDS eidemic is ust as imortant as other issues the world currently faces with those who believe AIDS is a roblem within their commu nity 2 those who thin AIDS is a roblem within their country 5 and women 5 being more liely than men 2 those who believe AIDS is not a roblem within their community  and those who do not thin AIDS is a roblem within their country 2 to say the same wo fiſths  reort that the AIDS eidemic is less imortant than other issues the world currently faces and 5 say it is more imortant
e Benchmark  |
nsuring supplies of safe drining water alnutritionstarvation  hronic diseases accinating population against serious diseases reventing the spread of HI
2 3  2
ther ot sure
Swine fluH11 pandemic  aternal mortalit 
hildhood diseases etting enough medicine to treat HI
1 3
 1  1
2  1  
23  2  
3 12  
2  3
otor vehicle pedestrian biccle accidents
 2 2  
 1 1  
2  1  
13 2
reventing the sread of I 5 is one of the most imortant healthcare issues in the subSaharan Africa region with vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases such as olio etc  and ensuring sulies of safe drining water 5 coming in second esondents in Uganda 5 are more liely than those in South Africa 2 to say vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases is one of the most imortant health care issues esondents in South Africa  are more liely than those in Uganda  to say ensuring sulies of safe drining water is one of the most imortant healthcare issues
In the aribbean region reventing the sread of I 5 and getting enough medi cines to treat I  are the to two most imortant healthcare issues with the Dominican eublic and amaica reflecting nearly the same ercentages for both issues
reventing the sread of I  and vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases such as olio etc  are the to two most imortant healthcare issues according to resondents in the SouthSouthast Asia region with nearly identical ercentages citing the same in India and Indonesia esondents in ailand cite revent ing the sread of I 5 and the swine fluN andemic  as the to two healthcare issues
 2  2
1  12
 2 3
1  1  
3 1
2 1
able  wo ost iportant healthare issues
. f the following healthcare issues which two do you regard as most important?
 |e Benchmark
reventing the sread of I 5 is one of the most imortant healthcare issues in the atin America region while ensuring sulies of safe drining water 2 malnutrition starvation 2 the swine fluN andemic 2 and vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases such as olio etc 25 all come in a close second Similar results are reorted among resondents from rail and eico
In the ast Asia region reventing the sread of I  is the to healthcare issue with ensuring sulies of safe drining water  and vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases such as olio etc  tying for second hina ehibits similar results to the entire region while aan is divided between reventing the sread of I  vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases  and ensuring sulies of safe drining water 
reventing the sread of I  and chronic diseases such as stroe and heart disease 2 are the to two healthcare issues in the eastern uroecentral Asia region with the ussian ederation reorting similar ercentages
reventing the sread of I  is the to healthcare issue in aahstan while maternal mortality or the death of a woman during or shortly aſter a regnancy 2 and chronic diseases 2 are tied for second In elarus reventing the sread of I  is the most imortant healthcare issue while chronic diseases 2 and vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases such as olio etc 2 come in a close second reventing the sread of I 55 is the to healthcare issue in Uraine with ensuring sulies of safe drining water 2 and getting enough medicines to treat I 2 coming in a close second
esondents in atvia are divided between chronic diseases  vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases 2 ensuring sulies of safe drining water 25 and childhood diseases such as olio measles mums rubella etc 2 as the most imortant healthcare issues
In the westerncentral uroe region resondents are divided between ensuring sulies of safe drining water  malnutritionstarvation 5 and reventing the sread of I  as the to healthcare issues with rance Sain and Sweden reorting similar results In the Netherlands vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases 5 ensuring sulies of safe drining water  and reventing the sread of I 2 are the to healthcare issues esondents in the United ingdom are divided between ensuring sulies of safe drining water  vaccinating the oulation 5 revent ing the sread of I  and malnutritionstarvation 
esondents in the North Africaiddle ast region gyt are divided between ensuring sulies of safe drining water  and reventing the sread of I  as the to healthcare issue accinating the oulation against serious diseases 2 comes in second
nsuring sulies of safe drining water  and vaccinating the oulation against serious diseases  are the most imortant healthcare issues in the ceania region Australia
In the North American region the United States ensuring sulies of safe drining water 52 and malnutritionstarvation  are the most imortant healthcare issues
e Benchmark  |
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