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Programme 09.00 - 09.30: WELCOME OF PARTICIPANTS 09.30 - 10.00: OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE • Opening speech: Mr Guy De Vel, Director General of legal affairs (Council of Europe) Mr Mark Camley, Director Supreme Court Circuit (United Kingdom) ST10.00 – 11.15: 1 PART–: THE FUNCTIONING OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF USERS : WHAT WORKS ? WHAT DOES NOT WORK ? stChair of the 1 Part: Mr Eberhard Desch, Chairman of the CEPEJ Understanding what users of justice want and need - results of surveys carried out with court users - following-up of the surveys • Rapporteur – Mr Richard Woolfson, consultant in management, Lexicon Limited (United Kingdom) • Rapporteur – Mr Philippe Chételat, President of Court, Project BEJUBE (Switzerland) – (user’s survey, with concrete follow-up) 11.15 – 11.30 – Coffee break Providing users with the information they need: - information at the court - modern means of providing information (including internet web sites and email) • Mrs Maria Cruz del Valle Pintos– High Council of Justice (Spain) • Mr John Stacey - Head of Civil Business Branch, Court Service 12.30 – 14.00 - Lunch break ND14.00 – 15.15 - 2 PART –THE ROLE OF COURT USERS IN THE OPERATION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM ndChair of the 2 Part : André Potocki, Deputy Chairman of the CEPEJ General Introduction – the challenges of the implication of the users in the justice system by Mr Antoine Garapon, judge, Secretary ...
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 Programme   09.00 - 09.30: WELCOME OF PARTICIPANTS  09.30 - 10.00: OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE   Opening speech: Mr Guy De Vel, Director General of legal affairs (Council of Europe) Mr Mark Camley, Director Supreme Court Circuit (United Kingdom)  10.00  11.15 : 1 ST PART: THE FUNCTIONING OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF USERS : WHAT WORKS ? WHAT DOES NOT WORK ?   Chair of the 1 st Part: Mr Eberhard Desch, Chairman of the CEPEJ  Understanding what users of justice want and need - results of surveys carried out with court users  following-up of the surveys -  Rapporteur  Mr Richard Woolfson, consultant in management, Lexicon Limited (United Kingdom)  Rapporteur  Mr Philippe Chételat, President of Court, Project BEJUBE (Switzerland)  (users survey, with concrete follow-up)  11.15  11.30  Coffee break   Providing users with the information they need:  information at the court -- modern means of providing information (including internet web sites and email)   Mrs Maria Cruz del Valle Pintos High Council of Justice (Spain)  Mr John Stacey - Head of Civil Business Branch, Court Service  12.30  14.00 - Lunch break  14.00  15.15 - 2 ND  PART THE ROLE OF COURT USERS IN THE OPERATION OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM  Chair of the 2 nd Part : André Potocki, Deputy Chairman of the CEPEJ  General Introduction  the challenges of the implication of the users in the justice system by Mr Antoine Garapon, judge, Secretary General of the Institute of High Studies on Justice Matters (France)  How to deliver what justice users want and need :  experience of the Ombudsman 53  
  a charter for users ?   Mr Mark Camley, Director Supreme Court Circuit (United Kingdom)  Mr Rafal Pelc, Office of the Polish Ombudsman  15.15  15.30  Coffee break  Ways of providing users with a role in the management of the courts   Mrs Jillian Kay, Senior Policy Advisor, Unified Courts Administration Programme, Department of Constitutional Affairs (United Kingdom)  Mr Stefano Maccioni, Italy, National responsible for the network Justice for the citizens  Mrs Simone Gaboriau, Member of the scientific board of EUROPA (NGO having the consultative statute before the Council of Europe)  15.30 16.30 Questions & Answers Session  16.30  17.00 - CONCLUSIONS
  Liste des participants  ALBANIA/ ALBANIE    Ksenofon KRISAFI, Adviser to the Prime Minister, Keshilli I Ministrave, Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit, TIRANA  ANDORRA/ ANDORRE    Carme OBIOLS , Secrétaire Générale, Conseil supérieur de la Justice, C/Prat de la Creu 8, ANDORRA LA VELLA  ARMENIA/ ARMENIE   Armen SANOYAN , Chief Specialist, Department of International Legal Relations, Ministry of Justice, 375010 Yerevan, 3 V. Sargsyan str.,  AUSTRIA/ AU C  TRI HE  Barbara GÖTH , Deputy Head of Division, Ministry of Justice, Neustiftg. 2, 1070 VIENNA  Thomas GOTTWALD , Judge, Project Manager Assistant, Ministry of Justice, Museumstrasse 7, 1070 VIENNA  AZERBAIJAN/ AZERBAIDJAN  Chingiz GASIMOV , Head of the Organisational-Analytical Department, Ministry of Justice, 1 Inshaatchilar ave, 370073, BAKU,  BELGIUM/ BELGIQUE   Meryem DEMIR , Conseiller adjoint, Direction Générale Legislation, Droits fondamentaux et Libertés, Service Public Fédéral Justice, 115 boulevard de Waterloo, 1000 - BRUXELLES  BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE : Excusée/ Apologised  BULGARIA/ BULGARIE  Galina TONEVA-DACHEVA , Judge, Appeal Court of Sofia, 2 Vitosha Blvd, 1000 SOFIA  Miroslava TODOROVA,  Judge, Vice-Chair of Sofia Regional court, Dragan Cankov 6, SOFIA  CROATIA/ CROATIE    
 Alan UZELAC , Ph.D. Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg marala Tita 14, 10 000 ZAGREB   CYPRUS/ CHYPRE  Loukis SAVVIDES , Ex-Judge of the Supreme Court of Cyprus  Legal Consultant, P.O. Box 54098, LIMASSOL 3720, Apologised / Excusé  CZECH REPUBLIC/ REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE    Ivana BORZOVÁ , Head, Department of Civil Supervision, Ministry of Justice, Vysehradská 16, 128 10 PRAHA 2  Jana WURSTOVA , Head, International Department, Czech Bar Association, Národní tr. 16, 110 00 PRAGUE 1  DENMARK/ DANEMARK   Klaus RUGAARD , Chief Consultant, Domstolsstyrelsen Økonomikontoret, St. Kongensgade 1-3, 1264 København K  ESTONIA/ ESTONIE    Margus SARAPUU , Deputy Secretary General on Court Administration, Ministry of Justice, Lõkke 4, 10122 TALLINN  FINLAND/ FINLANDE    Kari Samuli KIESILÄINEN , Director General, Head of the Department of Judicial Adminsitration, Ministry of Justice, Street Kasarmikatu 42, 00130 HELSINKI, mail P.O.BOX, 0023 GOUVERNMENT FINLAND  FRANC E  André POTOCKI ,  Président de Chambre à la Cour dAppel de Paris, Cour dappel de Paris, 34, quai des Orfèvres, 75001 PARIS, Vice-Président de la CEPEJ / Vice Chair of the CEPEJ  GEORGIA/ GEORGIE  Lasha CHELIDZE , General Representative of Georgia to the European Court of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice of Georgia, 30, Rustaveli Ave., 01-46, TBILISI  GERMANY/ ALLEMAGNE    Eberhard DESCH , Head of Division of International Law, Bundesministerium der Justiz, 11 015 BERLIN, Président de la CEPEJ / Chair of the CEPEJ  Matthias HEGER , Chef du Service de Procédure civile internationale, Ministère fédéral de la Justice, Mohrenstrasse 37, 10117 BERLIN 56  
  GREECE/ GRECE     Theodore APOSTOLOPOULOS , Membre de la Cour suprême de Grèce (Areios Pagos), 121 Alexandras Street  Areos Pagos - ATHENES - GREECE  HUNGARY/ HONGRI E  Gabor NAGY , Référendaire, Directeur du Bureau des Droits de lHomme à la Cour Suprême de Hongrie, Pf. 35, Legfelsöbb Búróság, 1363 BUDAPEST PF. 35  ICELAND/ ISLANDE : Excusé /Apologised    RELA / I I ND RLANDE  Ciaran KELLY , Principal Registrar High Court, Courts Service, Four Courts, 15-24 Phoenix Street North, Smithfield, DUBLIN 7  Iarflaith O'NEILL , Judge, the High Court, Four Courts, DUBLIN 7  David FENNEL, Expert, Departement of Justice, Shelbourne Road, DUBLIN 4  ITALY/ ITALIE    Mario REMUS , Magistrat à la Cour de cassation, Ministère de la Justice, Via ARENULA 70, 00186 ROME  Enzo MERIGGIOLA , Membre de la direction du Centre électronique dinformation, Cour de Cassation, Via Damiano Chiesa 24, 00136 ROME  LATVIA/ LETTONIE  Aija BRANTA , Judge, Supreme Court, 36 Brivibas Bulvaris, LV-1511 RIGA  LIECHTENSTEIN : Excusé / Apologised  LITHUANIA/ LITUANIE    Egidijus BIELIUNAS, Juge, Cour Suprême de Lituanie, Chambre criminelle, Lietuvos Auk č iausiasis teismas Gyn j g. 6, LT-2600 VILNIUS   LUXEMBOURG : Excusé / Apologised  / M  MALTA ALTE  Audrienne SPITERI-GONZI , Head of the Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR), ADR Liaison, Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs, Casa Leone, St Joseph High Road, St VENERA  57  
 MOLDOVA  Vitalie PARLOG, Head of the Government Agent and International Relations Department, Ministry of Justice, 31 August 1989 str., nr.82, MD-2012, CHISINAU, Tel: +373 2 23 48 67, Fax: +373 2 23 47 97, e-mail:   NETHERLANDS/ PAYS-BAS   Pim ALBERS , Senior Policy Advisor, Strategy Department for the Administration of Justice, Ministry of Justice, PO Box 20301, 2500 EH THE HAGUE  NORWAY/ NORVEGE   Steingrim BULL ,  Legal Adviser, Legislation Department, Ministry of Justice, Pb 8005 Dep, 0030 OSLO, Excusé / Apologised    Sissel ENDRESEN ,  Head of the Judicial Department, National Courts Administration, 7485 TRONDHEIM  POLAND/ POLOGNE   Tadeusz ERECINSKI , Professor of Law, President of the Supreme Court of Poland (Civil Chamber), Pl. Krasinskich 2/4/6, 00-951 WARSAW  PORTUGAL    Pedro DURO , Deputy Director, Legal and Planning Office, Ministry of Justice, Avenida Oscar Monteiro Torres 39, 1000 - 216 LISBONNE  ROMANIA/ ROUMANIE   Ion POPA , Director, Direction of Organisation, Human Resources and Judiciary Statistics, Ministry of Justice, Apolodor street, no.17, sector 5, BUCAREST  RUSSIA/ RUSSIE  Yury BERESTNEV , Directeur adjoint pour les questions de droit constitutionnel, Direction principale juridique du President de la Fédération de Russie (GGPU), 8/4, oulitsa Ilyinka, entr. 20, MOSCOW Centre, Administration du Président  Ivan VOLODIN , Deputy to the permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe, 75, allée de la Robertsau, STRASBOURG, FRANCE  SAN-MARINO/ SAINT MARIN : Excusé / Apologised   58  
 SLOVAK REPUBLIC/ REPUBLIQUE SLOVAQUE  Igor BELKO , Judge of the Supreme Court, Advisor of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice, upné nám. 13, 813 11 BRATISLAVA  SLOVENIA/ SLOVE NIE  Marko ORLI , Vice-President of the Supreme Court, Tav č arjeva 9, 1000 LJUBLJANA, Tel: +386 1 366 42 05, Fax: +386 1 300 53 18 e-mail:   SPAIN/ ESPAGNE : Excusé / Apologised  SWEDEN/ SUEDE    Johan SANGBORN , Legal Adviser, Division for Procedural Law and Court Issues, Ministry of Justice, Rosenbad 4, SE-103 33 STOCKHOLM, SWITZERLAND/ SUISSE    Frank SCHÜRMANN , Chef du service du droit de procédure pénale, Division principale du droit pénal et recours, Office Fédéral de la Justice, Département fédéral de Justice et Police, Taubenstrasse 16, CH-3003 BERNE   "THE FORMER YOUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA "/"L'EX-REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACEDOINE"   Nada PENOVA , State Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Dimitrie Cupovski 9, 1000 SKOPJE  TURKEY/ TURQUIE    Mehlika AYTAÇ , Head of the Department of International Law and Foreign Relationships, Ministry of Justice, Milli Müdafaa Cad. N° 22, ANKARA  Aydin Sefa AKAY, Legal Counsellor, 23, boulevard de lOrangerie, 67 000 Strasbourg  UKRAINE   Oleksiy PEREVEZENTSEV , Chief Advisor, International Law and International Organisations Division, Foreign Policy Directorate, Administration of the President, 11 Bankova Street, 1220 KIYV  UNITED KINGDOM/ ROYAUME-UNI    Edwin KILBY , Head of European Policy Unit, Department of Constitutional Affairs, Selborne House, 54-60 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QW   * * * * *       59  
  OBSERVERS / OBSERVATEURS  Odile GANGHOFER , Docteur en droit, 2 rue le Nôtre, Mission permanente du Saint-Siège, 67000 STRASBOURG, France  CANADA : Excusé / Apologised   JAPAN / JAPON  Itsuro TERADA, Director General, Judicial System Dept., Ministry of Justice, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, TOKYO, 100-8977 JAPAN  The Honorable Koichi KIGASAWA , Judge of Nagoya District Court  Naoyuki IWAI , Consul Général du Japon, Consulat Général du Japon, « Tour Europe », 20, Place des Halles, STRASBOURG, FRANCE  MEXICO / MEXIQUE  Carlos SALAZAR DIEZ DE SOLLANO , Observateur Permanent Adjoint auprès du Conseil de lEurope, Mission Permanente du Mexique, 8, Boulevard du Président Edwards, 67000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE    Michael TEIRNAN , Consul, American Consulate General, 15, avenue dAlsace, 67000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE        * * * * *  PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY/ ASSEMBLEE PARLEMENTAIRE   Kevin McNAMARA, Member of Parliament, LONDON SW1A OAA  COMITE DIRECTEUR POUR LES DROITS DE LHOMME (CDDH) / STEERING COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (C ) DDH  Renato FINOCCHI GHERSI , Substitute Procurator General, Court of Cassation, Corte di Cassazione  Procura generale, Piazza Cavour, 00100 Rome  EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS /  COUR EUROPENNE DES DROITS DE LHOMME  Lawrence EARLY , Deputy Section 2 Registrar, Registry, European Court of Human Rights/Greffier adjoint à la section 2, Greffe de la Cour européenne des droits de lhomme, 67075 STRASBOURG, FRANCE  EUROPEAN COMMITTEE ON LEGAL CO-OPERATION 60  
 COMITE EUROPEEN DE COOPERATION JURIDIQUE (CDCJ)  Excusé / Apologised  HAGUE CONFERENCE OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW/ CONFERENCE DE LA HAYE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL PRIVE  Hans VAN LOON , Secretary General, Hague Conference on Private International Law, Scheveningseweg 6, 2517 KT THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLRANDS  EUROPEAN COMMITTEE ON CRIME PROBLEMS /  COMITE EUROPEEN DES PROBLEMES CRIMINELS (CDPC) Excusé / Apologised   * * * * * *         CEPEJ-GT1 EXPERTS   FRANCE  Jean-Paul JEAN , Substitut général, Directeur de la Mission de recherche droit et justice, 247, rue Saint Honoré, 75042 PARIS cedex 01, Excusé / Apologised   ITALY/ITALIE  Fausto  DE  SANTIS , Directeur Général au sein du Bureau de lorganisation judiciaire, Ministère de la Justice, Via Arenula 70, 00100 ROME  THE NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS  Roland ESHUIS , Researcher of the WODC, Dutch ministry of Justice, WODC, (room: KO-316), PO box 20301, 2500 EH The Hague, The Netherlands  POLAND / POLOGNE  Beata Z. GRUSZCZY Ń SKA , Institute of Justice, Ministry of Justice, ul. Krakowskie Przedmie ś cie 25, 00-950 Warsaw  PORTUGA L  Maria Joao COSTA ,  Gabinete de Polítical Legislativa e Planeamento do Ministério da Justiça, Rua Óscar Monteiro Torres, 39, 1000  216 LISBOA  UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME UNI  
 Hazel GENN , Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, Faculty of Laws, University College London, Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, London WC1 0EG    Deirdre BOYLAN, Policy Officer, Department for Selborne House, 54-56 Victoria Street LONDON SW1  
    AUSTRIA/ AUTRICHE   Gabriela THOMA-TWAROCH , Richterin des Landesgerichtes, Präsidium des Landesgerichts für Zivilrechtssachen (LLGfZRS) Wien, Schwarzenberg Platz, 11, 1040 VIENNA  BULGARIA/BULGA RIE  Miroslava TODOROVA , Judge, Vice-Chair of Sofia Regional Court, 6, Dragan Tzankov Blvd., SOFIA  ITALY/ ITALIE   Marco FABRI , Senior Researcher, Istituto di Ricerca sui Sistemi Giudiziari (Research Institute on Judicial Systems), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council), Via Zamboni 26, 40126 BOLOGNA  NORWAY/ NORVEGE    Jon T. JOHNSEN , Professor in Law, Department of public law, University of Oslo, Postboks 6706 - St. Olavs plass, N-0160 OSLO  SWITZERLAND/SUISSE   Monique COSSALI SAUVAIN , Chef de la Division Projets et Méthode Législatifs, Office fédéral de la justice, Taubenstrasse 16, CH  3003 BERNE, Excusée/Apologised   UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME UNI  Helen REEVES , Director, Victims Support National Office, Cranmer House, 39 Brixton Road, GB-LONDON SW9 6DZ, Apologised /Excusée   
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