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Trust Fund Program Completion Report
May 2009
Poverty Reduction Cooperation Fund
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADF Asian Development Fund
ADTA Advisory Technical Assistance
BAN Bangladesh
CAM Cambodia
C-BIRD Cambodia Business Initiative for Rural Development
CPS country partnership strategy
CSP country strategy and program
CTL Controller’s Department
DEC Development Effectiveness Committee
DFID Department for International Development
DMC developing member country
DOR of Roads
EA executing agency
EPRS Enhanced Poverty Reduction Strategy
GDP gross domestic product
GIP Grassland Improvement Program
GMS Greater Mekong Subregion
IA implementing agency
Lao PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic
LGOP State Council Leading Group on Poverty Alleviation and Development
(People’s Republic of China)
LTSF Long-Term Strategic Framework
M&E monitoring and evaluation
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
MON Mongolia
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NEP Nepal
NGO nongovernment organization
NPRS Cooperation Fund in Support of the Formulation and Implementation of
National Poverty Reduction Strategies
OCO Office of the Cofinancing Operations
OED Operations Evaluation Department
OEM Operations Evaluation Mission
PFP Priority Forestry Programs
PPA poverty partnership agreement
PPTA project preparatory technical assistance
PRC People’s Republic of China
PRCM People’s Republic of China Resident Mission
PRF Poverty Reduction Cooperation Fund
PRF-PRC Poverty Reduction Cooperation Fund (People’s Republic of China
PRF-HQ Poverty Reduction Cooperation Fund (Regional Window)
PRS (ADB’s) Poverty Reduction Strategy
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
RETA regional technical assistance
RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands
RSDD Regional and Sustainable Development Department
SES special evaluation study
SOE statement of expenditure
SRISri Lanka
SSTA small-scale technical assistance
TA technical assistance
TAJ Tajikistan
TASF Technical Assistance Special Fund
TCR technical assistance completion report
TPR performance report
UK United Kingdom of Great Britain
UZB Uzbekistan
VIE Viet Nam
In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.
A. Background 2
B. Program Objectives and Scope 2
C. Eligibility 3
D. Approval Process 3
E. Fund Management 4
F. Coordination and Partnership
G. Reporting 5
H. Monitoring and Evaluation 5
A. Relevance of Design and Formulation 6
B. Portfolio 7
C. Outps 8
D. Disbursement 10
E. Schedule 11
F. Implementation Arrangements 12
G. Consultant Recruitment and Procurement 13
H. Performance of Consultants and Implementing Agents
I. e of Executing Agencies (EAs) and Implementing 15
Agencies (IAs)
J. Performance of the Asian Development Bank 15
K. Roles Played by Donor 17
A. Relevance 18
B. Effectiveness
C. Efficiency 18
D. Sustainability
E. Contributions of Projects to the Achievement of PRF Objectives 19
F. Overall Project Performance 21
A. Lessons Learned 24
B. Ways Forwad 25
1. Technical Assistance Projects Financed by the PRF and the PRF-PRC Regional
2. PRF Technical Assistance Projects by Sector
3. Main Outputs of PRF Technical Assistance Projects
4. Status of Grant Contribution and Expenditure of PRF
5. Cumulative Disbursements of PRF Technical Assistance Projects
6. Reasons for the Under-Utilization of Funds for Selected Projects
7. Implementation Duration and Variance of PRF Projects
8. PRF Technical Assistance Performance Assessment
9. Contribution of Projects to Overall PRF Objectives at Design and Completion
The Trust Fund Program Completion Report (the Report) of the Poverty Reduction Cooperation
Fund (PRF) is a comprehensive assessment from the strategic perspective of ADB as a fund
administrator. The Report was prepared by the Regional and Sustainable Development
Department (RSSD) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Office of
Cofinancing Operations (OCO) in compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding between
ADB and the Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom, the
donor of the PRF (2002, amended in 2006).
Background. With the adoption of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) in November 1999,
poverty reduction became ADB’s overarching goal. The PRF was established in July 2002 as a
multi-donor fund, with a commitment from DFID amounting to £30 million (about $45.7 million as
of 31 March 2009) for the Regional Window (PRF-HQ) and £9 million (about $14.7 million) for
the People’s Republic of China (PRF-PRC) window. In 2006, the PRF-PRC commitment was
reduced to £6 million (about $9.2 million as of 31 March 2009). Program duration was from July
2002 to March 2008.
Program Objectives and Scope. The Fund was designed to augment ADB’s efforts for
poverty reduction in Developing Member Countries (DMCs). It was meant to support selected
technical assistance and small-scale pilot investment projects generally ranging from $0.1 to
$1.0 million that could serve as good examples for broader ADB investments towards
refocusing its operations to be more poverty-oriented. The PRF had the following objectives: (i)
assist in policy dialogue and strategy formulation on poverty reduction; (ii) develop new
programs and projects with increased focus on poverty reduction; (iii) monitor and assess the
poverty reduction impact at the project, meso-, and macro-levels; (iv) launch pilot poverty
reduction activities to influence future loan design; (v) involve broader stakeholder consultations
at all stages of design and implementation; (vi) strengthen ADB’s role as the regional
development bank for Asia and the Pacific to promote poverty reduction; and (vii) perform other
activities as mutually agreed upon between DFID and ADB.
The PRF-PRC was a dedicated component that aimed to assist ADB and its ongoing loan and
TA programs in reducing poverty in PRC through activities that promote innovation and
Methodology. The Report is based largely on a desk review covering relevant documents of
the PRF Program and the 106 PRF-funded technical assistance (TA) projects. These included
TA papers, TA progress reports (TPRs), TA completion reports (TCRs), TA consultants’ reports,
PRF annual reports, notes on the semi-annual/annual strategy meetings of the PRF and NPRS,
and independent PRF evaluation reports prepared in the past.
The overall evaluation for relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability was based on
TCRs and the Special Evaluation Study (SES) conducted by the Operations Evaluation
Department (OED) in 2008. Where TCRs were not available, TAs were rated with the inputs and
concurrence of their respective Project Officers. These represent 94% of TAs under PRF-PRC
and 78% of the TAs under PRF-HQ.
The Report updates and builds upon key analysis and findings of the SES on ADB’s Poverty
Reduction Technical Assistance Trust Funds prepared by OED and the Final Report of the
PRF-funded Regional TA on Facilitating Knowledge Management for Pro-poor Policies and
Projects, including the case studies and thematic papers emanating from the latter. vi
Relevance of Program Design. The design of the program is considered highly relevant, as it
well matched the demand of DMCs and ADB at the time of program formulation. The program
design was flexible, allowing adjustments to changing circumstances and quick responses to
emerging issues during implementation.
In 2008, ADB made a strategic shift in its new long-term strategic framework of Strategy 2020.
However, experience and lessons from the PRF are directly relevant to the implementation of
Strategy 2020 in all its strategic agenda of inclusive growth, environmentally sustainable growth
and regional integration.
Program Costs. Of the total commitment by D