France refuge of Europe, homeland of The human being at first









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Excellent meeting from Mélenchon to Marseille*, third Marche
for the VIth Republic after those of the Solidarities and the
Bastille, "savor him, savor it… savor"… 50000 on the spot,
almost 20000 on the Internet ! Real explosion of audience
outdoor as indoor, maybe it is the candidate there who proposes
the most innovative politics with regard to the habits of the
economic and social system which has difficulty in convincing.
Propelled towards the emergence of a political strength about
which all his activists already know that they can count; the rest
will be obliged well to follow or to submit itself to the correctness
of the economic and social analyses which states the Left forehead
(front), still stimulated by a remarkable speech of humanist
philosophy where do not appoint only the beautiful words and the
beautiful expectations but also the inescapable (major) theory
which will succeed in arriving there. In warned thinker and in man
of experience (experiment), Jean-Luc Mélenchon fires aimlessly in
the weaknesses (faults) of a crisis "to advance the henceforth
opened breach"…
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17 avril 2012



France refuge of Europe, homeland of The human being at first
Excellent meeting from Mélenchon to Marseille*, third Marche for the VIth Republic after those of the Solidarities and the Bastille, "savor him, savor it savor" 50000 on the spot, almost 20000 on the Internet ! Real explosion of audience outdoor as indoor, maybe it is the candidate there who proposes the most innovative politics with regard to the habits of the economic and social system which has difficulty in convincing.
Propelled towards the emergence of a political strength about which all his activists already know that they can count; the rest will be obliged well to follow or to submit itself to the correctness of the economic and social analyses which states the Left forehead (front), still stimulated by a remarkable speech of humanist philosophy where do not appoint only the beautiful words and the beautiful expectations but also the inescapable (major) theory which will succeed in arriving there. In warned thinker and in man of experience (experiment), Jean-Luc Mélenchon fires aimlessly in the weaknesses (faults) of a crisis "to advance the henceforth opened breach" From providential man to tribune that it was presented he certainly became the most intelligent candidate. The convictions pulling(entailing) the persuasion he eventually gained (won) the respect for writings (editorial staffs) and be imperative (lead) there where the favorites (whiskers) laughed to see J-L Mélenchon lifting (raising) mountains. Oh ! Certainly, his ambition was rather towards (as for) the labor-union fights and the economic modifications to set to go out of the crisis but the expectations exceeding the forecasts of the prelude of departure, he however succeeded, during all his interventions, in sending back (dismissing) his opponents to their own illusions for which they hope that the system will maintain even for a long time
Never politician made more constant ascent during an election campaign and the progress followed in the polls (soundings)
would place him almost in favorite. It would not be so much usurped his speech of today was complete, of a really international and brotherly stature. Without leaving anything aside, or forgetting the difficulties, he faces brilliantly what always maintained him in head in the debate : a clear (net) advance on Socialist primaries that he had abandoned (given up) for a long time but of whom (which) it was necessary to be made in the idea and the irresistible link (merger) for an ecological attraction which makes him outstrip (anticipate) the future of a hair or a glasses So that things are clear between attacks led by Mrs Joly to Mélenchon taken for the caricature which the bad media still make of him, it is necessary to indicate to her all the same - quite as we could make it for Mrs Royal and the "green car" - that there will be no industrial advance (overhang) towards a green economy unless are modified the modes of management of the capitalism In other words that will a politics (policy) enough succeeded has to can force by laws the persons in charge of companies to make the necessary investments which can lead (drive) towards the industrial reconversion which call the ecological requirements of tomorrow for the environmental protection without dismissing inevitably in return of the salaried staff to bail out (to refloat) its capital.
The solid majority so hoped take shape and the outlines of the orientations are firmer and less flexible to the capitalism which, due to having been confined in its simple malleability will be, with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, called to put itself now in the service of the deficits to be swamped and with companies(societies) to be developed ! With François Hollande, just it will manage not to graze too much the big fortunes and to prolong a little the life, of thin time(weather), the most deprived which were struck by the austerity. The strength to convince who differentiates each of them living in their capacity to change the perspectives of the political organization ; the faculty (power) that least placed (well placed) both - but who the experience of files (cases) seized earlier than inexperienced presented by a PS which thought of not renewing
the errors of past -, will reach has to force the hand of the liberalism in escape(mare). To fall between two distributive modes so much to take the one who will requisition at most to share with the largest number ! No populations sacrificed to the names of hypothetical crises with the candidate of the Left forehead (front) Jean-Luc Mélenchon chosen by theCommunists, theLeft-wing party, theUnitarian Left, theFederation for a Social and ecological Alternative, theCommunist Party of the Workers o France,Republic and Socialism,Convergences and Alternatives; that proposals and solutions which allow all to live decently, a participative notion indispensable to this project of Revolution citizen who approaches and the certainty, in the evening of April 22nd, that it is necessary to be in front of the capitalism and its extreme right to face them and be capable of not being taken any more as being under its supervision (guardianship) but indeed in position to commit(hire) a left of social transformation (processing) capable of going beyond minimum social always so difficult to heighten. That the social pulls (entails) the economic and not the opposite ! If it was necessary to wait that the economic stimulates the social, we shall wait even for a long time !
The river went out of its bed ! ! ! Let us take the power ! !
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