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8627, Rue Marie-Anne-Gaboury, bureau 206 Edmonton (Alberta) T6C 3N1 Téléphone: (780) 462-0502, poste 4 Télécopieur: (780) 450-1253 Courriel: rafa@telus.net Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta Submitted by Mariette Rainville, Consultant Les entreprises Entre Nous Edmonton, AB marrain@telusplanet.net August 2004 Table of contents 1. Introduction and Background to the Study……………….………. 4 2. Methodology and Target Groups of the Study.…………………… 4-5 3. The “RAFA” 3.1. Its Vision……………….……………………………………….…………… 5 3.2. Its Mission……………………………………….…………. 5 3.3. Its Mandate………………………………………………………….……… 5 4. The Réseau Cent Gains (AB+) 4.1. Its Vision…………..……………………………………………….………. 6 4.2. Its Objectives………….…………………… 6 4.3. Its Clients…………………………………………….……. 6 5. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the Francophone Community Groups in Alberta…..…….…………… 6-10 Table 5.1. Overview of the Annual Artistic Programming…..………………………… 7-8 Table 5.2. Professional Services Desired in French…………………………………… 9 Table 5.3. Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA……………………. 10 6. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the Francophone Schools in Alberta…………………………………. 11-15 Table 6.1. Professional Services Desired in French ………….……………….……….. 11 Table 6.2. Artistic Training Desired in French ………………………………………... 12 Table 6.3. Francophone Arts and Culture in the School… ...
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 8627, Rue Marie-Anne-Gaboury, bureau 206 éépEdmonton (4A6lb2e-r0t5a0) 2T, 6pCo s3teN 41  T l hone: (780) Télécopieur: (780) 450-1253 Courriel: rafa@telus.net 
Submitted by  Mariette Rainville, Consultant Les entreprises Entre Nous Edmonton, AB marrain@telusplanet.net  August 2004
          Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta        
Table of contents1.  4Introduction and Background to the Study..
2. Methodology and Target Groups of the Study. 4-5
3. The RAFA 3.1. Its Vision..5 3.2. Its Mission..5 3.3. Its Mandate.5 
4. TheRéseau Cent Gains (AB+) 4.1. Its Vision....6 4.2. Its Objectives..6 4.3. Its Clients...6 
5. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the Francophone Community Groups in Alberta... 6-10 Table 5.1. Overview of the Annual Artistic Programming..7-8 Table 5.2. Professional Services Desired in French9 Table 5.3. Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA.10
6. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the Francophone Schools in Alberta. 11-15 Table 6.1. Professional Services Desired in French ....11 Table 6.2. Artistic Training Desired in French ...12 Table 6.3. Francophone Arts and Culture in the School.....13-14 Table 6.4. Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA.14-15 
7. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the French Immersion Schools in Alberta.. 15-21 Table 7.1. Overview of French Productions Presented in Schools..16 Table 7.2. Professional Services Desired in French 17 Table 7.3. Artistic Training Desired in French...18 Table 7.4. Examples of Francophone Arts and Culture Integration in the Classroom.........18-19 Table 7.5. Relevance of Integrating Francophone Arts and Culture ..19-20 Table 7.6. Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA.20-21  8. Dissemination of Francophone Performing Arts and the Anglophone Presenters in Alberta (Organisations and Agencies).. 22-24 Table 8.1. Information Relating to the Artistic Programming...22 Table 8.2. Information Relating to the Dissemination Cycle..23 Table 8.3. Desired Partnering with the RAFA...23
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 042
 9. Profiles of Networks of Francophone Presenters in Canadian Minority Environments... 24-26 9.1. Conseil culturel et artistique francophone de la Colombie-Britannique  (Francophone Cultural and Artistic Council of British Columbia)..  24-25 9.2. Réseau Atlantique de diffusion des arts de la scène(Atlantic Performing Arts Dissemination Network).25 9.3. Réseau Ontario(Ontario Network)25-26
10. Overview of the Annual Operating Costs of theRéseau Cent Gains (AB+)... 27
11.  28-30Recommendations and Suggestions for Strategic Action .
APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Annual Festivals and Events in Alberta that Offer Artistic and Cultural Programming in French.31 Appendix 2: Alberta Community and Educational Agencies and Organisations that have Returned the Questionnaire.......32-33                              
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 04
1. IntroductionThis feasibility study on the development of a network of Francophone performing arts presenters in Alberta was conducted by theRegroupement and background toartistique francophone de lAlberta(Francophone Artistic Assembly of Alberta),also known as the RAFA. the stud In May 2003, the members of the RAFA adopted the 2004-2009 five-year plan. This plan outlines the work to be accomplished in three areas: communication and coordination, funding and development assistance, representativeness and networking. In the area of communication and coordination, one of the priorities will be to coordinate and unite the efforts of stakeholders in the field of arts and culture in order to maximise the benefits. One of the main activities to achieve this result will be the implementation of a network of performing arts presenters. TheRéseau Cent Gains (AB+)was created in October 2003 and an official memorandum of understanding was developed to establish the structure and delimit the operation of the network. Thanks to the financial contribution of Arts Touring Alliance of Alberta, the RAFA launched this study in November 2003. The purpose of the study was to provide the network with a mechanism to strengthen its structure and provide guidance and stability throughout its developmental phase. We realise that some of the information collected will appear to fall outside the frame of reference of this study. However, since this study was the first consultation of the various communities of Alberta conducted by the RAFA since its creation in 2002, we felt it was appropriate to communicate all the information pertaining to the needs of the various stakeholders in matters of Francophone arts and culture collected for this study. This data will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors subsequently. Finally, the RAFA and the consultant who conducted this study would like to thank all the presenters and community and school stakeholders who have participated in the consultation prtohcaensks  tbhye  cSoenctrréibuting their time and expertise. We would also like to tariat francophone of Alberta Community Development for funding the English translation of this document.   The information and data contained in this document were obtained through questionnaires and telephone interviews. Given the target groups, the questionnaires were developed in both French and English. The method of distribution of the questionnaire was left to each target group. In the majority of cases, the questionnaire was sent by mail. Five days after the mailing, a copy was sent by Internet or fax. This allowed the stakeholders to complete the questionnaire either electronically or by hand. Target groups had the choice to return the questionnaire by mail, by Internet or by fax. To collect as many questionnaires as possible, two follow-ups, either by telephone or by email, were made with each of the target groups.
2. Methodology and target groups of the study
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 044
3. The RAFA
4. TheRéseau Cent Gains (AB+) 
The groups targeted by the study are:  Albertas Francophone communities groups  Albertas Francophone and French immersion schools  presenters of Alberta  member organisations and agenciesAnglophone of Arts Touring Alliance of Alberta (ATAA)  Francophone networks of presenters in Canadian minority environments  Created in February 2002, the RAFA is a non-profit provincial organisation incorporated as the official representative of Francophone organisations working in the field of arts and culture in Alberta.  3.1. Its Vision To unite Francophone organisations in order to further develop and advance the arts in Alberta, thereby contributing to the promotion of the various cultural expressions in the French language. 3.2. Its Mission To foster artistic development, mainly by promoting the union of the different Alberta organisations and stakeholders involved in the arts. 3.3. Its Mandate  To represent Francophone arts regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally.  To ensure artistic development by supporting creation, training, promotion and dissemination initiatives.  To act as an effective pressure group in expressing our positions and defending our jurisdictions by promoting the principle of equity with respect to Francophone representation.  To describe situations and ensure the follow-up to decisions taken by one group or another by transmitting the information to members.   TheRéseau Cent Gains (AB+)was established in October 2003 as the network of Francophone performing arts presenters in Alberta. At the same time, its structure was defined through an official memorandum of understanding and a working committee was established. At the May 2004 annual general meeting, members of the RAFA adopted a motion making the networks ad hoc committee a permanent committee of the organisation.  4.1. Its Vision To develop and establish a framework and create an environment conducive to the dissemination and long term maintenance of Francophone performing arts.  
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 045
5. Dissemination of Francophone performing arts and the Francophone community groups in Alberta
4.2. ITSOBJECTIVES  To promote collaboration between performing arts presenters and producers through regular meetings.  To ensure the long term dissemination of Albertas Francophone art products through modern communication links between performing arts presenters and producers.  of Albertas Francophone art products byTo ensure greater visibility adapting marketing approaches based on needs and making full use of the network.  To ensure the quality of dissemination infrastructures.  To foster the training and professional development of its members.  promote the development and education of Francophone audiences inTo Alberta.  foster a broader dissemination of Albertas Francophone artTo products.  4.3. Its Clients  Albertas Francophone and Francophile audiences  Canadas Francophone audiences  International Francophone audiences   The information collected from Francophone community organisations was aimed at identifying potential presenters. Therefore, in order to identify other organisations interested in producing a show during an event, the study purposely did not consult Francophone organisations that work exclusively in the field of arts and culture. A total of thirty eight (38) community organisations throughout the province were targeted for consultation. Fourteen (14) of these organisations, or 36.8%, completed the questionnaire (see Appendix 2 for a list of these organisations). The data collected was compiled into three categories and presented in tables. The tables content must be viewed as an overview of what the 14 organisations participating in the study produce and not an actual picture of what is being achieved across the province in the field of arts and culture. It is also important to keep in mind that out of the 14 organisations that responded, 10 present shows and artistic and cultural productions on an annual and regular basis through cultural activities. The three categories are: 5.1 Overview of the Annual Artistic Programming 5.2 Professional Services Desired in French 5.3 Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 046
Category Traditional/ethnic Tap dancing Modern 
Category Comedy Contemporary Monologue
Table 5.1 Overview of the annual artistic programming DANCE Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place a) Various presentations and concerts by the Variable dBancegorroupsVol-au-Vent,La Girandole, s d b) Regular performances by the individual associations or upon invitation to take part in annual and special events THEATRE Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place éâtr laVariable a) SVoacriiéotuésdpeltahyésâptrroedduec eCda lbgya ryUlannitdhlocale, groups b) The plays were presented in three different contexts: tours across the province, annual cultural events and during annual gatherings such asle Rond Point,le Colloque annuel de la FPFA(annual meeting of the Federation of Francophone Parents of Alberta) SChaobwas a nàds uccornertcegnirud stivitca suchies the  as a  anduannhol daliW syetnina rpS dring ne A play that toured the province. The play aimed at Variable raising awareness of the importance of French education for the children of exogamous families VISUAL ARTS Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place rtistic and craft displays during annual or special Variable A events VARIETY SHOWS Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place a)  and OctoberAnnual shows starring renowned March Francophone artists as part of theRendez-vous de la francophonieseries and the annual productionLe Rirewith Francophone artists and amateurs from Alberta b) Presentations by local artists during theRond Point Magic VariableShows aimed at youth within the school context Some regional chapters of the French Canadian Association of Alberta have shown an interest in producing comedy and magic shows.
Puppets Historical Amateur
Category Exhibition
Category Comedy
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 047
 MUSIC Category Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place o /Ra) Presentations featuring performers from times Various PTrapditioocnka l/Ethnic Québec along with Alberta artists during the year throughout events such asCoup de curand theRendez-Jazzvous de la francophonie Vocalb) Performances by Francophone musicians and Country/Western singers from Alberta and Western Canada and concerts by Albertas Francophone choirs c) During events such asCoup de cur,Cabane à sucre,aS-tnisttieanJeap-B,Festival de la Moisson,é Saint-JenaBseM lad ossoi;snal,  Sioér efacarieinvanaarCevihd l,r  de la Facult Sooéuspieer,Ftêcoanfre  -aetnitanranoil,l Poond taerbeniR int,Soirée de p OTHERS Category Type of presentation or production and event Time of year within which they take place Hosting/MCing  a)  and FridArtistic and cultural shows/performances at theCité francophones Ptite scène .ya s sy adrutaS b) Special activities such as afternoon cocktails, book launches, disc launches, etc. Activity anda)  BasedReading activities  storytelling time on to the date Workshop Leadershipb) Make-up and handicraft activities of the event c) Durinco-albertaine, JMoarcnhégé  edvee nNtosëslcu ,Jhoausr ée mnale ondivierudLF tê erfna, ur e internationale de lenfant,Colloque annuel  
                 Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 04
Table 5.2 Professional services desired in French Musica) Musicians to play ambience music during activities such as a wine and cheese during a symposium b) Offering music workshops for adults and students c) Francophone musicians d) Artists who will agree to a fee of less than $650 Songƒ Artists who will agree to a fee of less than $650 Dancea) Artists who will agree to a fee of less than $650 b) Dance workshops for children during an annual symposium Theatrea) Theatre workshops for the various regions b) Theatre workshops for children during an annual symposium Visual Artsƒ Artists to offer fine arts workshops for children and adults Othersa) Training workshops on planning and managing a marketing campaign for a cultural artistic event b) (musicians and comedians) from Alberta for a family-Francophone artists related artistic activity during an annual general meeting c) Using the RAFA to organize and coordinate the entertainment component of theRond Point music, theatre, etc. d) Hosts/MCs for specific cultural activities and events e) Artists for handicraft workshops for adults
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 04
Table 5.3 Anticipated partnering with the RAFA Partnering that coulda) Providing access to a directory of Francophone artists working benefit the communityin a variety of artistic disciplines, including classical music and groupsopera b) Providing support services to assist in identifying funding sources and completing grant applications c) Providing opportunities to share ideas and to network among member organisations of the RAFA d) Assisting in offering workshops for children e) Providing access to artists-in-residence projects f) Setting up a regional tour of Francophone artists g) Developing exchange mechanisms to disseminate information related to the profiles of Francophone artists and Francophone cultural and artistic events from Western Canada and Canada offered in Alberta h) Assuming responsibility for the organisation of a presentation/performance during theRond Point i) Sharing the expenses of artist travelling across the province j) Establishing various networking mechanisms k) In anticipation of the eventual establishment of a Francophone college, generating interest in the development of a credited training program in the field of arts and culture l) Assisting with advertising Partnering viewed asa) Implementing a database of Albertas Francophone artists and contributing to theupdating it on a regular basis success of Francophone artistsb) Organising an annual showcase and to Ftrheen icnhf lluaenngcuea goef c) Coordinating the workshops to be offered  cultural expressions ind) Ensuring a broad distribution of promotional material on Albertashowcase e) Creating a cinema and video promotion chain f) Creating an association for writers and script writers
 With respect to the community groups, the needs are numerous, varied and urgent. In addition to the matter of dissemination, a majority of the organisations who participated in the study have expressed the need for a number of support services and programs in the field of arts and culture.    
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 0410
6. Dissemination ofThirteen (13), or 52%, of the twenty five (25) Francophone schools in FrancophoneAlberta, completed the questionnaire. performing arts andThe data collected was compiled into four categories and presented in four the Francophonetables: schools in Alberta6.1 Professional Services Desired in French 6.2 Artistic Training Desired in French 6.3 Francophone Arts and Culture in the School 6.4 Anticipated Partnering with the RAFA   
Table 6.1 Professional services desired in French Musicƒ Interest in artistic performances in the school Songƒ Interest in artistic performances in the school Danceƒ Interest in artistic performances in the school Theatreƒ Interest in artistic performances in the school Literary Artsƒ Professional artists to assist with the artistic training of students Visual Artsƒ Professional artists to assist with the artistic training of students Note applicable toƒ Professional artists to assist with the artistic training of students. each of the theSince these artists will have ren,  artistic disciplinesabe  tleexo esprumyb tsnce on the childa d rice tnilfeuo  tngliil wbena dcn hF er lni wellvesemses th travel to the different regions Generala) Francophone music teachers comments b) Generally, schools have limited financial resources to provide services, to book performances and for other art-related initiatives. The amount of money that can be invested in such activities during the year varies from school to school. One of the 13 schools that responded to the questionnaire, a low enrolment school, did not have the ability to allocate a budget to the field of arts and culture. The other 12 schools reported that the average amount of money allotted to an artistic discipline ranged between $200 and $400 per year. Finally, in the case of some schools, the budget is administered by the school board
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Network of Francophone Performing Arts Presenters in Alberta  RAFA, August 0411
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