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Publié par
AGRI/ G4/ 2004
Novembre 2005
SIA Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment, Skolas street 10-8, Riga, LV 1010, Latvia
Evaluation of agri-environmental measures - Lithuania
IN THE COUNTRY................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Brief description of the agriculture in the country.......................................................................... 1
1.2 Brief description of the environment in agriculture ....................................................................... 4
1.3 Brief presentation of the AE system in the country ........................................................................ 9
1.3.1 Description of the historic of implementation of AEM ................................................................... 9
1.3.2 Description of the portfolio of AEM in the country (main objectives of the AEM, possible zoning
of intervention, etc.)...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.3 – List of the AEM .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.4 Level of development of the good agricultural practice documentation........................................ 12
1.4 The level of implementation of the measures................................................................................. 24
2. ANSWER TO EVALUATION QUESTIONS ............................................... 25
2.1 Preamble ........................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Interpretation of the questions for NMS and list of questions to be asked in the NMS to answer
the evaluation questions................................................................................................................................ 25
3. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 32
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 33
Annex 1: List of people met.......................................................................................................................... 33
Annex 2: Main bibliography identified in relation with the study including reports made prior to the
EU membership ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Annex 3: Sum-up of the main findings of scientific and technical studies available in the country
measuring the effects of AEM on the environment.............................................. Erreur ! Signet non défini.
Evaluation of agri-environmental measures - Lithuania
Table 1. Production, export and import of agricultural products in Lithuania (1995 –2000) ............ 2
Table 2. Main indexes of Lithuanian foreign trade of agricultural and food products, 1997-2003,
millions LTL .............................................................................................................................. 2
Table 3. Use mineral fertilisers (in active substance)......................................................................... 5
Table 4. Use of fertilizers (in active substance) ................................................................................. 5
Table 5. Use of mineral pesticides (active metter/ha) ........................................................................ 5
Table 6. Structure of water consumption, %......................................................................................6
Table 7. Amounts of pollutants discharged into surface water bodies (tons per year)....................... 7
Table 8. Support for the agri-environment measures in Lithuania (2004 – 2006)........................... 24
Figure 1. Structure of gross agricultural production in 2000 ............................................................. 1
Figure 2. Administration system scheme of agriculture..................................................................... 4
AE Agri-environment
AES Agri-environmental schemes
AEM Agri-environmental measures
BFTA Baltic Free Trade Agreement
CEFTA Central Europe Free Trade Association
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EU European Union
GAPC Good Agriculture Practice Code
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFP Good Farming Practice
ha hectar
HELCOM The Helsinki Commision, the governing body of the "Convention on the Protection of the
Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area"
Kg kilogram
km kilometer
LTL Lithanian national currency Litas
mg miligram
NAEP Lithuanian National Agri-environmental Programme
NMS New Member States
SAPARD Special Accession Programme for Agriculture & Rural Development
Evaluation of agri-environmental measures - Lithuania
1.1 Brief description of the agriculture in the country
The total territory of Lithuania is 65 300 km2 (6,5 million ha.) of which the agricultural area –
3961,1 thousand ha (arable land – 2925,8 thousand ha; gardens and berry plants 59,4 thousand ha;
meadows and natural pastures – 498,5 thousand ha; Permanent crops – 59 thousand ha).
Villagers and town dwellers in their small holdings grow up to 90 % of fruit and berries. Their
orchards are old and the yield from such orchards goes mainly for processing into concentrated
juice. Apples cover up to 80 % of fruit production.
Main suppliers of dessert fruit and berries are agricultural companies and specialised horticultural
farmer farms. Specialised agricultural companies have storage capacity able to contain 22 thousand
tonnes of fruit and vegetables.
The main part (95 %) of vegetables is produced by farmers and town dwellers in their small
holdings. Average vegetable production is 387,2 thousand tonnes per year. Carrots, white cabbage,
cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and red beet are the most important grown vegetables in Lithuania. )
1.1.1 Main categories of production
The structure of agricultural production has changed significantly during the recent decade. In 1990
livestock production constitutes the major part of the agricultural production (54.5 %), in 2000 crop
production took a leading position – 61.9 % of the agricultural production.
Figure 1. Structure of gross agricultural production in 2000
Structure of gross agricultural production in 2000
production, 1%
Potatoes, 13%
Grain , 28% Fruit and
vegetables, 9%
Fodder plants,
Eggs, 3% 6%
Milk, 18% Sugar beets, Rape, 1%
Meat, 18%
Agricultural production in Lithuania is quite diversified. It is characterized by the concentration of
some of the production to different parts of the country. It must be taken into account in the
development of agriculture and the processing of agricultural products as well as rural development
at local level. The main part of agricultural production is produced in family farms and household
farms – about 85 % of crop production and about 70 % of livestock production.
1 Evaluation of agri-environmental measures - Lithuania
1.1.2 Main agricultural product import and export trends
Agriculture remains as one of the main sector in the national economy. Agriculture and food
industry contribute substantial part of GDP. However, the share of the sector input in GDP
constantly declines as also declines the agricultural production. In 1998 the share of the sector
contribution made 14,5 % of GDP (agriculture – 9.4 %), in 1999 – 13 % (7.9 % of agriculture,
comparatively). In 2000 it declined to 12 % (6.9%).
Trade in agricultural and food products has a significant share in the structure of Lithuania’s
foreign trade. In 2000, Lithuania’s agricultural and food product exports accounted for 11.6 %
(LTL 1.8 billion) of the total value of Lithuanian exports, while imports accounted for 10.2 %
(LTL 2.22 billion). Traditionally, the Lithuanian food industry is a net exporter. In 2002
Lithuania’s milk production was 246 %, egg production 117 %, meat and grain production 100 %
of domestic consumption.
The main export markets for agricultural products are the European countries. In 2000 59.0 % of
exports of Lithuanian agricultural products went to the countries of the European Free Trade
Association (EFTA), the Central Europe Free Trade Association (CEFTA), and Baltic Free Trade
Agreement (BFTA), in comparison to 40 % in 1995. In 2000 the foreign results were improving to
compare with 1999 (the trade deficit was decreasing, and the export share to the EU countries was
In 2000 the dairy products accounted for the largest share (about o