What Makes a Great Place?In evaluating more than 1,500 public spaces and finally, it is a sociable place: one wherearound the world, Project for Public Spaces people meet each other and take people(PPS) has found that successful ones have when they come to visit. PPS developedfour key qualities: they are accessible; The Place Diagram as a tool to helppeople are engaged in activities there; the people in judging any place, good or bad:space is comfortable and has a good image;New Hampshire Department of Transportation Imagine that the center circle on the ria are a number of intuitive or qualitativediagram is a specific place that you know: aspects by which to judge a place; theThis exercise is intended to be used as a tool to evaluate howa street corner, a playground, a plaza next outer ring shows the quantitativewell streets and adjacent land uses are performing as Places,outside a building.You can evaluate that aspects that can be measured by statisticsand identify opportunities for enhancing them in the future.place according to four criteria in the red or research.ring. In the ring outside these main crite-©2006 Project for Public Spaces, Inc. The 'Place Audit' cannot be usedwithout formal, written permission from PPS. If permission is granted,full credit must be given to PPS on all written materials and in any verbaldescriptions of the game.www.pps.orgLOCATION: _____________________ C INTERVIEW (5 minutes)A EVALUATE THE PLACE (10 ...