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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

9Attachment A: Comments Received The following is a list of all comments received verbatim via comment forms, email and at stations during the Community Forum, including 15 comments received via web following the Forum and information recorded by participants on the flip charts at the Forum. Responses have been grouped by topic, where appropriate. Statements shown below followed by a “ ” are derived from flip charts available at stations during the Community Forum and reflect support from another meeting participant. Vision for Town Center Forum participants were asked to comment on the Task Force vision for Town Center – in particular, “what resonates for you?” Responses to this question included specific comments and suggestion about the vision in words, as described at the exhibit, and the vision as displayed in the design examples. Vision in Words • The vision is great • LFP is inclusive and progressive • Enlightened development • Town Center is accessible from all direction • Sidewalks for walking to the Center • Home, work and the Third Place is critical • Think about Lake Forest Park in 20 years… • Plan for demographics of 2015, 2020… not 2004 • Community centered, responsive, pro-active, celebratory • Family, community • Questions remain – what does “LFP is a model community” mean? What is the measure – how would we know that the “vision” is fulfilled? • Your vision forward – keeping community access to this site. • I love ...
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Attachment A: Comments Received The following is a list of all comments received verbatim via comment forms, email and at stations during the Community Forum, including 15 comments received via web following the Forum and information recorded by participants on th e flip charts at the Forum. Responses have been grouped by topic, where appropriate. Statements shown below followed by a “9” are derived from flip charts available at stations during the Community Forum and reflect support from another meeting participant. Vision for Town Center Forum participants were asked to comment on the Task Force vision for Town Center – in particular, “what resonates for you?” Responses to this quest ion included specific comments and suggestion about the vision in words, as described at the exhibit, and the vision as displayed in the design examples. Vision in Words The vision is great LFP is inclusive and progressive Enlightened development Town Center is accessible from all direction Sidewalks for walking to the Center Home, work and the Third Place is critical Think about Lake Forest Park in 20 years…  Plan for demographics of 2015, 2020… not 2004 Community centered, responsive, pro-active, celebratory Family, community  Whatdoes “LFP is a model community” mean? is the measure – how wouldQuestions remain – what we know that the “vision” is fulfilled? – keeping community access to this site.Your vision forward  (And I love “Town Center” without the “e” atI love the idea of the Town Center updated and vibrant. the end.) Good statement – “safe and walkable” Inviting gathering place – community center Safe and walkable hub  es;”“Safe and walkable hub for all ag onmental “heart of the city;” “envir stewardship;” “inviting gathering place;” “blends with community” I believe we can have a Town Center for everyone – from children to seniors. Accessible, comfortable scale, interesting and inviting – welcoming to residents and visitors alike.  vision for LFP. residents’Great work in considering the What resonates is recognition of LFP's special character as articulated in the last bullet point, which challenges designers and developers to feature environmental assets and demonstrate exemplary stewardship. Design Character and Feel – Open Space and Mixed Use Interior and exterior gathering areas, skylights, daylight the stream  Residential units, green space, improved crosswalks, trees throughout open pedestrian-friendly, spaces, stream landscaping on south side very nice. Housing, plaza/community space I like the idea of mixing residential and retail space; agree that it will be difficult to sustain the current over-balance of retail space. I very much encourage any plan which provides a central pedestrian-
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 6
oriented plaza; I would like to see something akin to European models where local residents have a place to meet and relax. I would like to minimize pavement and maximize green, which emphasizes the strength and interest of our existing community  style “square” incorporated, but limit units OldMulti-use design with redirected creek as visual focus. to 3-4 stories at most. 5 is too high. I like the concept of the housing combined with retail. A warm appeal to layout/design of center – as passing by from road and convenience once parked. I like Town Square (a plaza – no foot traffic) a main street with a plaza area.   many it will bring in to renters. This will reduce the multifamily;I don't think I would care for the quality of life in the surrounding areas. Due to th e need to fill the units, tenant screening will be lessened. I fear it will become unsafe for kids to us e the mall as they do now. I would not allow my children to go there with all the transient renters. What about the growth management act? Won’t the site be required to have a percentage of low in come units? That does not seem to be addressed anywhere. name change, 2) mixed use, 3) stream, 4) pedestrians, 5) where is the park and ride?1) I like example #1 with 4 buildings around the great creek running through and ample tile or pavers  providing walking areas. make the Town Center much more walkable.The need to  access to the center, also. Walking Pedestrian, civic spaces, unique retail, arts (small theatre)  and shopping, trees in the parking lot!Mix of residential  traffic flow. Better  amountCombining retail with a smallof housing, providing areas to shop, eat and visit. I like the mixed use/residential and opening the Center to the creek. Mix of residential/retail.  type shops surrounding. coffee/bakery#1 – open park and stream with small  portance,the City’s heart is of utmost imMaintaining this as  but don’t allow the retailers’ needs to be overshadowed. (FYI – respondent is an architect who used to design shopping centers – now, senior housing.)  open (not out of business) with good pedestrianA revitalized town center in which the shops are access throughout. Adding residential, plazas.  outdoor community space – civic spaces.Indoor and  of housing is intriguing. Idea 1) I’d like it to be sense of “small town” center that has a small scale village appearance. 2) How it is contextual with LFP so it is park-like with more open space, trees and plants and less paving and asphalt. The idea of creating more civic spaces; making the Town Center a more pedestrian friendly civic hub. Creating a stronger hub for the community.  and green space are great. TreesHousing is a good idea – multi-level above commercial is good.  Example #1, the Stream – the design and use of space, even if the stream is not relocated through the center. Design #2 – The Commons – don’t like the idea of moving stream. Specific Elements to Consider: Businesses, Transportation, Housing Daycare to attract new families Don’t forget the college Movie house?the post office – a full service post office!Don’t forget  (going throughout LFP)A LFP shuttle bus to the Cent er Don t forget the library – we want one here Commuter parking!!! to Burke Gilman Trail, e.g. pedestrian/bike overpassEasy access  Parking for bikes, trail will pull people to the Center Bring Lyon Creek through the middle of the center; make LFP Shopping Center a unique place
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 7
 prefer the development to be concentrated toward Bothell Way rather than IThe “stream” design. Ballinger where the counter-fr ontage is residential. the focus on community-scale – we don’t want  Keeplike the types of businesses you’re considering.I a crowd-infested mall. like the idea of including housing. My wife and I areA better use of space in the mall. I particularly soon to become empty-nesters in Sheridan Beach, an d, in spite of loving Lake Forest Park, we've seriously considering moving as we prepare for the next stage of our lives. I don't know how many times we've thought about the convenience of living in multi-family housing close to shopping and public transportation--and now we're bo th excited at the prospect of having that and staying here at the same time. General Comments  Nice designs. Task Force has done a great job. All of it. It has been nice to be able to contribute as a resident in the planning of this project.  NeedCertainly take more interest in what’s going on. present time I was very pleased to have what weI’ve enjoyed living in LFP area for 37 years and unt  il  used to have! are destroying an already "vibrant community center" for me, andWhat resonates for me is how you replacing it with a monstrosity that I will never visi t. I am feeling run out of my favorite community area. I DO NOT WANT MORE SHOPPING! We are overrun with shopping in America already, and I enjoy the ability to get out of it to some extent at the current commons. Looks like public appeasement. A lot of wished but to concentrate all the growth and commercial activity in just the Towne Centre will ju st make traffic, noise and light worse. costs (as specific as possible/reasonable) and whoIt’s not specific enough – give specific benefits and  should gain/pay them. This is total bull ***t.  The Task Force is wasting their time on “planning” changes for the Town Center. There are more important projects. Site Design Examples Community Forum participants were provided a set of specific elements featured in the three Site Design Examples and were asked to indicate which elements they preferred. In addition, participants were asked to comment on the desi gn character and scale. Comments are grouped specific to individual Site Design Examples and into categories that address the design character and scale; use of civic, open space and amenities; transportation and parking; pedestrian and bicycle choices; and housing. Comments Specific to Individual Site Design Examples Specific to Example #1 oExpensive oExcept for the south “street” – it could become a short cut. oif regulatory issues can be worked out.Would really prefer this oUnrealistic o Better tenants andExample #1 is a great concept to bring Lyon Creek through the retail core. customers. o WasteRe route stream as in Example 1. If of money to do it per Example #2. you’re going to do it, DO IT RIGHT! Make it a draw (focally). Vail, CO has done so excellently with a small river. o#1 seems optimal in terms of adding residential space and is consistent with the flavor of LFP o#1 has too much concrete/parking, don’t want the closed off appeal with parking surrounding center, would be nice if reside nts’ patios could face southw est with privacy and greenery.
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 8
Specific to Example #2 oMove the fence and daylight the creek oExcellent (public plaza) oBetter if oriented to City Hall (public plaza) oUnrealistic oNo (covered open space) oPractically speaking, I prefer #2: would prefer maximal exposure to creek, lot of people see it. Since creek likely cannot be moved (as in #1), would daylight creek (near subway shop) and include water feature(s) in galleria and town square. o#2 looks the most appealing. oI like the middle option best. (option #2) Specific to Example #3 oNot as good configuration oToo much surface parking in plan 3 – too much parking near Bothell. The road on the south side of the center that flanks property would become an alternate route for too many drivers – use speed bumps and/or limit to commercial suppliers. o WherePut the streams in Example #3. is the Park and Ride? ois too much the standard parking garage of mall.Example #3  and 2 have more character #1 (although they might be more expensive to build). #2 seems good compromise between attractive features and commercial return. Design Character and Scale of Site Design Examples Strong businesses face to Bothell Way in the Commons for a while to one that is flashy. style”  “into me – rather a design that will stayLooks good Graduated size of structures and scale is human – doesn’t dwarf “us.” y housing with open areas typical of the forest canopy and streamCombination of retail and high densit side vegetation – very attractive. Like terraced apartments above shopping  Likehow can we best take advantage of Lake Washington views?5 story residential is too high, rerouting stream but would like design #3 to include this feature, still like the idea of a pedestrian/bike overpass, like outdoor public space and stage.  turn some pave d more parking st ructures,Way too many housing units. Use areas into landscaped parks. Don’t build too high. Two to three stor ies is the limit! DON’T OVERDEVELOP THIS PARCEL! Like the emphasis on green9 Combination of designs 1 and 39Design options without housing address a diverse population What I would like to see emphasized – is/are environmentally sensitive building processes. “Green development.” plans zoning can affect such as setbacks that can push blocks of buildings around the site.Look at (There’s a drawing of the site that shows “housing (quiet)” on the north side of the property and “retail get money from non-residents” on the south side.) Don’t like the housing concentration in the Towne Center – spread it along the two highways.   is hard to imagine a mall youOverall – I like the scale, fee. We don’t need another mega mall. It can’t wander around in you car. In our designs people park and walk – a good goal. The buildings can go higher.for inside space and variety of eating like the Third Place open concept  I venues. Density is good. broken up with kiosks, landscape islands. The sea of parking should be Bring the buildings closer to the street with open space behind.  TheThe open air plaza is very appealing. residential and pedestrian amenities are important. Not tall 5+ story buildings
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 9
 am a little concerned about adding additional housing.Open space with the shops. I  favor indoor space (like ThirdOverall, multi-family housing built over retail space is a good idea. I Place), but some open space is good as well. Am somewhat apprehensive of height – 4 or 5 stories seems hugely out of scale. They all work to some degree.  Important toCommons seems to work best for keeping the large existing retail focused to Bothell Way. remain viable. Three stories would work, five would not. Pacific Place would not fit in LFP. to use the space for shops, housing, option is  erDesign with stream is beautiful, but I think the bett public space and make good connections to the nearby parks – encourage ventures around city and into neighborhoods with attractive connections. I like the multiple stories of residential with retail below – go as high as possible for greater density. Integrated housing should be good. Pedestrian orientation – e.g. traffic calming.   open space, particularly green space IncludingScale seems reasonable, except sea of parking in #3. will help soften scale. Prioritize pedestrian use as much as possible.  office and retail and buLike #1 and 2 – but keep residential up by Windermere siness in separate area and by public spaces. I don’t like a lo t of retail under residential – hous ing, to be desirable needs to be quiet.  Surround building 2-3 stories ONLY – no tallCentral steam and park serving as a commons. buildings. ground level – taller structures would create a visual wallAnything higher than 3 stories about (disconnecting) Beautiful job! One Community Forum participant drew a map of their preferred design for the site. The drawing shows “improved pedestrian access” from the south west into the site; “improved entry (auto/bike/ped)” from the south; “creek/green space” along the south edge of th e site connected to an “improved walkway” heading to the eastern border of the site. North of the creek is a “mixed use” area with “plaza or parking” to the east and further east a “monumental building.” North of the mixed use area is an “open street” connecting to the northernmost port of the site which shows more “mixed use.” This example included several comments:  and re-use wh at’sWhy tear down and rebuild? Adapt here to look and work like a traditional “downtown.” Double-loaded, parallel parking, structured parking within or under new buildings. Use of Civic/Open Space and Amenities  Water feature and/or public art. Planters and colorful flower baskets. Green – trees, landscaping Like the creek meandering Like commons areas both inside and out 1) Prefer example #1 with creek through quad9 2) Would be wiling to have buildings go (“Yes!!”); higher9; 3) Would like good walking space with pavers in quad and open design spaces; 4) like concept of re-routing Lyon Creek through quad; 5) buildings with shops on ground floor and residential above99Too many trees.  BallingerStreetscape along Bothell Way and Way should be inviting I like open space – inside and out. Pedestrian and Bicycle Choices  Maybe a footbridge over the stream could help.Better pedestrian access from the south is needed. Also, at least a crosswalk on Brookside is needed. People do a lot of walking in the Sheridan neighborhood and would like to exte nd the walk to the Town Center. Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 10
 More walking space – brick path within the retail buildings What about LARGE bike parking area? Transportation and Parking  sea of parking AParking lot along Bothell Way in EVERY option – should have explored more options. will NOT bring customers to businesses: which equals income for LFP. Don’t overbuild! Parking structures, with green spaces to compensate, are better than paving it all. More options need to be explored to move retail to street front/housing at west/north end of the lot. A traffic nightmare!  traffic for  bileall the apartment residents – specifically, ingressHow will you take care of the automo and egress. Business and Services for the Site Albertsons; 2) Pedestrian Improvements both within the center and on1) PCC: I buy almost nothing at feeder roads; 3) Farmers Market and delivery of monthly/bimonthly fresh produce to consumers; 4) High quality gardening store in addition to bird store. Whole Foods Market, cafes, fine(r) dining Retail and Business Activity Forum participants were asked to describe the pro ducts or services they would expect to buy at Town Center. Responses to this question mirro red the tally taken at both Community Forum #2 and #3, included following the comments.  foods (stores and restaurants), entertainment, books,(Not in any particular order) personal, household, garden, hardware, health providers  birds, bike shop, toys,book store, good restaurants with current menus. WildGroceries, drug store, post office, community center, banking/professional offices. Food bicycle needs, restaurants (breakfast, dinner ethnic), bicycle parking, parking for and senior , services. Library, groceries, book store, post office, florist, clothing, gifts, drug store, commons, community college, art movie theater (small scale), restaurants (like those now at the Commons), ice cream, coffee store, gardening store. Everything that supports homes – food, services, restaurants, pub, movie rentals for kids, medical, dental, banking. Make sure that suitable spaces are available for large retailers, like grocery, Third Place, etc. Food items, books, coffee/tea, artisans/fine and craft Clothes, shoes light (small) hardware, sewing, grocery, food (deli), video, music and specialty shops, education Grocery store, good quality family restaurant, video, coffee shop, small ethnic restaurant, middle class department store, Hallmark store, cleaners, bank, health clinic. Groceries, restaurants, library, video, gifts, everything – prefer staying very local.  day goods to supportGroceries, drugs, books, food (restaurant), some spec ialty shops, but mostly ev ery community, having Shoreline Community College is a great bonus! Keep it on site. restaurant meals, relaxed meeting place (like a coffeeGroceries, cloths, books and periodicals, videos, house or pub). Trader Joe’s style grocery, cafes, restaurants, drug store. dry cleaners, drug store, small boutique shops, libraryGroceries,  list, high quality membership and local farmer delivery to etOrganic food a la PCC, farmers mark gardening center, bird supplies (nature preserves) Groceries, toys Groceries, food, wine, toys – things for kids to do and buy Bookstore, jewelry, drug store, bread, Hallmark, grocery, library, all basics and others like hardware
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 11
Groceries, wine, environmental (“Wild Bi rd”), bank, move rentals, drug store Bicycles and repair, wine and cheese (perhaps like Pasta & Co.) and other deli items Medical, dress shop, family restaurant We most often use Third Place, Baskin Robbins, Albertsons, cleaners, Rite Aid, library, video store – rarely camera store and rare ly upper level wing stores Personally, I would like to see Trader Joes. This is an upscale community – it needs an upscale grocery and Albertson’s doesn’t cut it. I never shop there, but go to Whole Foods, Central Market and Ballinger Thriftway. High quality/organic groceries, restaurant, coffee shop (independent), movie theater, bike shop Post office, drug store, groceries, apparel, clothing, department store type, fabrics and crafts, gifts, hardware, restaurant, doctors Food, beauty salon, clothing, fabric store, Christian bookstore, ice cream parlor, gift shop, bakery, café, department store, post office Restaurants, clothing stores, a decent grocery store Food – specialty and other, restaurants, limited medical, fitness center, liquor store, books Grocery, drug store items, books, music, coffee, food, library Books, groceries (if there were a high-end grocery store and/or a Trader Joes), drug store items, video rental, post office Books, good quality groceries, sundries, hardware/g arden, dining (better quality than current), post office, library Personally, my family would spend money at grocery store, card shop, internet café, copy center, book store, quality (not fast food) restaurant, pub, family dining Whole foods (health foods), drug store stuff, post office, videos, BECU ATM, cafés Groceries, books, café/food, dry cleaners, deli, drug store, gifts/cards, stationary, bakery Something similar to the retail and University Village but is also convenient like Green Lake and that will attract pedestrians from Burke-Gilman Trail I would like to buy groceries (don’t care for current Al bertsons), garden supplies, books, baby goods. I want a good sample of “the basics” and some specialty stores Pretty much the same mix as now groceries and services. Would like to add business services (like Kinko’s) and a more formal restaurant Groceries, books, drug store, restaurants, bakery, banking Groceries, specialty groceries, books, restaurant meals, all products and services geared to families one-stop shopping and services Groceries, sundries, books, coffee and baked goods, dry cleaning, full service restaurants Groceries, fine dining, espresso, hardware, bird food, specialty foods (bakery, pasta), garden shop Rent movies, micro brew pub, art house theatre, groceries (higher quality than Albertsons), medicines, books, family dining, specialty hard ware and gifts (such as City People’s Hardware), keep library and post office and bank Groceries, library, pharmacy, household goods, clothing Groceries, restaurant – services – cleaners, small retail Clothing, groceries, copy center (ex. Kinko’s), library, post office, book store, restaurant/brew pub Bakery, jewelry, restaurants, post office, library, gifts, drug store Groceries, hardware, gifts, books. Definitely the library and book store – very essential as centers for gathering and vibrant sources of knowledge and information. Groceries, would prefer another market – whole foods or thrift way or summer farmers like Lake City Market; a good (not fine) restaurant, books (TPB is great), bank, post office, baked goods (Great Harvest), pub/bar, cleaners, and a library (most important thing) Groceries, book store, bakery, specialty food, hardware Premium grocery, books and newsstand, post office, yard and home improvement, restaurant, live music, college classes, multiple restaurants, espresso.I expect to only buy food at a VERY reasonable price, from independent vendors, not franchise chains. I despise the idea of destroying what is currently in place, including the loss/relocation of my eye doctor, just so you can put in some new restaurant s and shops. I would rather see you renovate the
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 12
current structure a bit and make it more appealing for businesses to enter. Clearly, the problem is not location, but current management and lack of vision.  k we have some nice options now. I’d rather notFor years, folks have been asking for music. I thin devolve to having all the “mall standards” – what we offer is unique. More of the same could be encouraged. store library bank groceries fine restaurants (especially Thai, Mexican) small theater akin to crestBook coffee shop college classes small garden shop dentist/doctor/psychiatrist toy store fitness center drug store videos (but remember; in long run, will not have video stores as downloads and mail video services come to predominate) that are mentioned in one of the PDFs. If we could keep FirstThe day-to-day products and services Place Books, Albertsons, Rite-Aid, Baskin and Robbins , Starbucks, the post office and library, the dry cleaners, Papa Murphy's, the restaurants in the food court, and then add a café , a Silver Platters, and a more upscale restaurant or twoKeep retail income in LFP99 Day care City Peoples Re-evaluate housing zoning Drive through coffee/Starbucks Not enough variety of stores to come down to Town Center99Need bicycle store99Need a decent grocery store9999 Need a wine and cheese shop 9999 Outdoor café9Decent restaurants99Organic grocery99Trader Joe’s9(“Yes!”) (“PCC”; “Whole Foods”) Hardware store Non-chain stores All good ideas!9zip code would help us keep our sales tax (“Good”) (“Good idea!)LFP 99I miss the good old says when I didn’t have to go out of LFP to buy my needs or wants! Commuter parking to accommodate all the shopping signage to advertise businesses that ARE here. Town Center residential development could spare us from lot size zoning change contemplated in the Comp Plan under discussion Get Albertson’s to “partner” with high-end deli; organic outlet? Drugstore grocery and small hardware store, clothing store, hobby shop
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action
UPDATED September 2, 2004 Page 13
"not cor orate"; "think Cit eo le's" "Art Gallery" 3; "Sculptures in Plaza" - 1 -"Brewery" - 7 "(like Curves)" "Bird Store" - 3; "natural" - 1
Community Shopping Preferences: Which of these products or services would you buy? Response Response Forum #2 Forum #3 Product/Service(4/29/04) (7/15/04)Comments - 4/29 Groceries (Premium) 62 25 "50% or anic"; "or anic"; "wine sho /bar - 5"; "Farmer's Market" - 7; "Central Market" Drug Stores 51 24 "not Rite Aid" - 2; "Bartell's" Books 49 23 "Librar " - 4 Banking Services 48 26 Café 43 22 Baked Goods 41 19 Fine Dining 37 18 Movie Rentals 36 21 Gardening 34 20 Casual Dinin /Famil Restaurant 33 22 Ice Cream Store (Specialty) 32 11 Hardware 30 24 Arts and Crafts 25 10 Galleries 22 6 Music 22 5 Pubs/Bars 21 9 To s 21 8 Athletic Club 19 6 Kitchen Su lies 19 9 "Bike Shop/Repair" 18 19 Pet su lies 18 9 Flowers 17 7 Bouti ues 16 3 "Post Office" 16 29 Stationery 15 7 Fast Food Restaurants 11 4 Travel Agent 11 1 Clothes - Women's 10 5 Department Stores 10 12 Photo ra h 10 6 Sporting Goods 10 5 Beaut Salon/Nail Studio 9 5 Clothes - Kid's 9 2 Movie Theatres 9 7 Clothes - Men's 7 3 Groceries (Bulk) 7 5 Im ort Stores 7 2 Office/Computer Supplies 6 7 Bath and Bod Products 5 6 "Gifts" 5 6 Jewelr 5 0 Shoes 5 4 Household Appliances 3 1 Kids Clothes 3 1 Automotive/Boating Supplies 1 0 "Commons Theatre - Peformin Arts" 1 19 Furniture 0
"The Fly Fishermen" - 1
"Home furnishings" - 4
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action
UPDATED September 2, 2004 Page 14
Housing at Town Center Community Forum participants were asked to comment on the housing configurations at Town Center, as shown in the Site Design Examples. Responses included generally positive statements about mixed use, added stories and higher density options, with several concerns about the height shown relative to the fit with the cu rrent community character and parking in some examples.  plan for increasedDesign  Mustoptions address a diverse population and emerging needs of citizens. density. High density – good parking for at least two cars for unitFive storage building, absolute must - must include   and flats, owned and rental townhouseProvide mix of single use and mixed use, Residential units above shops seem like a good idea, particularly for seniors, as well as separate village of cottages.  covered security parking (basement) for residents. MaintainFive story buildings too high. Incorporate and even enhance “feel” of LFP An open commons area inside important as well  tIt would be great for seniors to have apartments nonecessarily assisted living just a place to call home! Love housing addition – five floors ok. I like retail on ground floor and housing above. like it to be above retail.I think housing is a good idea, would 1. keep scale in proportion to neighborhood 2. balconies with view of greenery (not parking) 3. below ground or hidden parking High rise up to 10 stories, adequate parking and traffic control Condos for yuppie crowd  e auto free shopping/housing zones, separatePlease dampen sound of Albertson’s box crushers, creat hurried drivers from pedestrian zones. Park and ride? I was expecting fewer than the numbers in the designs. I don’t have a good feel of configuration from the designs so far. Would have to be good so und proofing and ways to maintain privacy. rise fine with shopping on ground or under housing, some indoor gym area for recreation in longHigh winters Like small footstep and as many trees as possible Needed to make the center financially viable  suitable for families with children beMultifamily housing design must also LFP needs affordable and senior housing up housing rather than large structures (townhouses preferable). HousingBreak  that opens to the street that is pedestrian oriented. Balance of owner and rental Interesting some day I  like the various levels of building heights Imay be ready for a condo in LFP. shown. Please do not over load Town Center with five story building  The trafficIt would depend on the amount of tenants, i.e. seni or housing vs. multi-family housing. would be an issue. seems rather high from an aesthetic viewFive stories All designs are pleasing with height restriction. height with good design could be Moderating accomplished.  be managed well with intelligent designs. dabout height but sense that coulSome concern horrible five story apartments like Lake City.Just do not build the  units are too many .Five stories is too high. 250 3-4 stories would be okay with 150-175 units maximum. I am concerned about “transient” rental population changing the character of the heart of the city (which LFP mall is right now). Prefer mostly condos and upscale rentals would be okay. Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 15
 Let’sLess is better.try to turn this into Belltown. keep the LFP feeling and not I like the  heightmixed use buildings – also with some units will have lake views. Patios facing away from plaza/open space unless majority of residents are older minus children. 1) Pretty, 2) attractive, good use of existing features, good amount of development (visible), 3) most developed, but least interesting. Seems that existing configuration very poor, marginalizes many small stores, access difficult.  I feel #2 is better for the Althoughsuffer by the sea of north parking – not hospitable.#1 and #2 economic life of Town Center, #3 addresses housing more nicely by using more structured parking and adding green space.  think concentrating on IComfortable apartments or condos in all price ranges sound appealing. affordable to mid-range would work best.  lity) – very few rentalsMulti-story condos (high qua Condos – no rentals Some above businesses, some in conventional apartments, some in townhouses (row houses), height limits – vary from 35-65 feet Multi-story housing – no more than 3 stories – on upper level Do we need housing at the Town Center? Logical to have up by Windermere office or where existing houses are by Fire Station The city should put energy into “real” needs I think housing  do not like the idea of replacing the current PUBLIC Ihas no place at "Town Center". common area with a private living area for only a few families. This would be a completely uncomfortable and unattractive place for me to ever visit, and I will not do so.   I would prefer condo's withI do not care for the Lake City look that permeates all of the designs. owner NOT renters. The reason people want to move to LFP is the single family residences, large lots, privacy, and the quality of life including few renters I thought all three  toplans had merit, but I was drawn the first example (The Stream). I hope you'll consider a variety of sizes and floor plans (as well as providing for disabled access).Apartments for seniors who are independent. Would like to see apartments above businesses with a plaza including trees. An example, such as the Uwajimaya market and apartments in Downtown Seattle, could be desirable. Noise from Bothell Way could be a problem for apartment dwellers unless soundproofing is installed.Transportation Asked to comment on the topic of parking and traffic at Town Center, Community Forum participants included specific comments with regard to these issues at Town Center in its current configuration and as shown in the Site Design Examples. Traffic Issues  of the designsRecognize and offer choice to draw people in. Minimize the need for a vehicle. All mitigate current traffic frustrations. Our worse problems need better ingress and aggress at SE edge to Bothell. a pedestrian Need crossover (or underpass) probably need to condemn a property to really fix problem. will always be a problem when we grow. WeTraffic  senior community within cannot go back. A walking distance will be a lesser impact on traffic. I hope we can solve the traffic better that develop certain times of day. I don’t feel afraid walking Also in current parking lots – unlike many malls. We need to keep that feel. onto Ballinger is an ordeal during peak hours.  gWith the current configuration exitin Parking must be poorly configured currently since it always seems to be have crowded than the numbers say. We must be careful not to make short outs that bring through traffic into the Center. Commuter parking is also an issue that needs to be addressed.
Sustaining a Livable Lake Forest Park: The Future of Our Town Center UPDATED September 2, 2004 Summary Community Forum #3: Turning Vision Into Action Page 16
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