EE ddii ttoorriiaall IInntteelllliiggeennccee aannnnoouunnccteehsse winners of Th e C omment Awards 20a1t0 RIBA, London. w w w . w ww . ed it or stLondon, 2 1October 2010. Editorial Intelligence, the media, analysis and wnoertking business (, has announced the winners of The Comment Awards 2010, celebrating the work of the finest print oanldin e commentators and tehir editors over the past year t–h e second of their kind in the UK following tahueg uinral Comment Awards in 2009. The winners of the 13 caoteriges, and the Chair’s Choice awa, rwdere announced over a champagne breakfast at RIBA, London this morning firnont ofo ver 200 guests including the shortlisted candidates, category judges and a ploertah of opinion formers across media, polit ics, business, academia and public life. The ceremony was hosted by socicaol mmentator and ei associate Peter York and attedn dbey Chair of the Jugdes Baroness Helena Kennedy Q.C Category judges included Diane Abbott M,P Shadow Minister for Public Hea;lt hGreg Hands MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellofr tohe Exchequer; Sir John Hegarty, Chairm anaanndd WWoorrllddwwiiddee DDiirreeccttoorr ooff BBaarrttllee BBooggllee HHeeggaarrttyy;; iiddDD aaRRvvoowwaann,, EEddiittoorr,, iWWred UK;; NNiiggeell MMccNNeellllyy ,, MD, Opus Corporate Finance anLLduu kkee SSyyssoonn,, HHeeaaddo f ...