MDCS Group Survey on Research in Communication








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MDCS Group Survey on Research in Communication. 1. Geographical scope. You will already know that this survey is being launched in Spain, in various ...
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MDCS Group Survey on Research in Communication
1. Geographical scope.
You will already know that this survey is being launched in Spain, in various European countries and in Latin America. Press the box corresponding to the geographical area that your University of origin belongs to.
Rest of Europe
Latin America
2. Press the corresponding country option
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Luxemburg Mexico
Panama Peru Poland Portugal
Puerto Rico
United Kingdom
Dominican Republic Romania Salvador, El Sweden
Uruguay Venezuela Others
3. Write the complete name of your University in the box below
4. Institutional integration of your research activity Show the alternatives for academic integration of the research activity in communication and / or information in which you are integrated as a researcher, by clicking on the box which corresponds best.  Research activity arising from personal initiative Team research on specific projects  Consolidated group research which forms teams for specific projects  
 Research managed by specialized Centres or Institutes  Other
5. Institutional denomination. Write in the name by which your research team, group or centre is known.
1. Dominant framework of your research activity. Indicate if your research activity corresponds to a long term framework (for instance, research programmes), or to a medium term framework (for instance, specific lines of research) or to a short term framework (for instance, specific research projects), choosing the option which best corresponds.
The research is set within long term Research Programmes   The research is within a framework of concrete lines of research The research is within a framework of specific project stages  
2. Briefly describe the research framework chosen in the previous answer
3. Dominant type of research
 Basic research with public funding  Basic research with private funding  g Basic research with mixed fundin  Applied research with public funding
Applied research with private funding Applied research with mixed funding Basic research without funding Applied research without funding
4. Scale of institutional participation in your research activity. Choose the category which best corresponds to the course of your research in the last 5 years
Exam subject practical work level University Department level Faculty Interdepartmental Level University Interfaculty Level National Interuniversity Level International Interuniversity Level Other (e.g. advisory work, expert witnesses, etc.)
5. Number of researchers participating permanently in your projects
One to three researchers Four to seven researchers Eight to twelve researchers More than twelve researchers
6. Show the number of permanent researchers per project by gender and age range, choosing one square for each category (N/A = "Not applicable")
From 31 to 45 Male Less than 30 years old Female Less than 30 years old Male Over 60 Male From 46 to 60 Female
From 46 to 60 Male From 31 to 45 Female Over 60 Female
7. Dominant academic origin of the researchers in your projects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A                                                                                         
Show the alternative you consider appropriate on the academic origin which dominates in the researchers  Professional background dominates  Educational background in linguistics dominates  Educational background in philosophy dominates  Educational background in psychology dominates  Educational background in anthropology dominates Educational background in sociology dominates  Educational background in social communication dominates   Educational background in engineering dominates  Other types of educational background dominate
8. Time spent on research / teaching. Choose the most frequent option in your case
 earch, w niversity teaching Full time res ithout u Full time research, with university teaching   Part time research, without university teaching
 ch, with univers y hing Part time resear it teac
9. Responsibilities taken on in the research activity in which you have participated in the last five years  Generally as Chief Researcher  Generally as member of a research team  ng As a researcher in traini As an external collaborator  
10. Qualification required for the research activity in which you are currently participating.  Academic doctoral degree (PhD)  deg ee Academic Master's r  Academic Bachelor's degree (Graduate)  Other
11. Achievements pursued in your main research activity in the last five years. Choose only the most appropriate option for the case.
Learning for access to a higher qualification dominates Researcher training dominates Fulfilment of academic commitments at this level dominates Achievement of economic resources dominates Fulfilment of institutional commitments dominates Execution of projects for the advance of knowledge dominates
1. Main objectives of your Research. Choose the most appropriate for your case
 Descriptive (e.g. choice of dimensions for a subject of study)  Explanatory (e.g. to relate features of an object in order to propose models)  Evaluation (e.g. to validate research models and subjects of study)  Intervention (e.g. to follow models to change social behaviour or processes)
2. Topic profiles in your research activity according to the scope set by the topic sections of the main supranational research associations, starting with the ICA (International Communication Association)
Communication and Technology
Communication Law and Policy Ethnicity and Race in Communication
Feminist Scholarship
Global Communication and Social Change Health Communication
Information Systems Instructional/Developmental Communication Intercultural Communication Interpersonal Communication Journalism Studies Language and Social Interaction Mass Communication Organizational Communication Philosophy of Communication Political Communication Popular Communication Public Relations
Visual Communication Studies
3. Topic profiles in your research activity according to the scope set by the topic sections of the main supranational research associations, following with the IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) Audience   Communication Policy and Technology  Community Communication  ging Emer Scholars Network  Gender and Communication  istory H  International Communication  Journalism Research and Education Law   Media and Sport  Media Education Research  Mediated Communication, Public Opinion and Society  Participatory Communication Research  Political Communication Research  my Political Econo
4. Topic profiles in your research activity according to the scope set by the topic sections of the main supranational research associations, now focusing on the ALAIC (Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación ? Latin American Association of Communication Research Scholars)
Comunicación Intercultural Economía Política de las Comunicaciones
Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas Estudios de Recepción Comunicación para el Cambio Social
Comunicación Política y Medios Ética y Derecho de Comunicación Estudios sobre Periodismo Comunicación Publicitaria
Folkomunicación Comunicación y Ciudad Historia de la Comunicación Comunicación y Educación Internet y Sociedad de la Información y Cibercultura Comunicación y Estudios Socioculturales Comunicación Popular, Comunitaria y Ciudadana Comunicación y Salud Medios de Comunicación, Niños y Adolescentes Comunicación Tecnología y Desarrollo Discurso y Comunicación Telenovela y Ficción Seriada
Teoría y Metodología de la Investigación en Comunicación
5. Topic profiles in your research activity according to the scope set by the topic sections of the main supranational research associations, now focusing on the ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) Audience and Reception Studies  Communication and Democracy  Communication Law and Policy   iaspora, grati D Mi on and the Media  Digital Culture and Communication  Film Studies Gender and Communication   International and Intercultural Communication  Journalism Studies  g ategic Communication Or anisational and Str  losophy of Communication Phi  Political Communication  Radio Research  Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Science and Environment Communication  Communication History   Television Studies
6. Assign your main research activity in the last five years to one of the Topic Sections of the national Associations to which you normally address yourself in your country; write on separate lines, the name of the association and the title of the topic section chosen
7. Indicate your opinion regarding to the relevance of the corresponding lists of topic sections in the above scientific associations, taking into consideration the profile of your current research
IAMCR ICA National Association ECREA
Onl Not VeryQuitetslighytlyrelevant relevant relevan relevant at all                     
8. Give three key words which describe your main line of research, which it is supposed has been assigned to the topic sections of the associations mentioned above
1. Most frequent methodological field of the research project(s) adjusted to the line which you previously described through its key words Research on a natural field (e.g. study of social practices)   Research on an experimental field (e.g. test for advertising spot try-out)  Research on a documentary field (e.g. discourse analysis)  Research/action on a field (e.g. participatory action, clinical therapies, etc.) Other  
2. Most recurring situations for the preparation and register of data in the research project(s) adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words Construction and register of data by observation techniques   uction a gister of data by conversation techniques with individuals and groups Constr nd re  Construction and register of data by survey techniques Construction and register of data by experiment techniques   Construction and register of data by documentary and/or discourse analysis techniques
3. Techniques most used for data treatment in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words  Analysis techniques for quantitative data  Analysis techniques for qualitative data Mixed technique for data analysis  
4. Write in the name of the IT tools for data register and treatment which are most used in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words
5. Main methodological guarantees and controls which you adopt in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words(Theoretical Control)
Falsify of Theories Method Validity Technique Reliability
Yes No     
6. Main methodological guarantees and controls which you adopt in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words(Empirical Control)
Falsify of Theories Method Validity Technique Reliability
Yes No
1. Dominant subjects of study in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words Choose the alternative closest to the case  rpersona dominates Inte l Communication  oup minates Gr Communication do  Organizational Communication dominates  Educational Communication dominates Mass Communication dominates   Other application dominates
2. Dominating disciplinary paradigms in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words. Show the alternative which is closest to the case, considering Communication as subject of study object
 Psychology and Social Psychology dominate  Linguistics and Semiotics dominate  Anthropology and Ethnography dominate  Philosophy dominates  gy a Sociolo nd Politics dominate  The educational perspective dominates  A historic perspective dominates  An interdisciplinary vision dominates, without depending on paradigms  st of pa g s A communicational vision dominates over the re radi m
3. Dominant theoretical models in the research project/s adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words. Show the alternative which is closest to the case Behaviorist models dominate  Functionalist models dominate   Structuralist models dominate  gica Phenomenolo l models dominate  Systemic models dominate  Critical models dominate  Informational models dominate Constructivist models dominate   No predominant theoretical model
1. Show the number of publications, in the last 5 years, according to types of diffusion for knowledge transfer
Congresses and Conferences
Books and monographs
Articles in scientific journals
Teaching manuals
Doctoral Theses
Patents and Royalties
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A
2. Indicate the three journals which in your opinion are most suitable for the research project(s) adjusted to the line which you previously described through the key words. Please write each reply option on a separate line
1. Interest in results of Survey
 y interested in receiving the results I am onl  I am interested in receiving the results and attending the Symposium
 I am only interested in attending the Symposium
2. E-mail address for further contact
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