Caris Life Sciences Launches Caris Target Now™ Select for NSCLC, Melanoma, and Cancers of the Breast, Colon, and Ovary PR Newswire IRVING, Texas, June 26, 2012 - Enhanced Molecular Profiling Service Now Includes More Biomarker Analysis Options, Faster Turnaround Time, and Clinical Trial Matching IRVING, Texas, June 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/-- Caris Life Sciences®, a leading biosciences company focused on enabling precise and personalized healthcare through molecular profiling and blood-based diagnostic services, today announced the launch of Caris Target Now™ Select, an advanced, evidence- based molecular profiling service for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), melanoma, and cancers of the breast, colon and ovary. In addition, the company has enhanced the original Caris Target Now comprehensive molecular profiling service offering for all solid tumors. "This latest effort by Caris is another significant step in what I call health improvement, while at the same time fulfilling on the promise of personalized medicine," said David D. Halbert, Chairman and CEO, Caris Life Sciences. "With these enhancements, we believe we can prolong the lives of patients and improve outcomes, while also lowering costs to the healthcare system." Caris Target Now Select incorporates updated, evidence-based technology platforms to determine the genomic information unique to a patient's tumor based on the presence of relevant biomarkers.