II If, Tn 8 1.'3;~d ~3INDIAN CHILD WELFARE PROGRAM·CONTENTSHearings: pageCOMMITTEE ON INTERIOR.AND INSULAR AFFAIRS April 8, 1974____________________________________________________ 1 9, 1974 - __ _____ _________________ ______ 1.59HENRY M. JACKSON, Washington, Oha,'rmanALAN BIBLE, NevadaFRANK CHURCH, Idaho PAUL J. FANNIN, ArizonaMONDAY, APRIL 8, 1974LEE METCALF, Montana CLIFFORD P. HANSEN, WyomingJ. BENNETT JOHNSTON, JR., Louisiana MARK O. HATFIELD, OregonSTATEMENTSJAMES ABOUREZK, South Dakota JAlIiES L. BUCKLEY, New YorkFLOYD K. HASKELL, Colorado JAMES A. MCCLURE, Idaho Abourezk, Hon, James, a U.S. Senator from the State of South Dakota__GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin DEWEY F. BARTLETT, Oklahoma Bergman, Dr. Robert, accompanied by Dr. George Goldstein, IndianHealth Service, Gallup, N. Mex, ______________ ______________ ___ 128HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, OhioBrennan, Jere, Superintendent, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Fort TottenJERRY T. VERKLER, Stat! Director Agency, Fort Totten, N. Dak 134,139WILLIAM J. VAN NESS, Ohie! Oounsel Byler, William, executive director, Association on American Indian Affairs;HARRISON LOESCH, Minority accompanied by Bert Hirsch, staff attorney_________________________ 3,14Cook, Leon F., department of Indian work, Minneapolis, Minn_________ 145DeCoteau, Cheryl, Sisseton, S. Dak__________________________________ 65Fournier, Mrs. Alex, Fort Totten, N. Dak _ _ _ 51cSUBCOMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRSHirsch, Bertram, staff attorney, ...