The translation in english of the opinion article « Sois « Bêl » et tais-toi! »: Be « Bêl » and shut up ! By Abdel Aziz Hali We had to wait until summer 2015 to see the international community finally realize the horror that the Syrian people are undergoing every day since that 15th March 2011. For almost five years, the Syrian are experiencing daily the horror of the civil war as well as the terror of the jihadist groups. Between the hammer of Daesh and the anvil of the Levant branch of Al Qaeda (Al Nosra Front, Ahrar al-Sham, etc.) the ethnic patchwork of Syria smashed to bits pushing Christians and other minorities to flee the country so as to escape the massacres made by the Islamic State and the shelling of the regime and its Russian ally. It was not until seeing the surging wave of refugees reaching Europe that we recalled the archived images of the 1930s, when Jews fled the Nazi persecution and were scattered across the European roads in order to escape a certain death . The parallel between the Jewish Holocaust and the Syrian drama is quietly startling especially through their despair and struggles for survival, the Jewish refugees of the early 20th century and the Syrians today owe their salvation to the commitment of the European democrats. The European press has realized the extent of the Syrian tragedy only after the shock that the photo of a drown toddler (with a red shirt and blue pants, face against the ground, dead provoked.