FEANTSA proposal – December 2005 FEANTSA proposal for Urban Audit 2006 Definition of homelessness for the collection of urban-level data on the number and profile of homeless people in 300 European cities Context of proposal The Urban audit currently collects information on the number of homeless people in order to create an indicator: number of homeless people/total resident population. The current definition to be debated and adopted around mid-December (by an Urban audit taskforce) can be found in the Urban Audit Methodological Handbook (p.24) at the following link: http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-BD-04-002/EN/KS-BD-04-002-EN.PDF There are currently 8 categories: (a) outdoors; (b) in buildings which do not meet commonly agreed criteria for human habitation (e.g. privacy;hygiene; space); (c) in night-time emergency hostel accommodation provided by public sector or charitable organisations; (d) in longer-stay hostels provided by public sector or charitable organisations (e.g. non-emergency centres, refuges for battered women, deportation centres for asylum seekers and illegal immigrants); (e) in Bed & Breakfast accommodation; (f) in other short-stay accommodation (duration less than 1 month); (g) in the homes of friends or relatives; (h) in registered squats; FEANTSA, the European federation of national organisations working with the homeless, (European network financed by DG EMPL of ...