Reliable Resources Tutorial Guide: Medical Marijuana In this tutorial you will be considering a biology-related question and the various sources of information that you might consult to find out more about the topic. The goal is to find RELIABLE ation, and that may be more difficult than you might think. This tutorial was constructed by seven professional biologists to help you get started. For the tutorial, use the text below as a guide. Before continuing with this tutorial, be sure you have read the Guide to Reliable Resouces at: After doing that, come back here to continue. Instructions As you read this tutorial guide, you’ll be asked to open PDF files (found on Blackboard in the Assignments section), read those files, and then return to the guide. The PDF files are simply copies of real webpages, so the links in the pages will not work. While reading the PDF files, look for bright green comment boxes (small green arrows should appear at the top and/or bottom of the page, indicating there are more boxes above or below your current position in the file). When you see a box, run your mouse over the box to display comments about the page you are reading and instructions (in some cases the text is longer than the box - double click on the box to open it completely). Keep an eye out for yellow highlighted text (run the mouse over it or click on it for definitions) and yellow link ...