4MINUTE OF MEETING of the POLICYAND AUDIT COMMITTEE held withinthe Council Chambers, Greenfield,rdAlloa, on THURSDAY 23SEPTEMBER 2004.PRESENT Councillor George Matchett(Vice-Convener)Councillor Donald BalsillieCouncillor Keith BrownCouncillor Alastair CampbellCouncillor Bobby McGill (S)Councillor Margaret PatersonProvost Derek Stewart (S)Councillor Reverend Sam OvensIN ATTENDANCE Keir Bloomer, Chief ExecutiveGarry Dallas, Director ofDevelopment and EnvironmentalServicesDave Jones, Director of Services toPeopleJeni Graham, Director of CorporateDevelopmentStewart Hutton, Performance ReviewManagerMuir Wilson, Head of FinanceGordon Stewart, Head of PropertyServicesJohn Gillespie, Head of Housing,Property and Benefit AdviceAPOLOGIES for absence were received from Councillor Janet Cadenhead,Councillor Brian Fearon, Councillor William Calder and Councillor HelenMcGregor. Councillor McGill attended as substitute for Councillor Fearon,Councillor Stewart attended as substitute for Councillor Calder.*****In the Convener’s absence, Vice Convener, Councillor Matchett took the Chairand wished Councillor Cadenhead a speedy recovery.*****Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Councillor Matchett intimated thatCouncillor Brown’s Question to the Convener would be taken immediately afterItem One on the Agenda.*****5The Committee noted that the Draft Statement of Accounts for 2003/04 wasexpected to be included on the Agenda for today’s ...