13.4 correspondence MH 10/4/06 3:48 PM Page 868CORRESPONDENCE NATURE|Vol 440|13 April 2006A more severe and insidious threat to Total Wellbeing diet can “contribute toIndustry: policing the scientific integrity is when governments link reducing obesity in Australia” is hype, notresearch funding to industry involvement, science. The diet is not a more viable option‘dark side’ of ecology or when universities hire people with a than current dietary recommendations.SIR — I commend your News Feature “Caught background in commercial cut-and-thrust Recent cohort and laboratory studies between shores” (Nature 440, 144–145; 2006), rather than academic ethical practice. (T. Norat et al. J. Natl Cancer Inst. 97, 906–916;highlighting the rift between academic and What to do? As a scientist, you can keep 2005, and M. H. Lewin et al. Cancer Res. 66,corporate ecology. I fully support your call your independence if you are cautious with 1859–1865; 2006) also highlight the potentialfor a higher standard of ecological science unsolicited commercial contacts and careful increased risk of colorectal cancer with a to regulate business activities and defend the with contracts, and if you have no dependents, high intake of red and processed meat —environment. However, considering that so you can ignore threats — whether both prominent in the CSIRO diet. Add theenvirotal issues are gaining global and financial, legal or worse. You can keep your high financial and ecological ...