MSHA - FedReg E9-9945 - Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;








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19986 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 82/Thursday, April 30, 2009/Notices under standard PRA clearance funds and Recovery Act funds. States WIA title 1B programs, and in National procedures. will report aggregate counts on those Emergency Grants, on a quarterly basis, The OMB is particularly interested in participants who are low-income, those beginning with the 3rd quarter of comments which: receiving Temporary Assistance to Program Year 2009, which ends on • Evaluate whether the proposed Needy Families and other public March 31, 2010. The first deadline for collection of information is necessary assistance, the number of UI claimants, the required quarterly submission will for the proper performance of the Veterans, and individuals with be May 15, 2010. This start date gives functions of the agency, including disabilities, numbers in training and States sufficient time to adjust their whether the information will have type of training, and numbers receiving management information systems. practical utility; Why are we requesting Emergency supportive services. • Evaluate the accuracy of the • For WIA Dislocated Workers, States Processing? The supplemental reports agency’s estimate of the burden of the will report aggregate counts of all and quarterly collection of WIA proposed collection of information, participants, including those whose individual records allows ETA to services are funded with regular WIA overcome the limitations imposed by including the ...
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Federal Register / Notices April 30, 2009 / Thursday, 74, No. 82/ Vol.
under standard PRA clearance funds and Recovery Act funds. States WIA title 1B programs, and in National procedures. will report aggregate counts on those Emergency Grants, on a quarterly basis, The OMB is particularly interested in participants who are low-income, those beginning with the 3rd quarter of comments which: receiving Temporary Assistance to Program Year 2009, which ends on  March Families and other public 31, 2010. The first deadline for NeedyEvaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary assistance, the number of UI claimants, the required quarterly submission will for the proper performance of the Veterans, and individuals with be May 15, 2010. This start date gives functions of the agency, including disabilities, numbers in training and States sufficient time to adjust their type of training, and numbers receiving management information systems. whether the information will have practical utility; supportive services.Why are we requesting Emergency Evaluate the accuracy of theFor WIA Dislocated Workers,StatesProcessing?The supplemental reports agency’s estimate of the burden of the will report aggregate counts ofalland quarterly collection of WIA proposed collection of information, participants, including those whose individual records allows ETA to including the validity of the services are funded with regular WIA overcome the limitations imposed by methodology and assumptions used; Dislocated Worker formula funds and current outcome based performance  requirements. This collection reporting Act funds. States will reportEnhance the quality, utility, and Recovery clarify of the information to be the number of UI claimants, Veterans, comprises a participant and collected; and and individuals with disabilities, performance reporting strategy that will  a more robust, ‘‘real time’’ view in training and type of provideMinimize the burden of the numbers collection of information on those who training, and numbers receiving of the impact of the Recovery Act funds, are to respond, including through the supportive services. providing greater information on levels use of appropriate automated,For National Emergency Grants,of program participation, and provide electronic, mechanical, or otherfinanced with Recovery Act Funds Only,more information about the technological collection techniques or States will report aggregate counts of characterist a other forms of information technology, participants, including the number of UI served, and itchse  otfy tphees  poaf rstiecrivpicenst s e.g., provided. The approval of this request claimants, Veterans, and individualspermitting electronic submissions of responses. awnitdh t ydipsea boifl titriaes, numnbedr sn iunm tbreaining is nfeocremssaanrcye to allow ETA to report AGENCY:Employment and Training ining, a rs Administration. receiving supportive services. ipmermediately  aocnc tohuen tefafbeicltiitvy ei nufsoer omf ation Title of Collection:CollectingFor WIA Youth, served withRecovery Act funds already received by Aggregate Participant Counts forRbee csolivgehrtyl yAdcti ffFeurnendts.  OStnaltye,l il wrtetaor wgnitroSpece akfories.genc phehrt W  ttrio osmtnslel iewporey hlremos rteliated  d Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title IB, Wagner-Peyser Act, National yagogurehgate cociupnatns tos,f  ianllc lRuedcionvge trhy eA ct ianvfaoilrambaltei ownh oilne  itnhdeiyv iadreu aplasr twicililp batei ng in Emergency Grants, and Reemployment charta ctpearritsitics of particththe programs. There is also significant  Services Grants. ipants, e OMB Control Number: added by obtaining quarterly value of participants in summerPending. numbers Frequency of Collection: individual records from State workforceMonthly employment, services received, collection. attainment of a work readiness skill, Affected Public:agencihichwrequ is o S ttaorkfte W ecrobus ylresnoissimrsFi. esrtua qt,i fn e,myliAt ntocreovaymrRveicdoe thper o ei nt ii rmeodr Agencies. and completion of summer youth respond to the oversight needs of Total Estimated Number ofemployment. States will also continue Congress and other Federal/ Governors, Respondents:dn  .45 Total Estimated Annual Burdenauq retrraluAIW h ed ntae ge hrtesunoe itbmtuoyla Hours:u dnret ehW AI e nutionesicrvsey yna c ohw hts, iportdingnclua lernnau stroper ylhtnomr fos urho2 471,4blpu. iccoSe, ndg larte stakeholders Satwis teta llsylana yS dna sim mo froimelre tiwllTE Afetib ne and 573,160 hours for quarterly year-round youth program. have access to more regular updates on WIASRD reports. ere Wa Description:The American RecoveryFor th gn -Peyser Actre rt and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (TheEmployment Service,i norofnicititapdewiar pnaontier sd,veipoill w sest atSon amati Recovery Act) was signed into law by noun tmhbee rn ouf mUbnere omf pploarytimcepnta Inntssurance  Dwaerlrli na sAe.mKipnlgo,yment and training trends. President Obama on February 17, 2009. (UI) claimants served, and the type ofDepartmental Clearance Officer. To record the impact of the Recovery services received. States will be[FR Doc. E9–9872 Filed 4–29–09; 8:45 am] Act resources, more current information required to submit supplemental reportsBILLING CODE 4510–FN–P on participants and the services of aggregate counts of all participants received is essential. Therefore, to whose services are financed with obtain a more robust look at participants u and services provided with the rfeugndlsa ra nWda gRnecero-vPeeryys eArc tA fcut nfdors m(iu.el.a,  DEPARTMENT OF LABOR additional Recovery Act resources, the o Employment and Training REemepmlyment Service and  Mine Safety and Health Administration Administration (ETA) proposesFoprl otyhem eWnatgSneerrv-iPceeyss).erormationosed Infoi neRuqC loeltcporPfod teitbmSut es cilbuP r supplemental reports. Under these newReemployment Services Grants,StatesComment and Recommendations; supplemental reports, States are will report on the same data elements required to submit information that that are collected for the Wagner-PeyserUnderground Retorts States already collect; however, the Act Employment Service report, with supplemental reports are required to be one additional data element:referral toACTION:Notice. submitted, including WIA-funded training.SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as For WIA Adult,States will report part of its continuing effort to reduce In addition to these aggregate monthly aggregate counts ofall paperwork and respondent burdenparticipants, reports, ETA proposes that States including those whose services are submit the WIA individual records conducts a pre-clearance consultation funded with regular WIA Adult formula (WIASRD) onallparticipants in the program to provide the general public
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Federal Register/ Vol. 74, No. 82 / Thursday, April 30, 2009 / Notices
and Federal agencies with anEvaluate the accuracy of theDEPARTMENT OF LABOR opportunity to comment on proposed agency’s estimate of the burden of the and/or continuing collections of proposed collection of information,Mine Safety and Health Administration information in accordance with the including the validity of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 methodology and assumptions used;S tseuqedettimbuub Por fc lioropes dnIofmrtaion Collection RP (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. ThisEnh program helps to ensure that requested ance the quality, utility, andn data can be provided in the desired ccloallrietcyt eodf ; tahne di nformation to be a dne tmmneeRocons;datiund  GroanPl ntCol rommCo format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, coinimiM bhe tzeofn deurl eht  noitcelitnoo foi fnrowho n those ACTION:Notice. collection instruments are clearly ma understood, and the impact of collection uarsee  toof  raepspproonpdr,i aitnec lauudtoinmga ttherdo, ugh the ppSaaUprMe tMroAwf RitoYsr:k e educto rnoederpsna d cos  troffe gniunitne DepartThaLob,ra emtno  ftnb rued n requirements on respondents can be electronic, mechanical, or other conducts a pre-clearance consultation properly assessed. technological collection techniques or he ublic Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is soliciting other forms of information technology, program to proevnicdie t genaenr al p comments concerning the extension ofe.fgr.,e orppo ttynituga l htiw seanderad Fessoisn psnoelectronic submirepttim gnisno follcotiecnutig in/droc noopes dnat on proo commen the information collection related to the o ses. 30 CFR Section 57.22401; Underground A copy of the proposed information information in accordance with the Retorts. collection request can be obtained by Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 DATES: [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This (PRA95) the employee listed in the contactingSubmit comments on or before June 29, 2009.ADDRESSES program helps to ensure that requestedsection of this notice, or ADDRESSES: can be provided in the desired on the Internet by accessing the dataSend comments to, Debbie viewed Ferraro, Management Services Division,wMwSHw.Amhshoame p/)nage (hdttspel:/e/c gnitR selu & fromat, reporting bd ane im(tn deurruoser laicnanifmizemini is ces),d 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, Regs’’, and.tghovars  cale rustntmelrae y nF endnRigt coilcoteilnsecle Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters e eg. are encouraged to send their comments Docs’’. On the next screen, select understood, and the impact of collection on computer disk, or via e-mail to StPaatepemrewnotrk t oR evdieuwct idoonc uAcmt eSnutsp porting rperqoupierrelmy eansstse sosne dr.e spondents can be Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV. Ms. Ferraro can be reached at (202) 693–9821 supporting theFederal RegisterNotice.DATES:Submit comments on or before (voice), or (202) 693–9801 (facsimile).III. Current ActionsJune 29, 2009. Because of potential delays in receiptADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie and processing of mail, respondents are This request for information contains Ferraro, Management Services Division, strongly encouraged to submit provisions whereby mine operators can 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, comments electronically to ensure maintain compliance with the Arlington, VA 22209–3939. Commenters timely receipt. We cannot guarantee that regulations and assure the safety of are encouraged to send their comments comments mailed will be received miners where underground retorts are on computer disk, or via E-mail to before the comment closing date. used.ibbeD.orarreF V.GOL.DOe@Ms. Ferraro FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Type of Review: be reached at (202) 693–9821Extension. can Contact the employee listed in theAgency:01 (facsimile). eBacsu efop tonefeSa atyoiM(v)e, cien ro  h202(H9 6d n)t8l9ae3el dalti rins ay tpiece ADDRESSES Administration.section of this notice. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Title:bmit ed to suneocrugartnolg yg ofssinl, r maidRn nteesueoodpnerresr gsUtad n. tsoraecorp dn I. BackgroundOMB Number: electronically to ensure1219–0096. comments This regulation pertains to the safetyFrequency:tnOo ccsaion. received e  bllwid leai mstnemmoc taht eerant guannote ca.tW ecpi yermile requirements to be followed by the mine operators in the use of undergroundAffifte.cted Public:Business or other for-FbOefRorFeU RthTeH EcRoImNFmOeRnMtAcTlIoOsNinCgOdNaTtAe.C T:The retorts to extract oil from shale by heat pro or fire. Prior to ignition of retorts, theRespondents: listed in the1. employeeADDRESSES mine operator must submit a writtenTotal Burden Hours: of this notice.160 hours. section plan indicating the acceptable levels of combustible gases and oxygen;Total Burden Cost (capital/startup):SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: specifications and location of off-gas $0.T otal Burden Cost (operating/I.EBaacckhgorpoeurnatdo r of a surface coal mine monitoring procedures and equipment; procedures for ignition of retorts andmaintaining):$0. is required under 30 CFR 77.1000 to details of area monitoring and alarm Comments submitted in response to epsltaanb ltihsaht  aisn cd ofnosllisotwe nat  gwriotuh npdr ucodnetnrto l systems for hazardous gases and actions this notice will be summarized and/or to be taken to assure safety of miners. included in the request for Office of engineering design and which will II. Desired Focus of Commentse tyn thaenda go baMsa eralsnehp .sT  atarts fo ep pp avaroofl he tnemena tuB dtegdensure safe wroikgnc noiditno MSHA is particularly interested in information collection request; they will comments that: also become a matter of public record. eaxnpde actnegdle t oo f bhei egnhcwoaullnst earnedd ,s tphoei l hbeaignhkts , Evaluate whether the proposedDated at Arlington, Virginia, this 24th day collection of information is necessaryof April 2009.sudeb  eht ea  tequithe t topmenald an for the proper performance of theJDoihrenc tRoorwofl eMtta,nagement Services Divisp lortr era snGr. nemion cndou R771.000 1otb equired by 30 CFHSM id AirtsM tcgfainea id  rleethht winhe  te functions of the agency, includingion. whether the information will have[FR Doc. E9–9945 Filed 4–29–09; 8:45 am]district in which the mine is located. practical utility;BILLING CODE 4510–43–PThe plans are reviewed by MSHA to
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