19986 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 82/Thursday, April 30, 2009/Notices under standard PRA clearance funds and Recovery Act funds. States WIA title 1B programs, and in National procedures. will report aggregate counts on those Emergency Grants, on a quarterly basis, The OMB is particularly interested in participants who are low-income, those beginning with the 3rd quarter of comments which: receiving Temporary Assistance to Program Year 2009, which ends on • Evaluate whether the proposed Needy Families and other public March 31, 2010. The first deadline for collection of information is necessary assistance, the number of UI claimants, the required quarterly submission will for the proper performance of the Veterans, and individuals with be May 15, 2010. This start date gives functions of the agency, including disabilities, numbers in training and States sufficient time to adjust their whether the information will have type of training, and numbers receiving management information systems. practical utility; Why are we requesting Emergency supportive services. • Evaluate the accuracy of the • For WIA Dislocated Workers, States Processing? The supplemental reports agency’s estimate of the burden of the will report aggregate counts of all and quarterly collection of WIA proposed collection of information, participants, including those whose individual records allows ETA to services are funded with regular WIA overcome the limitations imposed by including the ...