MSHA - FedReg E9-4787 - Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 43/Friday, March 6, 2009/Notices 9831 Statistics (BLS) is soliciting comments III. Desired Focus of Comments DEPARTMENT OF LABOR concerning the proposed reinstatement The Bureau of Labor Statistics is Mine Safety and Health Administration of the ‘‘Veterans Supplement to the particularly interested in comments Current Population Survey (CPS),’’ to be Proposed Information Collection that: conducted in August 2009. A copy of Request Submitted for Public the proposed information collection • Evaluate whether the proposed Comment and Recommendations; request (ICR) can be obtained by collection of information is necessary Notification of Methane Detected in contacting the individual listed below for the proper performance of the Mine Atmosphere in the Addresses section of this notice. functions of the agency, including whether the information will have ACTION: Notice. DATES: Written comments must be practical utility. submitted to the office listed in the SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as Addresses section of this notice on or • Evaluate the accuracy of the part of its continuing effort to reduce before May 5, 2009. agency’s estimate of the burden of the paperwork and respondent burden proposed collection of information, ADDRESSES: Send comments to Carol conducts a pre-clearance consultation including the validity of the Rowan, BLS Clearance Officer, Division program to provide the general public methodology and assumptions ...
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Federal Register74, No. 43/ Vol.March 6, 2009/ Friday,/ Notices
Statistics (BLS) is soliciting commentsIII. Desired Focus of CommentsDEPARTMENT OF LABOR concerning the proposed reinstatement The Bureau of Labor Statistics is Mine Safety and Health Administration of the ‘‘Veterans Supplement to the particularly interested in comments Current Population Survey (CPS),’’ to be Proposed Information Collection that: conducted in August 2009. A copy of Request Submitted for Public the proposed information collection Evaluate whether the proposed Comment and Recommendations; request (ICR) can be obtained by collection of information is necessary Notification of Methane Detected in contacting the individual listed below for the proper performance of the Mine Atmosphere in the Addresses section of this notice. functions of the agency, including whether the information will haveACTION:Notice. DATES:Written comments must be practical utility. submitted to the office listed in the SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as Addresses section of this notice on or Evaluate the accuracy of the part of its continuing effort to reduce before May 5, 2009. agency’s estimate of the burden of the paperwork and respondent burden proposed collection of information, ADDRESSES:Send comments to Carolconducts a preclearance consultation including the validity of the Rowan, BLS Clearance Officer, Divisionprogram to provide the general public methodology and assumptions used. of Management Systems, Bureau ofand Federal agencies with an Labor Statistics, Room 4080, 2 opportunity to comment on proposedEnhance the quality, utility, and Massachusetts Avenue, NE.,and/or continuing collections of clarity of the information to be Washington, DC 20212, 202–691–7628.information in accordance with the collected. (This is not a toll free number.)Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Minimize the burden of the (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. This FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:collection of information on those who program helps to ensure that requested Carol Rowan, BLS Clearance Officer, are to respond, including through the data can be provided in the desired 202–691–7628. (SeeADDRESSESsection.) use of appropriate automated, format, reporting burden (time and electronic, mechanical, or other SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: financial resources) is minimized, technological collection techniques or collection instruments are clearly I. Background other forms of information technology, understood, and the impact of collection e.g., permitting electronic submissions The CPS has been the principalrequirements on respondents can be of responses. source of the official Governmentproperly assessed. Currently, the Mine Safety and Health statistics on employment andType of Review:Reinstatement, Administration (MSHA) is soliciting unemployment since 1940 (69 years).without change, of a previously comments concerning the extension of Collection of labor force data throughapproved collection for which approval the information collection related to the the CPS is necessary to meet thehas expired. 30 CFR Sections 57.22004(c), 57.22229, requirements in Title 29, United States Agency:Bureau of Labor Statistics. 5722230, 5722231, and 57.22239; Code, Sections 1 and 2. The Veterans Title:Veterans Supplement to the Methane Detected in Mine Atmosphere. Supplement provides information on CPS. the labor force status of veterans with aDATES:Submit comments on or before serviceconnected disability, combatOMB Number:5, 2009.1220–0102. May veterans, past or present National GuardADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie Affected Public:Households. and Reserve members, and recently Ferraro, Management Services Division, Total Respondents:12,000. discharged veterans. Data are provided 1100 Wilson Blvd., Room 2141, by period of service and a range ofFrequency:Biennially. Arlington,VA 22209–3939. Commenters demographic characteristics. The are encouraged to send their comments Total Responses:12,000. supplement also provides information on computer disk, or via Email to Average Time Per Response: on veterans’ participation in various Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro Approximately 2 minutes. transition and employment and training can be reached at (202) 693–9821 programs. The data collected throughEstimated Total Burden Hours:or (202) 693–9801 (facsimile).400 (voice), this supplement will be used by thehours. Becauseof potential delays in receipt Veterans Employment and Training and processing of mail, respondents are Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): Service and the Department of Veterans strongly encouraged to submit $0. Affairs to determine policies that better comments electronically to ensure Total Burden Cost (operating/ meet the needs of our Nation’s veteran timely receipt. We cannot guarantee that maintenance):$0. population. comments mailed will be received Comments submitted in response tobefore the comment closing date. II. Current Action this notice will be summarized and/orFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Office of Management and Budgetincluded in the request for Office ofContact the employee listed in the clearance is being sought for theManagement and Budget approval of theADDRESSESsection of this notice. Veterans Supplement to the CPS. Ainformation collection request; they also SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: reinstatement of this previouslywill become a matter of public record. I. Background approved collection for which approval Signed at Washington, DC, this 2nd day of has expired is needed to provide theSections 103(c), (I), and (j) of the March 2009. Nation with timely information aboutFederal Mine Safety and Health Act of Cathy Kazanowski, the labor force status of veterans with a1977 authorizes the inspection, Chief, Division of Management Systems, serviceconnected disability, combatrecordkeeping and reporting Bureau of Labor Statistics. veterans, past or present National Guardrequirements implemented in 30 CFR [FR Doc. E9–4759 Filed 3–5–09; 8:45 am] and Reserve members, and recentlypart 57, Subpart TSafety Standards for discharged veterans.BILLING CODE 4510–24–PMethane in Metal and Nonmetal mines.
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Federal Register/ NoticesMarch 6, 2009/ Friday,74, No. 43/ Vol.
Methane is a flammable gas found insection of this notice, or viewed on thePurpose:To discuss National underground mining. Methane is aInternet by accessing the MSHA homeIndustrial Security Program policy colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, and itpage ( andmatters. tens to rise to the roof of a mine becauseselecting ‘‘Rules & Regs’’, and thenThis meeting will be open to the it is lighter than air. Although methaneselecting ‘‘FedReg. Docs’’. On the nextpublic. However, due to space itself is nontoxic, its presence reducesscreen, select ‘‘Paperwork Reductionlimitations and access procedures, the oxygen content by dilution when mixedAct Supporting Statement’’ to viewname and telephone number of with air, and consequently can act as andocuments supporting theFederalindividuals planning to attend must be asphyxiant when present in largeRegisterto the Information SecurityNotice. submitted quantities. Methane mixed with air isOversight Office (ISOO) no later than Current Actions explosive in the range of 5 to 15 percent,Tuesday, March 31, 2009. ISOO will MSHA is seeking an extension of the provided that 12 percent or moreprovide additional instructions for oxygen is present. The presence of dustinformation collection related to gaining access to the location of the containing volatile matter in the minecertification and notification of methane meeting. atmosphere may further enhance thedetected in mine atmosphere. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Type of Review:Extension. explosion potential of methane in a Nathaniel C. Nelson, Program Analyst, Agency:Mine Safety and Health mine. Information Security Oversight Office, Administration. Metal and Nonmetal mine operators National Archives Building, 700 Title:Methane Detected in Mine are required to notify MSHA as soon as Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Atmosphere. possible if any of the following events OMB Number:1219–0103. Washington,DC 20408, telephone occur: (a) There is an outburst that Recordkeeping:Certification ofnumber (202) 357–5212. results in 0.25 percent or more methane examinations shall be kept for at least Dated: March 3, 2009. in the mine atmosphere; (b) there is a one year. blowout that results in 0.25 percent orMary Ann Hadyka, Frequency:On Occasion. more methane in the mine atmosphere;Committee Management Officer. Affected Public:Business or other for (c) there is an ignition of methane; (d) [FR Doc. E9–4892 Filed 3–5–09; 8:45 am] profit. air sample results indicate 0.25 percent BILLING CODE 7515–01–P Respondents:8. or more methane in the mine Responses:416. atmosphere of a Subcategory I–B, I–C, Total Burden Hours:36 hours. II–B, V–B, or Category VI mine. If Total Burden Cost (operating/ NUCLEAR REGULATORY methane reaches 2.0 percent in a maintaining):$0. COMMISSION Category IV mine; or methane reachesComments submitted in response to 0.25 percent in the mine atmosphere ofthis notice will be summarized and/or[Docket No. NRC–2009–0041] a Subcategory I–B, II–B, V–B, and VIincluded in the request for Office of Agency Information Collection mines, MSHA shall be notifiedManagement and Budget approval of the Activities: Proposed Collection; immediately. MSHA investigates theseinformation collection request; they will Comment Request occurrences to determine that the minealso become a matter of public record. is placed in the proper category. Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 3rd day AGENCY:U. S. Nuclear Regulatory of March, 2009. II. Desired Focus of CommentsCommission (NRC). John Rowlett, ACTION:Notice of pending NRC action to MSHA is particularly interested in Director, Management Services Division. submit an information collection comments that: [FR Doc. E9–4787 Filed 3–5–09; 8:45 am] request to the Office of Management andEvaluate whether the proposed BILLING CODE 4510–43–P collection of information is necessaryBudget (OMB) and solicitation of public for the proper performance of thecomment. functions of the agency, including SUMMARY:The NRC invites public whether the information will haveNATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS comment about our intention to request practical utility;ADMINISTRATION the OMB’s approval for renewal of an Evaluate the accuracy of the Information Security Oversight Officeexisting information collection that is agency’s estimate of the burden of the summarized below. We are required to proposed collection of information, National Industrial Security Program publish this notice in theFederal including the validity of the Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC); Registerunder the provisions of the methodology and assumptions used; Notice of Meeting Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 Enhance the quality, utility, and U.S.C. Chapter 35). clarity of the information to be In accordance with the Federal Information pertaining to the collected; and Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. app requirement to be submitted:Minimize the burden of the 2) and implementing regulation 41 CFR collection of information on those who1.The title of the information part 101–6, announcement is made for are to respond, including through thecollection:10 CFR Part 55, Operators’ the following committee meeting: use of appropriate automated,Licenses. Name of Committee:National electronic, mechanical, or other2.Current OMB approval number: Industrial Security Program Policy technological collection techniques or3150–0018. Advisory Committee (NISPPAC). 3.How often the collection is other forms of information technology,Date of Meeting:April 7, 2009. e.g., permitting electronic submissionsTime of Meeting:1 p.m.–3 p.m.required:As necessary for NRC to meet of responses.Place of Meeting:National Archivesits responsibilities to determine the A copy of the proposed informationand Records Administration, 700eligibility of applicants for operators’ collection request can be obtained byPennsylvania Avenue, NW., Archivist’slicenses, prepare or review applications contacting the employee listed in theReception Room, Room 105,for and performance of simulation FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACTfacilities.Washington, DC 20408.
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