Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document E7-8722 - Proposed Information








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26170 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 88/Tuesday, May 8, 2007/Notices C. Reporting and email address. This announcement return your completed application to is being made available on the ETA Web the OMB. Send it to the sponsoring Quarterly financial reports and site at http://www.doleta.gov/sga/ agency as specified in this solicitation. quarterly progress reports will be This information is being collected for sga.cfm, at http://www.grants.gov, and submitted by the grantee electronically. the purpose of awarding a grant. The in the Federal Register. The grantee is required to provide the Department of Labor will use the reports and documents listed below: VIII. Additional Resources of Interest to information collected through this Quarterly Financial Reports. A Applicants and Other Information ‘‘Solicitation for Grant Applications’’ to Quarterly Financial Status Report (SF Resources for the Applicant ensure that grants are awarded to the 269) is required until such time as all ETA maintains a number of web- applicant best suited to perform the funds have been expended or the grant based resources that may be of functions of the grant. Applicants must period has expired. Quarterly reports assistance to applicants: submit this information in order to be are due 30 days after the end of each • The Web site for the Employment considered for award of this grant. calendar year quarter. Grantees must use and Training Administration (http:// Unless otherwise ...
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Federal Register/ Tuesday,72, No. 88/ NoticesMay 8, 2007/ Vol.
C. Reportingand email address. This announcementreturn your completed application to is being made available on the ETA Webthe OMB. Send it to the sponsoring Quarterly financial reports and site atas specified in this solicitation.http://www.doleta.gov/sga/ agency quarterly progress reports will be sga.cfm, at http://www.grants.gov,information is being collected forand This submitted by the grantee electronically. in theFederal Register. thepurpose of awarding a grant. The The grantee is required to provide the Department of Labor will use the reports and documents listed below: VIII. Additional Resources of Interest to information collected through this Quarterly Financial Reports.A Applicants and Other Information ‘‘Solicitation for Grant Applications’’to Quarterly Financial Status Report (SF Resources for the Applicant ensure that grants are awarded to the 269) is required until such time as all ETA maintains a number of webapplicant best suited to perform the funds have been expended or the grant based resources that may be offunctions of the grant. Applicants must period has expired. Quarterly reports assistance to applicants:submit this information in order to be are due 30 days after the end of each The Web site for the Employmentconsidered for award of this grant. calendar year quarter. Grantees must use and Training Administration (http://Unless otherwise specifically noted in ETAs OnLine Electronic Reporting www.doleta.gov) is a valuable source forthis announcement, we will not System and information and background information on theconsider information submitted in the instructions will be provided to Presidentrespondents High Growth Job Trainings application to be grantees. Initiative. confidential. Quarterly Progress Reports. The3 The WorkforceOne Web site Signed at Washington, DC, this 1st day of grantee must submit a quarterly progress (http://www.workforce3one.org) is a May, 2007. report to their designated Federal valuable resource for information about James W. Stockton, Project Officer within 30 days after the demanddriven projects of the Employment and Training Administration, end of each quarter. This report should workforce investment system, Grant Officer. provide a detailed account of activities educators, employers, and economic [FR Doc. E78720 Filed 5707; 8:45 am] undertaken during that quarter. development representatives. Grantees must agree to meet ETA BILLING CODE 4510FTP Americas Service Locator reporting requirements. The quarterly (www.servicelocator.org) provides a progress report should be in narrative directory of the nations OneStop DEPARTMENT OF LABOR form and should include: Career Centers. 1. Indepth information on Applicants are encouraged to Mine Safety and Health Administration accomplishments, including project review‘‘Help with Solicitation for Grant success stories, upcoming grant Applications’’(http://www.dol.gov/Proposed Information Collection activities, and promising approaches cfbci/sgabrochure.htm).Request Submitted for Public and processes. For a basic understanding of the Comment and Recommendations; 2. Progress toward performance grants process and basic responsibilities Slope and Shaft Sinking Plans outcomes, including updates on of receiving Federal grant support, product, curricula, and trainingACTION:Notice. please see‘‘Guidance for FaithBased development. and Community Organizations on SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as Final Report.A draft final report must Partnering with the Federal part of its continuing effort to reduce be submitted no later than 60 days prior Government’’(http:// paperwork and respondent burden to the expiration date of the grant. This www.whitehouse.gov/government/fbci/ conducts a preclearance consultation report must summarize project guidance/index.html). program to provide the general public activities, employment outcomes, and Other Informationand Federal agencies with an related results of the training project, opportunity to comment on proposed and should thoroughly documentOMB Information Collection No. 1205and/or continuing collections of capacity building and training0458 information in accordance with the approaches. The final report should also Expires September 30, 2009Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 include copies of all deliverables, e.g. (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This curricula and competency models. AfterAccording to the Paperwork program helps to ensure that requested responding to ETA questions andReduction Act of 1995, no persons are data can be provided in the desired comments on the draft report, threerequired to respond to a collection of format, reporting burden (time and copies of the final report must beinformation unless such collection financial resources) is minimized, submitted no later than the grantdisplays a valid OMB control number. collection instruments are clearly expiration date. Grantees must agree toPublic reporting burden for this understood, and the impact of collection use a designated format specified bycollection of information is estimated to requirements on respondents can be ETA for preparing the final report.average 20 hours per response, properly assessed. including time for reviewing VII. Agency Contacts DATES:Submit comments on or before instructions, searching existing data July 9, 2007. For further information regarding thissources, gathering and maintaining the SGA, please contact B. Jai Johnson,data needed, and completing andADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. Grants Management Specialist, Divisionreviewing the collection of information.Department of Labor, Mine Safety and of Federal Assistance, at (202) 6933296 Sendcomments regarding the burdenHealth Administration, Debbie Ferraro, (please note this is not a tollfreeestimated or any other aspect of thisManagement Services Division, 1100 number). Applicants should fax allcollection of information, includingWilson Boulevard, Room 2171, technical questions to (202) 693for reducing this burden, to2705 suggestionsArlington, VA 222093939. Commenters and must specifically address the fax tothe U.S. Department of Labor, the OMBare encouraged to send their comments the attention of B. Jai Johnson andDesk Officer for ETA, Office ofon a computer disk, or via Email to should include SGA/DFA PY 06Management and Budget, Room 10235,12, aFerraro.Debbie@dol.gov,along with an contact name, fax and phone number,Washington, DC 20503.Please do notoriginal printed copy. Ms. Ferraro can
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Federal Register72, No. 88/ Vol.May 8, 2007/ Tuesday,/ Notices
be reached at (202) 693Application Number 11/421,886; NASAperforming the work. Prudent9821 (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile).engineering design does evolve alongCase Number LAR169081 entitled FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:with improved machinery to perform‘‘Magnetic Field Response Measurement Contact the employee listed in thethe work, but there has not been anyAcquisition System,’’U.S. Patent ADDRESSESsection of this notice.7,086,593; NASA Case Number LARrevision to the requirements for such aplan. Currently, the Mine Safety and171551 entitled‘‘Wireless Fluid Level SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Health Administration (MSHA) isMeasuring System,’’U.S. Patent I. Background soliciting comments concerning theApplication Number 11/229,438; NASA The standard 30 CFR 77.1900 wasproposed extension of the informationCase Number LAR172801 entitled enacted in 1971 and was amended incollection related to Slope and Shaft‘‘Magnetic Field Response Measurement 1982 and again in 1995. The standardSinking Plans.Acquisition System,’’U.S. Patent requires underground coal mineType of Review:Extension. Number7,159,774; and NASA Case operators to develop a prudentAgency:Number LARMine Safety and Health174801 entitled‘‘A engineered design plan to develop aAdministration. MethodTo Calibrate Magnetic Response slope or shaft whenever an operatorTitle:Slope and Shaft Sinking Plans.FluidLevel Sensors Using Complete decides to open such a coal mine. TheOMB Number:12190019. SensorImmersion In Fluid,’’U.S. Patent plan is required by the standard and isRecordkeeping:Records are normallyApplication Number 60/908,698, to to be reviewed and approved by MSHArequired to be kept for 3 years.Caplan Taylor Enterprises LLC, having before the actual hazardous workAffected Public:its principal place of business inBusiness or other for begins. profit.Newport News, Virginia. The field of Cite/Reference/Form/etc:use may be limited to marine. The30 CFR II. Desired Focus of Comments 77.1900. patentrights in these inventions have Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Total Respondents:65. beenor will be assigned to the United Administration (MSHA) is solicitingFrequency:States of America as represented by theOn occasion. comments concerning the proposedTotal Responses:of the National65. Administrator extension of the information collectionEstimated Total Burden Hours:1,300. Aeronauticsand Space Administration. related to Slope and Shaft SinkingTotal Burden Cost (operating/The prospective partially exclusive Plans. MSHA is particularly interestedmaintaining):will comply with the terms and$1,061. license in comments that:Comments submitted in response to conditions of 35 U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR Evaluate whether the proposed this notice will be summarized and/or 404.7. collection of information is necessary included in the request for Office of DATES:The prospective partially for the proper performance of the Management and Budget approval of the exclusive license may be granted unless, functions of the agency, including information collection request; they will within fifteen (15) days from the date of whether the information will have also become a matter of public record. this published notice, NASA receives practical utility; Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 2nd day written objections including evidence Evaluate the accuracy of the of May, 2007. and argument that establish that the agencys estimate of the burden of the David L. Meyer, grant of the license would not be proposed collection of information, Director, Office of Administration and consistent with the requirements of 35 including the validity of the Management. U.S.C. 209 and 37 CFR 404.7. methodology and assumptions used; [FR Doc. E78722 Filed 5707; 8:45 am] Competing applications completed and Enhance the quality, utility, and BILLING CODE 451043Preceived by NASA within fifteen (15) clarity of the information to be days of the date of this published notice collected; and will also be treated as objections to the Minimize the burden of the grant of the contemplated partially collection of information on those whoNATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND exclusive license. are to respond, including through theSPACE ADMINISTRATION use of appropriate automated,Objections submitted in response to [Notice (07034)] electronic, mechanical, or otherthis notice will not be made available to technological collection techniques orthe public for inspection and, to the Notice of Intent To Grant Partially other forms of information technology,extent permitted by law, will not be Exclusive License e.g., permitting electronic submissionsreleased under the Freedom of AGENCY:National Aeronautics and of responses.Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. A copy of the proposed informationSpace Administration. ADDRESSES:Objections relating to the collection request may be viewed on theACTION:Notice of intent to grant prospective license may be submitted to Internet by accessing the MSHA Homepartially exclusive license. Patent Counsel, Office Chief Counsel, Page (http://www.msha.gov) and NASA Langley Research Center, MS SUMMARY:This notice is issued in selecting‘‘Rules and Regs’’then 141, Hampton, VA 236812199. accordance with 35 U.S.C. 209(c)(1) and ‘‘Paperwork Reduction Act Supporting Telephone (757) 8643221; Facsimile 37 CFR 404.7(a)(1)((i). NASA hereby Statements’’, or by contacting the (757) 8649190. gives notice of its intent to grant a employee listed above in theFORpartially exclusive worldwide license toFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACTsection of practice the inventions described andRobin W. Edwards, Patent Attorney, this notice for a hard copy. claimed in NASA Case Number LARof Chief Counsel, NASA Langley Office III. Current Actions 165711 entitled‘‘Research Center, MS 141, TelephoneMagnetic Field The 78 slope or shaft developmentResponse Sensor For Conductive(757) 8643230; Facsimile (757) 864plans that MSHA receives on an annualMedia,’’9190. Information about other NASAU.S. Patent 7,075,295; NASA basis, are reviewed to ensure that theCase Number LAR16571inventions available for licensing can be2 entitled required work is performed in a safe‘‘Magnetic Field Response Sensor Forfound online athttp:// manner, and it protects those minersConductive Media,’’U.S. Patenttechtracs.nasa.gov/.
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