• Information provided in the EPA databases does not accurately reflect the work states have done regarding compliance and enforcement because the data is not accurate, the data do not reveal the full range of actions the agency takes to ensure facilities come into compliance, and EPA itself does not rely only on ECHO to evaluate states’ programs. Below are these points in more detail: • There are problems with the EPA data. o The numbers often exaggerate the number of NPDES facilities in noncompliance. A review by staff is required to determine if the automated identification of a potential violation is actually an NPDES noncompliance event. IDEM staff conducts a review of DMR reports, inspection reports, and other information to identify compliance issues. Generally, Indiana has approximately nine (9) to fifteen (15) major NPDES permit holders in noncompliance during a given quarter. o The number of facilities with Class I or Class II non-compliance is often not accurate for several reasons: Old Data. A facility may be listed in a particular QNCR or ANCR report for violations that occurred in other years. Violations resolved but not removed from databases. A facility may have recorded a violation in one year, received a violation letter, and resolved the problem, but may continue to be reported as non-compliant because a ‘formal’ enforcement action was not taken and so the facility appears to be in non-compliance. o The number of ...