Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, Proposed Chemical Selection Approach for Initial Round of Screening;








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Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 250/Monday, December 30, 2002/Notices 79611(EPD) to Shaw Industries, Inc.—Plant On November 15, 2002, the and, as appropriate, to object to No. 80 (Shaw) located in Dalton, Administrator issued an order denying operating permits proposed by state Whitfield County, Georgia. This order this petition. The order explains the permitting authorities under title V of constitutes final action on the petition reasons behind EPA’s conclusion that the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7661–7661f. Section submitted by the Georgia Center for Law the Petitioner has failed to demonstrate 505(b)(2) of the Act and 40 CFR 70.8(d) in the Public Interest (GCLPI) on behalf that the Shaw permit is not in authorize any person to petition the of Georgia Forest Watch (Petitioner). compliance with the requirements of the EPA Administrator to object to a title V Pursuant to section 505(b)(2) of the Act on the grounds raised. operating permit within 60 days after Clean Air Act (the Act) any person may the expiration of EPA’s 45-day review Dated: December 6, 2002. seek judicial review in the United States period if EPA has not objected on its A. Stanley Meiburg, Court of Appeals for the appropriate own initiative. Petitions must be based Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 4.circuit within 60 days of this notice only on objections to the permit that [FR Doc. 02–32905 Filed 12–27–02; 8:45 am] under section 307 of the Act. were raised with reasonable specificity BILLING ...
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(EPD) to Shaw Industries, Inc. Plant On November 15, 2002, the and, as appropriate, to object to No. 80 (Shaw) located in Dalton, Administrator issued an order denying operating permits proposed by state Whitfield County, Georgia. This order this petition. The order explains the permitting authorities under title V of constitutes final action on the petition reasons behind EPA s conclusion that the Act, 42 U.S.C. 7661 7661f. Section submitted by the Georgia Center for Law the Petitioner has failed to demonstrate 505(b)(2) of the Act and 40 CFR 70.8(d) in the Public Interest (GCLPI) on behalf that the Shaw permit is not in authorize any person to petition the of Georgia Forest Watch (Petitioner). compliance with the requirements of the EPA Administrator to object to a title V Pursuant to section 505(b)(2) of the Act on the grounds raised. operating permit within 60 days after Clean Air Act (the Act) any person may Dated: December 6, 2002. the expiration of EPA s 45-day review seek judicial review in the United States Sta e Court of Appeals for the appropriate A. nl y Meiburg, period if EPA has not objected on its circuit within 60 days of this notice Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 4. own initiative. Petitions must be based under section 307 of the Act. [FR Doc. 02 32905 Filed 12 27 02; 8:45 am] ownelryeoranisoebjdecwtiitohnrstothepeermitthatBILLING CODE 6560–50–P duringthepubliceasonaebnltpsepreiocidficityADDRESSES : Copies of the final order, the comm petition,andallpertinentinformationppertoivtiiodneedrbdyetmhoenssttartaet,untlheastsitthweasrelating thereto are on file at the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION iracticabletoraiseetsheseissuesfollowing location: EPA Region 4, Air, AGENCY mp Pesticides and Toxics Management dur e Division, 61 Forsyth Street, SW., [Petition IV–2001–10; FRL–7432–3] grouinngdsthfeorctohmeimsesnutespearrioosdeoafrttehrthisAtlanta, Georgia 30303 8960. The final ir A order is also available electronically at Clean Act OperatrinOgb Peermit period.  the following address: http:// Ptraotger aOm; Petition fojction to GCLPI submitted a petition on behalf www.epa.gov/region07/programs/artd/ ISndustripeesr, aItninc.g— PPelramnitt  Nfoor.  2S;h Daawl ton oAfdGmeionrigsitaraFtoorreosntWNoatvcehmtboetrh2e6,2001,air/title5/petitiondb/petitions/ GA shaw80 _ decision2001.pdf. ( A W GE h N it C fi Y e:l d E  n C v o ir u o n n ty m ), e  ntalProtectionrSVehqoaupwee.srtaTitnhignegtPhpeatetirtEimoPintAeirsosbmujeeacidtntbtaoyianEsPsttDahtatetottihtleeFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT : Art Agency (EPA) Shaw permit is inconsistent with the Hofmeister, Air Permits Section, EPA ACTION : Notice.offinalorderonpetitionActbecauseof:(1)TheinadequacyofRegion 4, at (404) 562 9115 or hofmeister.art@epa.gov. toobjecttoastateoperatingpermit.rtehleatpeudblpiucbpliacrtnicoitpicaeti;o(n2)ptrhoecepsesramnitd s SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : The Act SUMMARY : Pursuant to Clean Air Act affordsEPAa45-dayperiodtoreviewsection505(b)(2)and40CFR70.8(d),aaputparentlimitationofenforcementand,asappropriate,toobjecttotheEPAAdministratorsignedanorder,horityanodfctrheedimbolenietvoirdience;(3)theoperatingpermitsproposedbystatedatedNovember15,2002,denyingarinadequacyngandpermittingauthoritiesundertitleVofppeertimtiiotnistsouoebdjebcyttthoeaGsetaotregioaperatingienpcoormtipnlgetreenqeusisreofmtehnetsip;nearnmndiat(r4irt)asttiehvlfee.asthe Act, 42 U.S.C. 7661 7661f. Section 505(b)(2)oftheActand40CFR70.8(d)(EEnPvDir)otnomSehnatwalIPnrdoutsetcrtiieosn,IDnicv.is ioPnlantAwdeOlmlniansNitosthvreeatmcoobrrerirsess1up5e,odn2d0a0n2g,ortdheerdenyingauthorize any person to petition the EPAAdministratortoobjecttoatitleVNWoh.i2tfi(eSlhdaCwo)ulontcya,teGdeionrgiDaa.ltTohni,sordertrheiassopnetsitbieohni.nTdhEePoArd sercoenxcplluasiinosntthheat operating permit within 60 days after the expiration of EPA s 45-day review constitutes final action on the petition the Petitioner has failed to demonstrate periodifEPAhasnotobjectedonitsisnutbhmeitPteudblibcyItnhteerGeestor(gGiCaLCPeIn)toenrfboerhLaalfwthattheShawpermitisnoirtinown initiative. Petitions must be based onlyonobjectionstothepermitthatPofurGseuoarngtiatoFsoercetsitonWa5t0c5h(b()P(e2t)itoifotnheer).cAoc D mt a t op e ln d i : at hn D ec e e c g e rw m oi b ut e hn r dt 6 sh , e 2 ra 0 ri 0 es 2 qe . ud.ementsofthewere raised with reasonable specificity Clean Air Act (the Act) any person may A. Stanley Meiburg, during the public comment period seek judicial review in the United States provided by the state, unless the Court of Appeals for the appropriate Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 4. petitioner demonstrates that it was impracticabletoraisetheseissuesucinrdceuritsewcittihoinn36007doafytshoeftAhcits.notice[ B F IL R L IN D G o  c C . O 0 D 2 E  6 3 5 2 6 9 0 5 6 0 – F P iled 12 27 02; 8:45 am] during the comment period or the grounds for the issues arose after this ADDRESSES : Copies of the final order, the period.rpeeltaittiionng,tahnerdetaollapreertoinnfeilnetiantftohremationEANGVEINRCOYN MENTAL PROTECTION GCLPI submitted a petition on behalf following location: EPA Region 4, Air, of Georgia Forest Watch to the Pesticides and Toxics Management Administrator on November 26, 2001, requestingthatEPAobjecttoastatetitleDAitvlaisnitoan,,G6e1orFgoiars3y0th30S3tr e8e9t,60S.WT.h,efinal[ E O n P d P o T c – r 2 i 0 n 0 e 2 D –0 is 0 r 66 u ; p F to R r L  – S 7 c 2 r 8 e 6 e – n 6 i ] ng V operating permit issued by EPD to Shaw.ThePetitionermaintainsthatthetohredefrolilsoawlisnogaavdaidlraebslse:e h l t e t c p t : r / o / nically at SPreloegcrtaiomn,  PArpopproosaecdh  fCohre Inmiiticaall  Round of Shaw permit is inconsistent with the Act because of: (1) The inadequacy of www.epa.gov/region07/programs/artd/ Screening; Request for Comment the public participation process and asihra/twit2l _ e5d/epceistiitoino2n0d0b1/.ppedtift.ions/A A G g E e N n C c Y y :  (EEnPvAi)r.onmentalProtectionrelated public notice; (2) the permit s apparent limitation of enforcement F H O o R fm FU ei R s T t H er E , R A I i N r F O Pe R r M m A i T t I s O N Se C c O ti N o T n A , C E T P : AArtACTION : Notice. authority and credible evidence; (3) the Region 4, at (404) 562 9115 or SUMMARY : This notice sets forth for inadequacy of the monitoring and reporting requirements; and (4) the hofmeister.art@epa.gov. public comment the approach EPA incompleteness of the permit itself as SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : The Act plans to use for selecting the first group well as the corresponding narrative. affords EPA a 45-day period to review of chemicals to be screened in the
access any of the publicly available docket materials through the docket facility identified in Unit I.B.1. Once in the system, select ‘‘ search, ’’ then key in the appropriate docket ID number. Certain types of information will not be placed in the EPA Dockets. Information claimed as CBI and other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute, which is not included in the official public docket, will not be available for public viewing in EPA s electronic public docket. EPA s policy is that copyrighted material will not be placed in EPA s electronic public docket but will be available only in printed, paper form in the official public docket. To the extent feasible, publicly available docket materials will be made available in EPA s electronic public docket. When a document is selected from the index list in EPA Dockets, the system will identify whether the document is available for viewing in EPA s electronic public docket. Although not all docket materials may be available electronically, you may still access any of the publicly available docket materials through the docket facility identified in Unit I.B.1. EPA intends to work towards providing electronic access to all of the publicly available docket materials through EPA s electronic public docket. For public commenters, it is important to note that EPA s policy is that public comments, whether submitted electronically or in paper, will be made available for public viewing in EPA s electronic public docket as EPA receives them and without change, unless the comment contains copyrighted material, CBI, or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. When EPA identifies a comment containing copyrighted material, EPA will provide a reference to that material in the version of the comment that is placed in EPA s electronic public docket. The entire printed comment, including the copyrighted material, will be available in the public docket. Public comments submitted on computer disks that are mailed or delivered to the docket will be transferred to EPA s electronic public docket. Public comments that are mailed or delivered to the docket will be scanned and placed in EPA s electronic public docket. Where practical, physical objects will be photographed, and the photograph will be placed in EPA s electronic public docket along with a brief description written by the docket staff.
Agency s Endocrine Disruptor Screening I. General Information Program (EDSP). Following consideration of comments on this draft A. Does this Action Apply to Me? approach,EPAwillissueasecondinTgehinseraaclt,ioanndismdairyebcteeodftpoatrhtiepluablicFederal Register notice setting forth its cu r approachforselectingthefirstgroupofibnetreereqsutirteodthtoosceopnedruscotntseswtihnogaorfeormaychemicals and the chemicals it proposes forthisinitiallist.FollowingcommentSchuebsmtiacnaclessuCbostnatnroclesAuctn(dTerStChAe),Ttohxeicon the draft list of specific chemicals, EPA will issue the final list. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Because the list of chemicals (FFDCA), the Safe Drinking Water Act producedusingtheproposedapproach(FSuDngWicAi)d,eo,ratnhdeRFeddeernatlicIindseecAticctide,will be a list of chemicals that the o Agency, in its discretion, has decided (FIFRA). Since other entities may also shouldbetestedfirst,basedprimarilybateteinmteprteesdtetod,dtehsecrAibgeenacllythhaessnpoetcificupon exposure potential, it should not beconstruedasalistofknownorlikelyeancttiitoine.sItfhyaotumhaayvbeaffecteesdtiboyntshisendocrinedisruptorsnorcharacterizedrdingtheappeliacanbyilqituyofthisactionas such. Nothing in the approach for rega selectingtheinitiallistwouldprovidettoecahpniacrtailcpulearrsoenntliitsyt,ecdounnsduletrt F h O e R  a basis to infer that any of the chemicals selected for the list interferes with or is FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT . suspected to interfere with the B. H Get o endocrine systems of humans or other DocuomweCnatnaIndOtCherpiReeslaotfetdhisspecies. Information? EPA anticipates that it will modify its chemical selection approach for 1. Docket . EPA has established an subsequentTier1screeninglistsbasedoufnfidceiraldpoucbkleitciddeocntkiefticfaotriothni(sIaDc)tinounmberon experience gained from the results of testingofchemicalsontheinitiallist,dOoPcPkTet 2c0o0n2si s0ts06o6f.thTehedoofcfuicmiaelntpsublicthe feasibility of incorporating different categoriesofchemicals(e.g.,non-sapneycipfiucballilcycroefmermeennctesdriencetihviesda,catinodn,pesticide substances) and additional pathways of exposure, and the other information related to this action. availability of new priority-setting tools Although a part of the official docket, (e.g., High Throughput Pre-screening the public docket does not include (HTPS)orQuantitativeStructureCoronotfihdeernitnifaolrBmuastiinoensswIhnofsoermdiasticolons(uCreBIi)sActivity Relationship (QSAR) models). restricted by statute. The official public DATES : Comments, identified by docket docket is the collection of materials that ID number OPPT 2002 0066, must be is available for public viewing at the received on or before March 1, 2003. EPA Docket Center, Rm. B102-Reading ADDRESSES : Comments may be Room, EPA West, 1301 Constitution submitted electronically, by mail, or Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The EPA through hand delivery/courier. Follow Docket Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to the detailed instructions as provided in 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, Unit I. of the SUPPLEMENTARY  excluding legal holidays. The EPA INFORMATION . Docket Center Reading Room telephone number is (202) 566 1744 and the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT : For general information contact :BarbaratwelheicphhoisneloncuatmedbeirnfoErPtAheDoOcPkPetTCDeonctkeer,t,Cunningham, Acting Director, Environmental Assistance Division is (202) 566 02 a 8 c 0 c . ess . You access (7408M),OfficeofPollutionPreventionthi2s.F E e le d c e t r r a o l n i R c e gister docummenatyand Toxics, Environmental Protection electronically through the EPA Internet Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., under the ‘‘ Federal Register ’’ listings at Washington, DC 20460 0001; telephone http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/ . number: (202) 554 1404; e-mail address: ublic TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov .AnetliesctarvoaniliacbvleertsionofthEep For technical information contact :deloeccktreonicpublicdohcrkoeutgahndPcoA msmentGreg Schweer, Exposure Assessment system, EPA Dockets. You may use EPA Coordination and Policy Division Dockets at http://www.epa.gov/edocket/ (7203M), Office of Science Coordination to submit or view public comments, and Policy, Environmental Protection access the index listing of the contents Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., of the Washington, DC 20460 0001;telephoneaccessotfhfiocsiealdpocuublmicendtosciknett,haenpdutbolicnumber: (202) 564 8469; e-mail address: docket that are available electronically. schweer.greg@epa.gov . Although not all docket materials may SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : be available electronically, you may still
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