Enclosure 23 SUNDERLAND TEACHING PRIMARY CARE TRUST Audit Committee thNotes of the meeting held on Friday 12 March 2004 at 9.30 am in the Board Room, Armstrong House, Washington Present: - Mr P Watson, Non-Executive Member, STPCT (Chair) Mr M Greenfield, Non-Executive Member, STPCT GK Lloyd-Williams, Non-Executive Member, STPCT In attendance: Mrs K Straughair, Chief Executive, STPCT Mr C Macklin, Director of Finance, STPCT Mrs N Harris, Head of Corporate Affairs, STPCT Mr J Connolly, Audit Manager, Audit Commission Mrs A Oswald, Internal Auditor, CHS Mrs V Peacock, Internal Auditor, CHS Mrs J Anthony, Corporate Affairs Administrator Mr Glen Gregory, Audit Commission 1. Apologies: Mrs Sheila Rooney, Non-Executive Member, STPCT Welcome The Chair welcomed everyone to the Audit Committee. 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Enclosure 1) Page 7 - Progress Report on Tactical Audit Plan (Enclosure 7) The Chair pointed out that in paragraph 4 “Newcastle PCT” should read as “new Acute Trust”. Subject to this amendment the minutes were received as a true and accurate record. 1 Sunderland TPCT Audit Committee th12 March 2004 3. Matters Arising Page 3 - Annual Audit Letter (Enclosure 2) - Mr Macklin stated that the Main stAccounting System went live on 1 January 2004 and that the team was still undergoing a transitional period. Page 5 – Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (Enclosure 4) – ...