REVISED PRICKLY ACACIA NATIONAL STRATEGY TABLE Vision: Prickly acacia is eradicated outside of core infestations within Queensland and national impacts reduced to a minimum 3. Maintain and enhance national commitment to manage prickly acacia Objectives are: A Coordinate the implementation of the strategic plan. B. Monitor and evaluate implementation of the strategic plan C. Resourcing & stakeholder support of the plan D. Inform and educate stakeholders about prickly acacia E. National mapping tools developed Strategies National Action/s and Tasks Responsibilities Performance Indicators (inc. Timing) 3.1 Manage implementation of the Maintain an effective National Prickle AWC, Australian govt., NPBMG conducts one plan Bush Management Group & provide state & territory lead meeting and two with sufficient resourcing to lead and agencies, National teleconferences annually evaluate strategy implementation Coordinator Evaluation reports until phase 3 Maintain strategy coordination through a national coordinator and/or AWC, Australian govt., Continued employment of inter-jurisdictional collaboration state & territory lead a National Coordinator, agencies, National jurisdictional participation Coordinator on NPBMG Collate strategic plan milestones and National Coordinator, Strategy report received in 3.2 Monitor and evaluate report on progress annually to AWC, NPBMG September/October each implementation of the strategy DAFF and key ...