www.bsl.org.auBrotherhoodCommentISSN 1320 8632August 2002A regular update from Social Action and ResearchMissing the mark: The impact ofproposed welfare reforms on parentsThe long awaited ‘welfare reform’ legislation is It may be helpful to assist some parents in program, many could be expectednow being considered by the Senate Community developing goals, and finding resources to to do so. The 1997 evaluation ofAffairs References Committee, which is due to support them in achieving them. To this end, the the JET program showed that report back by 13 September 2002. participation agreement could be useful. However, 20 per cent of people eligible didthe compulsory nature of the agreement and not participate due only to lack ofThe Family and Community Services Legislation participation activities may make some parents knowledge of the programAmendment (Australians Working Together and feel that it is simply a bureaucratic requirement (Department of Social Securityother 2001 Budget Measures) Bill 2002 includes imposed on them, rather than reflecting their 1997). The introduction ofseveral initiatives as part of the Australians own aspirations. requirements for parents couldWorking Together package. therefore be expected to lead to anPrograms aimed at increasing ‘employability’ need to be congruent with a person’sown goals, rather than simply being imposed on someone who is felt to need themThe most contentious is the introduction of If requirements are ...