S TATE OF R HODE I SLAND-GENERAL A SSEMBLY OFFICE of the AUDITOR GENERAL AUDIT SUMMARYERNEST A. ALMONTE, CPA, CFE AUDITOR GENERAL INTEGRITY ♦ RELIABILITY ♦ INDEPENDENCE ♦ ACCOUNTABILITY ernest.almonte@oag.ri.gov FEBRUARY 2005 Federal regulations require a Office of Facilities Regulation comprehensive certification survey of nursing facilities not later than 15 Division of Health Services Regulation months after the previous survey; Department of Health however, a statewide average of 12 months between surveys must be Performance Audit maintained. In practice, the federal July 1, 2002 – December 31, 2004 certification survey also meets the required annual State licensing survey. We completed a performance audit of comply with federal regulatory requirements State law further requires two the Office of Facilities Regulation (OFR) to maintain participation in the Medicaid and unannounced surveys (interim surveys) within the Department of Health. The Medicare programs. The federal each year. We found that OFR did not performance audit focused on the government supports these activities with meet this requirement–interim surveys practices and procedures utilized by the federal grants and the federal requirements were not conducted for most nursing OFR in regulating nursing facilities are largely complied with by OFR. State facilities in both fiscal years 2003 and laws, in most ...