OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERALAUDIT OF USAID’S CUBA PROGRAM AUDIT REPORT NO. 9-516-07-009-P SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 WASHINGTON, DCOffice of Inspector General September 25, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: LAC/Cuba Program Director, David E. Mutchler M/OAA/OD Director, Maureen A. Shauket M/MPBP/POL Director, Subhi Mehdi FROM: IG/A/PA Director, Steven H. Bernstein /s/ SUBJECT: Audit of USAID’s Cuba Program (Report No. 9-516-07-009-P) This memorandum transmits our final report on the subject audit. In finalizing the report, we considered your comments on the draft report and have included your comments in their entirety in Appendix II. This report includes 12 recommendations to strengthen certain aspects of USAID’s Cuba Program and related cognizant technical officer responsibilities, and USAID’s process of identifying the audit universe of U.S.-based nonprofit organizations that meet the Single Audit Act requirements. In your response to the draft report, you concurred, for the most part, with our findings and recommendations, and described actions planned and taken to address our concerns. Based on information provided in your response and further review of related documentation, we agreed to remove a finding and the related recommendation. To accommodate this revision, we renumbered the recommendations. We determined that final action has been taken on Recommendation Nos. 4 and 6, and these recommendations are considered closed upon final report issuance. ...