OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL AUDIT OF USAID/IRAQ’S ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE II PROGRAM AUDIT REPORT NO. E-267-09-004-P June 3, 2009 BAGHDAD, IRAQ Office of Inspector General June 3, 2009 MEMORANDUM TO: USAID/Iraq Acting Mission Director, Thomas R. Delaney FROM: Acting Director, Office of Inspector General/Iraq, Mark S. Norman /s/ SUBJECT: Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Economic Governance II Program (Audit Report No. E-267-09-004-P) This memorandum transmits our final report on the subject audit. In finalizing the report, we considered your comments on the draft report and modified the report language as appropriate. Your comments are included in their entirety as appendix II. The report contains 12 recommendations for corrective action. On the basis of your written comments, in which you described actions planned and already taken to address our concerns, we consider that final action has been taken on recommendations 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and a management decision has been reached on recommendations 4 and 8. I want to express my sincere appreciation for the cooperation and courtesies extended to my staff during this audit. U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Inspector General/Iraq APO AE 09316 CONTENTS Summary of Results .................................................................................................... ...