MINUTES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 16 MARCH 2009 PRESENT: Mr Mohamed Isap (Chair), Mr Alan Cotton, Mr John Whittaker. IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Jane McCann (Director of Finance), Mr Greg Wilson (PwC), Miss Jenny Lee (PwC), Mr Trevor Rees (KPMG), Miss Caroline Jones (KPMG), Mrs Jean Tracy (Clerk). Introduction In the absence of Mr Steve Wolski it was agreed that Mr Mohamed Isap would chair the meeting. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Mr Steve Wolski, Mrs Julie Della Cuna, Mr Janaid Qureshi, Mrs Emma Casson (KPMG), Miss Helen Knowles (KPMG) and Mrs Sarah Jewett (PwC). 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2008 were accepted as a true and correct record and were duly signed by the Chair. 3. MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda. 4. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: Mr Trevor Rees presented the reports. He informed the Committee that two were “satisfactory” and two were “good” and that the audits had not raised any areas of concern. It was agreed that the Committee would review those reports were the grading was “satisfactory” – Marketing and Procurements & Payments. Audit 09.03.16w.doc Page 1 of 5 (i) Marketing 2008/09 The Auditors noted that this area was developing within the College following the appointment of the Strategic Marketing Manager. The report identified two recommendations ...