MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY05-3MIT CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIESof the Conventional WisdomAuditThe Audit of Raising the Salience of Conventional Mexico and CanadaWisdomChappell LawsonIn this series of essays, MIT’s CenterMIT Center for International Studiesfor International Studies tours thehorizon of conventional wisdomsthat animate U.S. foreign policy, andanada and Mexico rarely figure high on the list of Americanput them to the test of data and history. By subjecting particularly Cpriorities. Policymakers focus on conflicts in the Middle well-accepted ideas to close scrutiny,East; specialists in international relations discuss China’s growingour aim is to re-engage policy andopinion leaders on topics that are tooinfluence; and newspapers cover the international crisis du jour.easily passing such scrutiny. We hopethat this will lead to further debate It is easy to forget about two countries that appear to pose no directand inquiries, with a result we can allor immediate threat to U.S. interests.agree on: better foreign policies thatlead to a more peaceful and prosper-Indeed, the conventional wisdom on North America runs something like this:ous world. Authors in this series areavailable to the press and policy 1. Compared to other pressing international concerns, Canada and Mexico are community. Contact: Amy Tarr not particularly important;(, 617.253.1965). 2. Consequently, these countries can be safely ignored; and3. ...