Survey on the First Amendment FINAL ’Hello. My name is ____________________ and I m calling from the University of Connecticut. We are conducting a survey on important issues facing the nation and would like your opinions. To determine who in your household I need to speak with, could you please tell me which person in your household age 18 or older has had the most recent birthday? [If not respondent ask to speak with him or her.] I. KNOWLEDGE AND OPINIONS ABOUT FIRST AMENDMENT AND AMERICAN SOCIETY 1. As you know the U.S. Constitution provides citizens many rights and freedoms. Are there any particular rights or freedoms that you feel are most important to American society? [Do not read list provided below] (Circle all responses) PROBE: Are there any others? 1. Freedom of the press 2. Freedom of speech 3. Freedom not to practice religion 4. Freedom to practice religion 5. Right to petition 6. Right of assembly/Right to association 7. Right to bear arms/own guns 8. Right to trial by jury/fair trial 9. Right to privacy 10. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure 11. Right to protest 12. Other 99. DK/REF 2. As you may know, the First Amendment is part of the U.S. Constitution. Can you name any of the specific rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment? (Circle all responses) 1. Freedom of the Press 2. Freedom of Speech 3. Freedom of Religion 4. Right to Petition 5. Right of Assembly/Right ...