Alliance of Nuclear Worker Advocacy Groups Coalition for a Healthy Environment, Oak Ridge, TN Harry Williams 865-693-7249, Janine Anderson 865-984-0786 Janet Michel 865-966-5918 Grassroots Organization of Sick Workers, Craig, CO Terrie Barrie 970-824-2260, Kay Barker 970-887-3558 Tri-Valley CAREs, Livermore, CA Robert Schwartz 925-443-7148 New Mexico Alliance of Nuclear Worker Advocates Dr. Maureen Merritt 505-455-0550 Southern Illinois Nuclear Workers Dr. Dan McKeel 573-323-8897 July 24, 2008 Michael T. Ryan, Editor Health Physics – The Radiation Safety Journal 402 Corey Boulevard Summerville, SC 29483 Dear Mr. Ryan: The Alliance of Nuclear Worker Advocacy Groups (ANWAG) has been involved with the Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) since its inception. Our members have monitored the implementation of the law by the responsible agencies, attended and spoke at public meetings, and have offered our concerns to those agencies, Congress, the Part E Ombudsman, and the press. We have recently reviewed the July 2008 edition of the Health Physics Radiation Journal which is dedicated to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Office of Compensation Analysis Support’s (NIOSH) scientific papers on their dose reconstruction program and wish to offer a few observations. ANWAG finds it odd that the Journal did not present any opposing views, as one would expect to find. At the ...