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Broadland Crime and Disorder
and Drugs Audit 2004
Hate Crime1.1 Hate crime
1.1.1 Racist incidents
The Norfolk Constabulary Racist Incidents Database records racist incidents in the Norfolk
area. The definition of a racist incident is adopted from Recommendation 12 of the
Macpherson Report 1999 on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry:
A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.
This would include any incident reported to the police as racist in any form including
through third party reports from other agencies. These incidents will include crimes and
non-crimes - some of which will not become a CAD as they are reported a long time after
the incident time.
Figures are available for the 3 CDRP years 2001-2, 2002-3 and 2003-4; the Broadland
figures are shown in Table 47 and Fig. 53.
Racist Incidents - Count Percent change year-on-year
2001-2 9
2002-3 21 + 133.3
13 - 38.12003-4
Table 1 Numbers of racist incidents in Broadland 2001-4 and percentage change year-on-year
[Source: NC3]
15 13
2001-2 2002-3 2003-4
Fig. 1 Numbers of racist incidents in Broadland 2001-4
[Source: NC3]
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 2
CountBetween 2001-2 and 2003-4, there has been an overall increase in racist incidents in
Broadland of 44.4%. Due to the small numbers involved, however, a definite trend should
not be inferred.
Each racist incident is assigned to one of three ‘monitoring categories’. The count of
incidents occurring in Broadland in 2003-4 by monitoring category, i.e. type of incident, is
shown in Table 48.
Type of incident Count
Abuse and/ or harassment 7
Criminal damage 3
Threats and/ or violence 3
Table 2 Count of racist incidents in Broadland in 2003-4 by type of incident
[Source: NC3]
53.8% of racist incidents were abuse and/ or harassment, 23.1% were threats and/ or
violence, and 23.1% were criminal damage.
Of the 13 racist incidents in Broadland in 2003-4, a particular type of location is specified in
10 cases. For these 10 incidents, Table 49 gives the count by type of location.
Type of location Count
Commercial/ shops 4
Street 3
Home/ neighbours 2
Park 1
Table 3 Count of racist incidents in Broadland in 2003-4 by type of location
[Source: NC3]
There were small numbers of incidents in commercial premises/ shops, streets, homes/
neighbours and a park.
There are 13 recorded instances of a victim of a racist incident in Broadland in 2003-4.
Gender and date of birth are both specified in all cases. The profile by age and gender is
charted in Fig. 54.
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 36
Female victims
Male victims
2 4
1 22
Age range
Fig. 2 Victims of rac ist incidents in Broadland in 2003-4 by age and gender
[Source: NC3]
Overall, 76.9% of victims were male. Victims’ ages ranged from 10-14 to 40-44; 25-29 was
the peak age group, accounting for 38.5% of victims.
Fig. 55 shows the ethnicity of victims of racist incidents in Broadland in 2003-4, where this
is known and stated (76.9% of victims).
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 4
30 34
45 49
Asian, 3, 30% White European, 3, 30%
White European
Afro-Caribbean, 4, 40%
Fig. 3 Victims of rac ist incidents in Broadland, 2003-4, by ethnicity
[Source: NC3]
There were approximately equal numbers of Afro-Caribbean, Asian and White European
victims. The proportion of the total accounted for by non-White groups far outweighs their
presence in the population.
1.1.2 Racial motive flag in crime records
The field ‘Racial motive’ in the crime database may optionally be completed for each crime
recorded. Table 50 shows that the rate of reporting has increased dramatically in this
respect between 2000-1 and 2003-4, though in 2003-4 the rate was still only 22%. Given
these considerations, year-on-year comparisons are not very meaningful. Nevertheless,
the numbers of crimes recorded as having a racial motive are very small for each year.
The 10 cases in 2003-4 relate to the following offences:
5 cases of Racially Aggravated Harassment, Alarm or Distress
3 cases of Racially Aggravated Intentional Harassment, Alarm or Distress
1 case of Arson Not Endangering Life
1 case of Theft Not Classified Elsewhere
Yes No Proportion of crime records where this
count count field has been completed
2000-1 04 0%
2001-2 1 144 3%
2002-3 6 497 9%
2003-4 10 1149 22%
Table 4 Crimes in Broadland recorded as having a racial motive
[Source: NC1]
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 51.1.3 Homophobic incidents
The Norfolk Constabulary paper-based data base of homophobic incidents records
homophobic incidents in the Norfolk area. The definition of a homophobic incident is by
analogy with the definition of a racist incident quoted in Section 3.8.1 above:
A homophobic incident is any incident which is perceived to be homophobic by the victim or any
other person.
Figures are available for the 4 CDRP years 2000-1, 2001-2, 2002-3 and 2003-4; the
Broadland figures are shown in Table 51 and Fig. 56.
Homophobic Percent change
Incidents - Count year-on-year
2000-1 2
2001-2 0 -100.0
2002-3 1 N/A
2003-4 0 -100.0
Table 5 Numbers of homophobic incidents in Broadland 2000-4 and percentage change year-on-year
[Source: NC4]
0 0
2000-1 2001-2 2002-3 2003-4
Fig. 4 Numbers of h omophobic incidents in Broadland 2000-4
[Source: NC4]
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 6
CountBetween 2000-2 and 2003-4, numbers of homophobic incidents in Broadland have
remained extremely small. Given these extremely small numbers, a definite trend may not
be inferred.
1.1.4 Target set in 2002-5 Strategy
The target set for tackling racism by the Broadland 2002-5 Strategy was as follows:
All new processes and procedures will be developed in accordance with the Racial Equity Schemes
which will be in place for responsible partners by May 2002.
According to Broadland District Council, The Norfolk Racist Incident Reporting Protocol is
now followed by all responsible partners within Broadland CDRP.
1.2 Shoplifting
Shoplifting is defined as the criminal offence of shoplifting, which belongs to the Home
Office banding ‘Theft Other’.
1.2.1 Volume and trends
Table 52 shows the numbers of crimes of shoplifting in Broadland for each year, and
percentage change year-on-year.
Shoplifting - Count Percent change
2000-1 193
2001-2 164 - 15.0
2002-3 191 + 16.5
2003-4 203 + 6.3
Table 6 Numbers of crimes of shoplifting in Broadland and percentage change year-on-year
[Source: NC1]
The volume of shoplifting has fluctuated over the 4 year period. There was a major
decrease in 2001-2. There was a corresponding rise in 2002-3, which could be explained
by the introduction of NCRS: the Home Office estimates a 24% inflation of 2002-3 figures
for ‘all theft’ due to NCRS, though there is no separate estimate for shoplifting. In 2003-4,
there was a further, smaller, rise. Overall, between the time of the last audit (2000-1) and
the current audit (2003-4), there has been an increase in shoplifting of 5.2%.
1.2.2 Comparative incidence
Fig. 57 charts comparative incidence (rate) of shoplifting per 1000 population. The most
recent annual comparative figures available were for 2002-3. Annual rates for CDRP
families were not available.
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 77
6 5.4
Broadland 2002-3 Norfolk 2002-3 Eastern 2002-3 England & Wales
Geographic area
Fig. 5 Comparative incidence (rate) of shoplifting per 1000 population
[Source: HO3]
In 2002-3, the Broadland rate for shoplifting was very substantially below county, regional
and national rates. In 2003-4, the rate of shoplifting in Broadland rose to 1.8 per 1000
population [Sources: iQ, HO4].
For incidence of shoplifting in the quarter January – March 2004, Broadland CDRP ranked
th st th7 (where 1 has the lowest crime rate and 15 the highest) out of 15 in its family group of
most-similar CDRPs [Source: iQ].
1.2.3 Cost
For all crimes of shoplifting in Broadland in 2003-4, the total value recorded by the police is
£16,418. The field has been completed in 196 out of 203 records, though in 41 cases, a
value of zero is recorded [Source: NC1].
The total cost to society of shoplifting in Broadland in 2003-4 may be estimated using
findings and methodology from Home Office Research Study 217, as shown in Table 53.
No. recorded Multiplier Est. total no. Est. unit cost Est. total
crimes in crimes in cost
Broadland Broadland
Total Shoplifting 203 100.0 20300 £100 £2,030,000
Table 7 Estimated cost to society of shoplifting in Broadland in 2003-4
[Sources: NC1, HO7]
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 8
Incidence (rate) per 1000 populationThe true costs of shoplifting suggested by this analysis, £2.0m, are substantially greater
than costs recorded by the police. It is