The development ofagap2 in the European marke has been specacuar sïnce ïs creaôn ïn 2005. Le’s be prôud ô ly he grôup’s lag! Our success ïs based ôn hïgh quaïy recruïmen; echnïca experse and a côabôrave persônaïy are our fundamental requirements.
Persistence, passion and perseverance
agap2 Brusselsmôved ô 5 Pace du Champ de Mars. The ôpenïng ceremôny ïn September brought together the Lego®-lovers at agap2.
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
January 2017 No.18
It’s all happening at agap2!
InBasel, hey are sayïng a he same address bu môvïng upsaïrs! Wecôme ô he 5h and 6h lôôrs wïh brand new premïses!
Fïnay, heStrasbourgeam have been enjôyïng heïr bïgger premïses sïnce he end ôf he year. I’s perfec fôr ïnvïng yôu arôund fôr a côee!
Wha a jôy ô see he peasure, enhusïasm and jôy ôf ôur eams wôrkïng ôgeher! Tôgeher we are ready and môvaed a he sarng ïne ô make 2017 an excepôna year!
agap2ïs an ïnerdïscïpïnary skïs cenre whïch makes ï pôssïbe ô ransfer knôwedge and prôvïde a cung edge echnôôgïca wach. Respec fôr ôur eams and he sasfacôn ôf ôur cusômers as we as a head fôr servïce are he vaues ha wï enabe us ô ensure exceen grôwh ôver he ông erm. Our srengh ïs asô based ôn ôur abïïy ô surpass ôurseves and aways gô ha exra mïe: e’s cônnue hïs advenure as ïf ï was a marathon and not a sprint.
In 2016, the teams in Switzerland, Strasbourg and Brussels moved premises.
agap2 Lausanneare a 1 Pace Be-Aïr nôw. The eams have pu a ô ïnô heïr new ôîces. Prôôf ôf hïs: heagap2Chrïsmas ree was aready ïn pace!
Electronics,from China to France André manages wô prôjecs which côncern môdifying he manufacuring ôf smar pôwer circui breaker cônrô unis. The ôbjecîve fôr ône is ô ôpîmise he côs and he quaiy ôf he eecrônics bôard and fôr he ôher i is ô repace a criîca cômpônen wih a new sôurce whie ensuring he prôduc’s funcîôna inegriy. I wôrk ôn he manufacurïng sïde ôf prôjecs, by ensurïng herôLL-ôut ôf the technîcaL upgrades requesed by he research deparmens. In hïs cônex, I plan and implementprôduct quaLîicaïôn acïvîïes ôn assemby ïnes as we as coordinate departments. I am involved indeinîng the technîcaL requîrementsôf suppïers’ cônracs as we as approving parts and electronic sub-assemblies.
These prôjecs are sïmuaneôusy carrïed ôubetween Chîna and France whïch requïres sharïng ïnfôrmaôn eecvey. We have weeky eecônference meengs beween he wô facôrïes and he research deparmens ïn Grenôbe (France) ô monitor project developments.
I fee prïde ïn wôrkïng ïn anînternaïônaL côntextwïh severa anguages. I apprecïae he ôppôrunïy ô brïng ôgeher and côôrdïnaemuLï-skîLLed teamsand inay he sasfacôn ôf wôrkïng safey wïh dynamïc, experïenced and skïed côeagues.
By André, Mechatronics Project Engineer
Mass producIon inSpain Ater an 18-mônh design phase a he Rôche-La-Môière sie in France, Ludôvic mus be invôved in he mass prôducîôn ôf seas fôr he cômmercia vehice repacemen a he Spanish sie and he ône in Pôruga, as he has been assigned here unî he end ôf he prôjec.
The purpôse ôf my assïgnmen ïs ôdeLîver a prôducïôn Lînecapable of providing seas fôr 250,000 vehïces per year. In hese dïeren prôjec phases, he wôrkôad had ô be baanced accôrdïng ô he ypes ôf prôducs and he ïndusrïa pans: ô cacuae he assemby mes, esmae he ïmpac ôf echnïca upgrades, draw up ïne specïicaôns and cacuae suppy requïremens.
This project is amajôr chaLLenge for the customer because it is their biggest prôjec wïh2.5 mîLLîôn vehîcLes tô prôduce ôver 10 yearsa wô sïes. Sïmïary, ï ïs he irs me ha he grôup wï prôduce cômpee vehïce kïs whïch are sô diverse and haveînnôvaïve features. Fïnay, ï enabes me ô ïmprôve my ïndusrïa knôwedge whïe asô havïng he ôppôrunïy ô spend môre han a year ïn Spaïn.
By Ludovic,,Process Methods Engineer
OURINITIATIVES Links withschools agap2 has undertaken a school-cômpany ïnks sraegy wïh he aïm ôf geng he aenôn ôf he engïneers ôf ômôrrôw. Thrôughôu he year,agap2empôyees have aken an ïneres ïn he news ïn schôôs by speakïng a dïeren fôrums whïch enabes sudens ô discover the group and even be hired in some cases. Beyônd he fôrums,agap2 was abe ô ôrganïse ïs ôwn evens acuay ïn schôôs. Busïness unches, parcïpaôry cônferences, ater-wôrk evens ôr pïzza pares: ôher ways ôf makïng sudens aware ôf heagap2life. Fïnay, ï was pôssïbe fôr he eams to mobilise in the agencies thanks to he vïsïs frôm sudens whô were curïôus ô undersand hôw ôur grôup wôrks and hôw ï côud gïve hem ôs ôf ôppôrunïes. Tô côncude, agap2ïnvôved ïn an ïncreasïngy ïs prônôunced schôô ïnks ïnïave and wans ô cônnue ïs evens wïh dïeren ôrganïsaôns and maïnaïn hïs aready we-esabïshed ïnk.
Ecovadis2016 EcôVadîsïs a paôrm fôr scôrïng he social and environmental performance of companies. agap2the CSR monitoring joined programme and obtained ‘Silver’ recôgnïôn whïch pus he Grôup ïn he 30% ôf cômpanïes wïh he bes scores.
agap2is proud to assist and support his team throughout the race.
Find Jonathan from16 tô 26 February on theagap2newôrks and sôcïa fôôw hem ôver hese 10 days and encôurage hem!
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
At the heart ofaircrat innovaIon
Due ô new egisaîôn, aircrat manufacurers have ô equip heir aircrats wih an inerîng sysem (which cônsiss in prôviding a nôn-lammabe gas ô he pane). Phiippe wôrked fôr he wôrdwide eader in aerônauîca equipmen and sysems ôn his issue which required a cômprehensive sudy wih digia simuaîôns and ess.
The ôbjecve ôf he prôjec ïs ô deermïne he pack perfôrmances ïnlyîng côndîïôns, ô check ha ï is he cusômers’ requïremens and ô make he necessary changes. My rôe was ôpre-sîze the perfôrmanceswïh CFD ôôs, ô aunchtest campaîgnsand ô anayse he resus. I asô had ô creae ôôs fôr herma ôss (whïch requïred he ïmpemenaôn ôf a cacuaôn mehôd) and inay, ô prôducetest and perfôrmance repôrts.
I has been he bes prôjec ïn whïch I had been ïnvôved. Very ôten, ïn hïgh-echnôôgy ïndusry, desïgners wôrk ïn ôîces wïhôu seeïng he prôduc hey’re wôrkïng ôn. In hïs prôjec, I anaysed he ess resus and even môre, I was presen during the tests andI had the chance tô reaLîse sôme ôf them ôn my ôwnhe abôraôry was avaïabe ô everyône. as
Besïdes hïs grea prôjec, I have ô hank he whôe eam ha wecômed me ïn afamîLy-Lîke atmôsphere.
Womenat agap2!
By Philippe,,Fluid/Thermal Engineer
Khaôua began her career asaHeah,SafeyandEnvirônmenManagerinheagrifôôdsecôr.Ater4years,duringwhich she se up a quaiy sysem in accôrdance wih he ISO9001 and ISO22000 sandards and ensured ha gôôd prôcedures were pu in pace a he prôducîôn sies, she jôined agap2.
On the one hand I chose to be a consultant toshare my experîencewïh cusômers frôm dïeren busïness secôrs, and ôn the other hand todeveLôp my prôfessîônaL skîLLs. We mus earn ô wôrk ôn new ôôs ôr new mehôds and we mus shôw ôur adapabïïy and ôur abïïy ô ake ïn a ô ôf ïnfôrmaôn ïn a shôr perïôd ôf me and resôve ïssues by prôpôsïng acôns as quïcky as pôssïbe.
Thrôughôu he year I wôrked wïh a eadïng fôôd packagïng grôup’s VIM (V. Indusrïa Môde) prôjec eam. The cônex ôf he prôjec ïs ô anayse ïndusrïa wase as we as he ôôs ôîmprôve prôcesses. The ôbjecve ïs ô ransfôrm ôrganïsaôns, aïgn he prôcess and sandardïse wôrk mehôdôôgïes: dôcumenaôn sandards, ôperaôna sandards, managemen, ec.
I ïke cônsung wôrk and parcuary aagap2. I enabes me ô mee new cusômers wïh dïeren prôies and wôrk ôn prôjecs ha mach my persôna prôie bu asô my skïs.
By Khaoula,,Agrifood Engineer - HSE
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
Rôad acciden prevenîôn
Drïvïng fôr wôrk ïmpôses parcuar constraints on people and exposes hem ô ôccupaôna hazards, irs and fôremôs amông whïch are rôad accïdens, whïch are behïnd môre han 20% ôf faa accïdens a wôrk.
Prevenng rôad accïdens ïnvôves acng a varïôus eves: rave, cômmunïcaôns, he côndïôn ôf vehïces, and he skï and behavïôur ôf empôyees when drïvïng.
Drînkîng ôr drîvîng - yôu must chôôse! Drïvïng under he ïnluence ôf acôhô has become the leading cause of death sïnce 2006, ahead ôf exceedïng he speed limit.
Usîng a smartphône at the wheeL = danger! Sïnce 1 Juy 2015, he use ôf hands-free kïs, Bueôôh headses ôr headphônes
GreeIngs from… Thailand By Nicolas,Business Development Consultant
the number 1200 1200 pôsïôns ô be ied ïn 2017
a he whee ôf a car ôr when drïvïng a môôrcyce ôr usïng a bïcyce has been prohibited.
Rîsks reLated tô bad weather In wïner ï ïs ïmpôran ô adap yôur drïvïng ô weaher côndïôns (raïn, fôg, snôw, ïce, ec.).
The côndîïôn ôf the vehîcLe A we-maïnaïned (brakïng sysem, ïghng ïn gôôd côndïôn) and prôpery equïpped (snôw yres, chaïns, warnïng rïange, ec.) vehïce ïs vïa ô be abe ô drïve wïh greaer peace ôf mïnd.
You can contact elected members at chsct.parîs@agap2.frand chsctLyôn.agap2@gmaîL.côm.
DID YOU KNOW? agap2 gets a makeover on the web!
The Markeïng and Cômmunîca-ïôns team îs prôud tô present a new websîte wîth redesîgned ergônômîcs and fôcused ôn candîdates wîth a new jôb-bôard and a jôb search feature usîng key wôrds.
Each busîness sectôr îs repre-sented în îts enïrety wîth îts côre busîness, îts knôw-hôw and îts references.
A huge thank yôu tô aLL the peôpLe whô tôôk part în buîLdîng thîs websîte fôr theîr vaLuabLe heLp!
A word from the CEO
Being an engineer is seeking to undersand he whys and hôws ôf things. Engïneerïng seeks creavïy and ï appeas ô ôur ïmagïnaôn ô ind ïnnôvave sôuôns ô gôba chaenges: a new energy baance, dïgïa ransfôrmaôn, predïcve medïcïne, he ïnerne ôf hïngs, smar buïdïngs, ec.
Being an engineer is about much more han ôerïng experse; ï ïs asô a commitment. I ïs he cômmïmen ô respecng fundamena vaues, aways seekïng ô enrïch yôur knôwedge, deveôpïng yôur skïs, surpassïng yôursef, and, abôve a, demônsrang rïgôur and ïnegrïy ïn a aspecs ôf ôur wôrk.
We encôurage yôu ô be prôud ôf being an engineer atagap2. We wan ô pu he dream and nôbïïy back ïnô echnôôgy and encôurage new generaôns ô ake up careers. Because I am convinced that echnôôgy ïs prôgress, and ha includes social and human progress.
We are preôccupïed wïh he wïnnïng spirit and the desire to surpass ôurseves and shape a irmer fuure.We are a team. Thïs eam mus seek exceence, ï mus be abe ô surpass ïsef, make prôgress, and abôve a enjôy ïsef. We have a goal: to succeed.