L'agaptualité n°18 - January 2017







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In this issue: agap2 innovates! EDITORIAL By Lauriane, agap2 Frankfurt Manager The development ofagap2 inthe European l-uh;| _-v 0;;m vr;1|-1 Ѵ-u vbm1; b|v 1u;-ঞom bm ƑƏƏƔĺ ;|Ľv 0; ruo 7 |o Y |_; ]uo rĽv Y-]Ĵ u v 11;vv bv 0-v;7 om _b]_ t -Ѵb| u;1u b|l;m|ĸ |;1_mb1-Ѵ ; r;uঞv; -m7 - 1oѴѴ-0ou-ঞ ; r;uvom-Ѵb| are our fundamental requirements. Persistence, passion and perseverance agap2 Brusselslo ;7 |o Ɣ Ѵ-1; 7 _-lr 7; -uvĺ $_; or;mbm] 1;u;lom bm September brought together the Lego®-lovers at agap2. agaptualité •No. 18 •JANUARY 2017 January 2017 No.18 It’s all happening at agap2! InBaselķ |_; -u; v|- bm] -| |_; v-l; -77u;vv 0 | lo bm] rv|-buvĴ );Ѵ1ol; |o |_; Ɣ|_ -m7 ѵ|_ Yoouv b|_ 0u-m7 m; ru;lbv;vĴ bm-ѴѴ ķ |_;Strasbourg|;-l _- ; 0;;m ;mfo bm] |_;bu 0b]];u ru;lbv;v vbm1; |_; ;m7 o= |_; ;-uĺ |Ľv r;u=;1| =ou bm bঞm] o -uo m7 =ou - 1o@;;Ĵ )_-| - fo |o v;; |_; rѴ;-v u;ķ ;m|_ vb-vl -m7 fo o= o u |;-lv ouhbm] |o];|_;uĴ $o];|_;u ; -u; u;-7 -m7 loঞ -|;7 -| |_; v|-uঞm] Ѵbm; |o l-h; ƑƏƐƕ -m ; 1;rঞom-Ѵ ;-uĴ agap2bv -m bm|;u7bv1brѴbm-u vhbѴѴv 1;m|u; _b1_ l-h;v b| rovvb0Ѵ; |o |u-mv=;u hmo Ѵ;7]; -m7 ruo b7; - 1 মm] ;7]; |;1_moѴo]b1-Ѵ -|1_ĺ !
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21 décembre 2017

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In this issue:agap2 innovates!
EDITORIAL By Lauriane, agap2 Frankfurt Manager
The development ofagap2 in the European marke has been specacuar sïnce ïs creaôn ïn 2005. Le’s be prôud ô ly he grôup’s lag! Our success ïs based ôn hïgh quaïy recruïmen; echnïca experse and a côabôrave persônaïy are our fundamental requirements.
Persistence, passion and perseverance
agap2 Brusselsmôved ô 5 Pace du Champ de Mars. The ôpenïng ceremôny ïn September brought together the Lego®-lovers at agap2.
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
January 2017 No.18
It’s all happening at agap2!
InBasel, hey are sayïng a he same address bu môvïng upsaïrs! Wecôme ô he 5h and 6h lôôrs wïh brand new premïses!
Fïnay, heStrasbourgeam have been enjôyïng heïr bïgger premïses sïnce he end ôf he year. I’s perfec fôr ïnvïng yôu arôund fôr a côee!
Wha a jôy ô see he peasure, enhusïasm and jôy ôf ôur eams wôrkïng ôgeher! Tôgeher we are ready and môvaed a he sarng ïne ô make 2017 an excepôna year!
agap2ïs an ïnerdïscïpïnary skïs cenre whïch makes ï pôssïbe ô ransfer knôwedge and prôvïde a cung edge echnôôgïca wach. Respec fôr ôur eams and he sasfacôn ôf ôur cusômers as we as a head fôr servïce are he vaues ha wï enabe us ô ensure exceen grôwh ôver he ông erm. Our srengh ïs asô based ôn ôur abïïy ô surpass ôurseves and aways gô ha exra mïe: e’s cônnue hïs advenure as ïf ï was a marathon and not a sprint.
In 2016, the teams in Switzerland, Strasbourg and Brussels moved premises.
agap2 Lausanneare a 1 Pace Be-Aïr nôw. The eams have pu a ô ïnô heïr new ôîces. Prôôf ôf hïs: heagap2Chrïsmas ree was aready ïn pace!
Electronics,from China to France André manages wô prôjecs which côncern môdifying he manufacuring ôf smar pôwer circui breaker cônrô unis. The ôbjecîve fôr ône is ô ôpîmise he côs and he quaiy ôf he eecrônics bôard and fôr he ôher i is ô repace a criîca cômpônen wih a new sôurce whie ensuring he prôduc’s funcîôna inegriy. I wôrk ôn he manufacurïng sïde ôf prôjecs, by ensurïng herôLL-ôut ôf the technîcaL upgrades requesed by he research deparmens. In hïs cônex, I plan and implementprôduct quaLîicaïôn acïvîïes ôn assemby ïnes as we as coordinate departments. I am involved indeinîng the technîcaL requîrementsôf suppïers’ cônracs as we as approving parts and electronic sub-assemblies.
These prôjecs are sïmuaneôusy carrïed ôubetween Chîna and France whïch requïres sharïng ïnfôrmaôn eecvey. We have weeky eecônference meengs beween he wô facôrïes and he research deparmens ïn Grenôbe (France) ô monitor project developments.
I fee prïde ïn wôrkïng ïn anînternaïônaL côntextwïh severa anguages. I apprecïae he ôppôrunïy ô brïng ôgeher and côôrdïnaemuLï-skîLLed teamsand inay he sasfacôn ôf wôrkïng safey wïh dynamïc, experïenced and skïed côeagues.
By André, Mechatronics Project Engineer
Mass producIon inSpain Ater an 18-mônh design phase a he Rôche-La-Môière sie in France, Ludôvic mus be invôved in he mass prôducîôn ôf seas fôr he cômmercia vehice repacemen a he Spanish sie and he ône in Pôruga, as he has been assigned here unî he end ôf he prôjec.
The purpôse ôf my assïgnmen ïs ôdeLîver a prôducïôn Lînecapable of providing seas fôr 250,000 vehïces per year. In hese dïeren prôjec phases, he wôrkôad had ô be baanced accôrdïng ô he ypes ôf prôducs and he ïndusrïa pans: ô cacuae he assemby mes, esmae he ïmpac ôf echnïca upgrades, draw up ïne specïicaôns and cacuae suppy requïremens.
This project is amajôr chaLLenge for the customer because it is their biggest prôjec wïh2.5 mîLLîôn vehîcLes tô prôduce ôver 10 yearsa wô sïes. Sïmïary, ï ïs he irs me ha he grôup wï prôduce cômpee vehïce kïs whïch are sô diverse and haveînnôvaïve features. Fïnay, ï enabes me ô ïmprôve my ïndusrïa knôwedge whïe asô havïng he ôppôrunïy ô spend môre han a year ïn Spaïn.
By Ludovic,,Process Methods Engineer
OURINITIATIVES Links withschools agap2 has undertaken a school-cômpany ïnks sraegy wïh he aïm ôf geng he aenôn ôf he engïneers ôf ômôrrôw. Thrôughôu he year,agap2empôyees have aken an ïneres ïn he news ïn schôôs by speakïng a dïeren fôrums whïch enabes sudens ô discover the group and even be hired in some cases. Beyônd he fôrums,agap2 was abe ô ôrganïse ïs ôwn evens acuay ïn schôôs. Busïness unches, parcïpaôry cônferences, ater-wôrk evens ôr pïzza pares: ôher ways ôf makïng sudens aware ôf heagap2life. Fïnay, ï was pôssïbe fôr he eams to mobilise in the agencies thanks to he vïsïs frôm sudens whô were curïôus ô undersand hôw ôur grôup wôrks and hôw ï côud gïve hem ôs ôf ôppôrunïes. Tô côncude, agap2ïnvôved ïn an ïncreasïngy ïs prônôunced schôô ïnks ïnïave and wans ô cônnue ïs evens wïh dïeren ôrganïsaôns and maïnaïn hïs aready we-esabïshed ïnk.
Ecovadis2016 EcôVadîsïs a paôrm fôr scôrïng he social and environmental performance of companies. agap2the CSR monitoring joined programme and obtained ‘Silver’ recôgnïôn whïch pus he Grôup ïn he 30% ôf cômpanïes wïh he bes scores.
4LTrophy Jônathan,fromagap2 GrenôbLe, ïs akïng par ïn he 20h edïôn ôf he 4L Trôphy 2017 wïh hïs eam-mae!
agap2is proud to assist and support his team throughout the race.
Find Jonathan from16 tô 26 February on theagap2newôrks and sôcïa fôôw hem ôver hese 10 days and encôurage hem!
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
At the heart ofaircrat innovaIon
Due ô new egisaîôn, aircrat manufacurers have ô equip heir aircrats wih an inerîng sysem (which cônsiss in prôviding a nôn-lammabe gas ô he pane). Phiippe wôrked fôr he wôrdwide eader in aerônauîca equipmen and sysems ôn his issue which required a cômprehensive sudy wih digia simuaîôns and ess.
The ôbjecve ôf he prôjec ïs ô deermïne he pack perfôrmances ïnlyîng côndîïôns, ô check ha ï is he cusômers’ requïremens and ô make he necessary changes. My rôe was ôpre-sîze the perfôrmanceswïh CFD ôôs, ô aunchtest campaîgnsand ô anayse he resus. I asô had ô creae ôôs fôr herma ôss (whïch requïred he ïmpemenaôn ôf a cacuaôn mehôd) and inay, ô prôducetest and perfôrmance repôrts.
I has been he bes prôjec ïn whïch I had been ïnvôved. Very ôten, ïn hïgh-echnôôgy ïndusry, desïgners wôrk ïn ôîces wïhôu seeïng he prôduc hey’re wôrkïng ôn. In hïs prôjec, I anaysed he ess resus and even môre, I was presen during the tests andI had the chance tô reaLîse sôme ôf them ôn my ôwnhe abôraôry was avaïabe ô everyône. as
Besïdes hïs grea prôjec, I have ô hank he whôe eam ha wecômed me ïn afamîLy-Lîke atmôsphere.
Womenat agap2!
By Philippe,,Fluid/Thermal Engineer
Khaôua began her career asaHeah,SafeyandEnvirônmenManagerinheagrifôôdsecôr.Ater4years,duringwhich she se up a quaiy sysem in accôrdance wih he ISO9001 and ISO22000 sandards and ensured ha gôôd prôcedures were pu in pace a he prôducîôn sies, she jôined agap2.
On the one hand I chose to be a consultant toshare my experîencewïh cusômers frôm dïeren busïness secôrs, and ôn the other hand todeveLôp my prôfessîônaL skîLLs. We mus earn ô wôrk ôn new ôôs ôr new mehôds and we mus shôw ôur adapabïïy and ôur abïïy ô ake ïn a ô ôf ïnfôrmaôn ïn a shôr perïôd ôf me and resôve ïssues by prôpôsïng acôns as quïcky as pôssïbe.
Thrôughôu he year I wôrked wïh a eadïng fôôd packagïng grôup’s VIM (V. Indusrïa Môde) prôjec eam. The cônex ôf he prôjec ïs ô anayse ïndusrïa wase as we as he ôôs ôîmprôve prôcesses. The ôbjecve ïs ô ransfôrm ôrganïsaôns, aïgn he prôcess and sandardïse wôrk mehôdôôgïes: dôcumenaôn sandards, ôperaôna sandards, managemen, ec.
I ïke cônsung wôrk and parcuary aagap2. I enabes me ô mee new cusômers wïh dïeren prôies and wôrk ôn prôjecs ha mach my persôna prôie bu asô my skïs.
By Khaoula,,Agrifood Engineer - HSE
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
Rôad acciden prevenîôn
Drïvïng fôr wôrk ïmpôses parcuar constraints on people and exposes hem ô ôccupaôna hazards, irs and fôremôs amông whïch are rôad accïdens, whïch are behïnd môre han 20% ôf faa accïdens a wôrk.
Prevenng rôad accïdens ïnvôves acng a varïôus eves: rave, cômmunïcaôns, he côndïôn ôf vehïces, and he skï and behavïôur ôf empôyees when drïvïng.
Drînkîng ôr drîvîng - yôu must chôôse! Drïvïng under he ïnluence ôf acôhô has become the leading cause of death sïnce 2006, ahead ôf exceedïng he speed limit.
Usîng a smartphône at the wheeL = danger! Sïnce 1 Juy 2015, he use ôf hands-free kïs, Bueôôh headses ôr headphônes
GreeIngs from… Thailand By Nicolas,Business Development Consultant
the number 1200 1200 pôsïôns ô be ied ïn 2017
a he whee ôf a car ôr when drïvïng a môôrcyce ôr usïng a bïcyce has been prohibited.
Rîsks reLated tô bad weather In wïner ï ïs ïmpôran ô adap yôur drïvïng ô weaher côndïôns (raïn, fôg, snôw, ïce, ec.).
The côndîïôn ôf the vehîcLe A we-maïnaïned (brakïng sysem, ïghng ïn gôôd côndïôn) and prôpery equïpped (snôw yres, chaïns, warnïng rïange, ec.) vehïce ïs vïa ô be abe ô drïve wïh greaer peace ôf mïnd.
You can contact elected members at chsct.parîs@agap2.frand chsctLyôn.agap2@gmaîL.côm.
DID YOU KNOW? agap2 gets a makeover on the web!
The Markeïng and Cômmunîca-ïôns team îs prôud tô present a new websîte wîth redesîgned ergônômîcs and fôcused ôn candîdates wîth a new jôb-bôard and a jôb search feature usîng key wôrds.
Each busîness sectôr îs repre-sented în îts enïrety wîth îts côre busîness, îts knôw-hôw and îts references.
A huge thank yôu tô aLL the peôpLe whô tôôk part în buîLdîng thîs websîte fôr theîr vaLuabLe heLp!
A word from the CEO
Being an engineer is seeking to undersand he whys and hôws ôf things. Engïneerïng seeks creavïy and ï appeas ô ôur ïmagïnaôn ô ind ïnnôvave sôuôns ô gôba chaenges: a new energy baance, dïgïa ransfôrmaôn, predïcve medïcïne, he ïnerne ôf hïngs, smar buïdïngs, ec.
Being an engineer is about much more han ôerïng experse; ï ïs asô a commitment. I ïs he cômmïmen ô respecng fundamena vaues, aways seekïng ô enrïch yôur knôwedge, deveôpïng yôur skïs, surpassïng yôursef, and, abôve a, demônsrang rïgôur and ïnegrïy ïn a aspecs ôf ôur wôrk.
We encôurage yôu ô be prôud ôf being an engineer atagap2. We wan ô pu he dream and nôbïïy back ïnô echnôôgy and encôurage new generaôns ô ake up careers. Because I am convinced that echnôôgy ïs prôgress, and ha includes social and human progress.
We are preôccupïed wïh he wïnnïng spirit and the desire to surpass ôurseves and shape a irmer fuure.We are a team. Thïs eam mus seek exceence, ï mus be abe ô surpass ïsef, make prôgress, and abôve a enjôy ïsef. We have a goal: to succeed.
I wîsh yôu a very happy 2017!
By Patrice,CEO
agap22017. ALL rîghts reserved. PubLîcaïôn Dîrectôr: Patrîce GîudîceLLî. EdîtôrîaL: CamîLLe OLLîer. EdîtôrîaL Bôard: CarôLîne Ander, Stéphanîe Aubert, CyrîL Bergemîn, ELîse Canôsa, Manôn Eguîreun, Arî GôLpînar, Fausïne Meynet, AngéLîque Ruget, Harmônîe Spahn, ShîrLey Wack. Graphîc desîgn: CamîLLe OLLîer. Phôtôscredîts©agap2-TeL.:+33141312020-EmaîL:agaptuaLîte@agap2.fr-www.agap2.côm
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
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agap2 wishes you all the best for 2017!
agaptualité • No. 18 •JANUARY 2017
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