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IN 2015
How the world’s biggest brands
and companies are opening up to
consumer creativity
Prefaced by Jeremiah Owyang, founder of Crowd Companies™
1#CSReport2015 Executive summary:
Since 2006, when the term crowdsourcing Key fndings of this report include:
frst appeared in Wired’s “The Rise Of Crowd -
sourcing” article, it has generally been ac- 85% of the 2014 Best Global Brands have
cepted that using crowd creativity is a new, used crowdsourcing in the last ten years.
better way to innovate and market products.
But nearly a decade on, little is known about The Best Global Brands are three times
the corporate adoption of crowdsourcing. So more likely to use crowdsourcing
plathow has crowdsourcing evolved in that time? forms than websites and social media for
By whom is crowdsourcing being used today? their crowdsourcing efforts.
And are the world’s biggest advertisers and
most valuable brands really using it to inno- Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
vate and market their products? giants increased investment by 48% in
2014 compared to 2013.
For the frst time since the inception of the
phenomenon, this report takes a (big) step Of these ten companies, the top three
back to look at the evolution of corporate crowdsourcing users in 2014 were Procter
crowdsourcing since the mid-2000s. By ana- & Gamble, followed by Unilever and Nestlé.
lyzing objective and verifable data sources,
spanning crowdsourcing activity from over The most crowdsourced type of content
ten years, we extracted some important in- by the Best Global Brands is video content
sights about the state of crowdsourcing, and (45% of all initiatives in 2014) followed by
how it is used for marketing and innovation ideas (22% of all initiatives in 2014).
across the globe.
Coca-Cola used crowdsourcing 34 times in
We looked at two data sets: the crowdsour- the last 10 years, while Pepsi tapped into
1cing activity of the 100 Best Global Brands creative crowds 30 times, Danone 28, and
since 2004, as well as that of ten major FMCG Samsung 27 times.
companies on four leading crowdsourcing
2platforms in 2013 and 2014 . Let us start on a lighter note, with a short
1 As defned by the Interbrand Best Global Brands ranking, the “defnitive list of the world’s most valuable
brands.” See http://www.bestglobalbrands.com/.
2 See page 17 for more about the methodology.
The State Of Crowdsourcing 2015Preface by Jeremiah Owyang, founder of
Crowd Companies™
In December 2013, I launched Crowd Com- We have shown that over 150 leading brands
panies, an association for large brands that have joined this peer-to-peer Collaborative
want to better understand and partner with the Economy, tapping the crowd as a business
Collaborative Economy. I was struck by how partner. But we are still lacking insights
repowerful the collaborative economy has be- garding the adoption of creative
crowdsourcome, and how large companies weren’t ready cing – or how companies source external
for the impacts it would have on their business creativity for their innovation and
communimodels. cation pipelines. This report, based on a
solid methodology, is a frst step towards better
understanding the usage of creative crowd-«I was struck by how sourcing by leading brands. It shows how
brands have used it in the past (video produc-powerful the collaborative
tion is still number one, but creative ideation
economy has become, and is a growing application), who are the major
players in the feld and where we are heading.how large companies were
not ready for it.»
«This report is a frst step
Today, even the biggest corporations know
that they can be quickly disrupted by the next towards better
understanUber or Airbnb, where crowds are central to
ding the usage of creative their success. Knowing that facts and data are
needed to make real decisions, Crowd Compa- crowdsourcing by leading
nies launched a series of projects to get some
real-world insights on how this new economy brands.»
is impacting our daily lives, and that of our
business models. Will crowd-empowered companies and
agencies outsource idea generation
systematicalWe organized summits in which we educate ly, as the data suggests? Will the crowd allow
business leaders on this powerful move- resilient brands to turbo-charge their
innovament; we designed many infographics, which tion efforts? Is crowd creativity like “creativity
quickly grew to show that crowds impact all on steroids” for companies? Only the future
areas of society; we showed that funding of will tell us, but I know for certain that we must
collaborative economy start-ups has explo- collaborate with our customers to succeed.
ded in 2014; we surveyed 90,000+ people to
fnd out exactly how they share, make, P2P
lend, and crowdfund; we explained how large «We must collaborate with
corporations are embracing the trend – like it customers to succeed.»or not – of crowdfunding and co-innovation.
3#CSReport2015 Jeremiah Owyang helped major
companies navigate the frst
phase of sharing, called social
media. He’s committed to
helping companies through the
second phase of sharing, as
people share and create the
physical world around them.
Jeremiah Owyang: If companies don’t
adapt, they face disruption
The State Of Crowdsourcing 2015Introduction: Crowdsourcing has come of age
(and generally large) network of people in the
form of an open call.
Two years later, in 2008, Howe published his
book “Crowdsourcing, Why The Power Of The
Crowd Is Driving The Future Of Business,”
which earned him praise and recognition
far beyond the geek community. Since then,
crowdsourcing has come a long way.
Entrepreneurs have built crowd-based platforms
that sell everything from t-shirts to
marketing ideas or logo designs; researchers have
written PhD theses about the practice, while
consultants publish guides and “how-to”
books to help companies maximize the
results from crowd sourced initiatives.
Entrepreneurs have built
many platforms,
researchers have written papers,
and consultants published
Figure 1: The Wired cover from June 2006, with
«Crowdsourcing» on the top “how-to” books.
The frst time the term “crowdsourcing” ever In 2011, Forrester Research released its frst
appeared was in 2006, when Jeff Howe wrote report on the subject, explaining that
crowdan article for Wired in which he explained how sourcing networks were emerging as a viable
frms have started outsourcing a lot of their model to fll a content gap in the video pro -
internal tasks over the web. “Remember out- duction supply chain. In December of that
sourcing? Sending jobs to India and China is year, Japan’s third largest advertising agency,
so 2003,” his article begins. “The new pool of ADK, announced the formation of a
stratecheap labor [is] everyday people using their gic partnership with creative crowdsourcing
spare cycles to create content, solve problems, platform eYeka, while management and
techeven do corporate R&D,” explains Howe citing nology consulting frm Booz Allen Hamilton
then pioneering crowd-based initiatives like announced a similar alliance with
crowdsourWeb Junk 20, iStockphoto, Innocentive and cing pioneer InnoCentive.
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform along
the way. Howe asserts that crowdsourcing Then in 2012, the integrated marketing
comrepresents the act of a company or institu- munications agency Havas acquired the
tion taking a function once performed by em- crowd-based agency Victors & Spoils, and
ployees and outsourcing it to an undefned the leading graphic design marketplace
5#CSReport2015 99designs acquired a European competitor to For the frst time since the inception of the
continue its global expansion. In September phenomenon, this report takes a (big) step
2012, eYeka released the frst visualization back to look at the evolution of corporate
of the use of crowdsourcing by brands over crowdsourcing since the mid-2000s. By
anatime. This visualization took the form of a lyzing objective and verifable data sources,
single timeline, which gathered all contests spanning crowdsourcing activity from over
launched by the world’s 100 most valuable ten years, we extracted some important
inglobal brands on social media, brand web- sights about the state of crowdsourcing, and
sites and crowdsourcing platforms, and it how it is used for marketing and innovation
has been updated ever since. In late 2013, the today.
data showed how the use of crowdsourcing
has exploded since the early 2000’s, clearly We fnd that, among the 2014 Best Global
demonstrating how brands increasingly use it Brands, 85% have used crowdsourcing at least
to pursue marketing- and innovation-related once in the last decade – meaning that only
business objectives. But where do we stand 15% have never used it. These late adopters
today? How much do brands actually use include brands from sectors like
Fashion/Apcreative crowdsourcing? parel (Gucci, Cartier, Ralph Lauren and Hugo
Boss), Retail (H&M, Ikea and Zara), but also
from Finance/Insurance (Axa), a