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Hinkley Point C
Building Britain’s
low-carbon future
September 2015Contents
Our energy
Hinkley Point C explained 01
Introduction 02
Hinkley Point C achievements 04
Creating excellence through people and technology 10
Underpinning success 16
Realising local benefts 22
Bringing long-term rewards 26
About EDF 30
Contact us 32Hinkley Point C Explained
Hinkley Point C will mark a signifcant moment in the
revitalisation of the UK’s nuclear power industry.
Subject to a fnal investment decision, EDF Energy’s Hinkley Point C will be the frst in
a new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK. Capable of generating 3.2GW,
it will sit alongside an operating nuclear power station, and one being decommissioned,
on the northern Somerset coast in the south-west of England.
The main power station development The Hinkley Point C project also includes some
will include: associated developments in the surrounding area.
The main associated developments are an • Two UK EPR™ nuclear reactor units
accommodation campus next to the main site and • Two turbine halls
two accommodation campuses in Bridgwater for
• Cooling water infrastructure
construction workers; four park and ride facilities
• Fuel and waste management facilities to transport workers by bus to the Hinkley Point C
including storage development site; a temporary jetty and refurbished
wharf to deliver as much heavy equipment and • Electricity transmission infrastructure
material as possible by sea to reduce pressure on • Service and ancillary buildings
roads; a bypass to the west of the nearby village of
• A sea wall
Cannington and a series of highway improvement
• A public information centre schemes across the local road network.
• Landscaping for the construction land.
Our energy future
The United Kingdom is facing a critical time in its energy future. We need to face the
challenges of decarbonising our energy system, while replacing signifcant amounts of
existing infrastructure that is due to come offine over the next decade. This must be done
in an affordable way that delivers a low-carbon transition at the lowest cost for consumers.
By 2030 over 55% of the UK’s older power stations Hinkley Point C will bring many other benefts too.
are expected to close, including all but one of our It is a huge investment project – comparable in scale
existing nuclear power stations. Investments need to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
to be made now in order to ensure that we have – and it will create large-scale employment in UK
enough low-carbon electricity from 2030 onwards. manufacturing and construction. It will help re-start
It is clear that we need to replace this lost generating nuclear construction in the UK, and build an industry
capacity with reliable new low-carbon sources if that will serve follow-on projects from us and other
Britain is to secure its energy future and meet its developers. The UK has an opportunity to become a
legally binding emissions targets. The Committee global leader in new nuclear energy, a prospect that
on Climate Change recommends a reduction in is already inspiring a new generation of UK scientists
CO2 intensity of electricity generation of over and engineers.
80% by 2030.
The time is right. Successive governments have
New nuclear power is a vital part of the future energy recognised the need for nuclear as part of the future
mix. Nuclear provides reliable low-carbon power low-carbon energy mix. In polling conducted by
*that can underpin the energy system . Electricity is ComRes for EDF Energy in 2015, 79% of MPs polled
produced when it is needed, day, night, summer and supported the construction of a new generation of
winter. It is the only low-carbon option for providing nuclear power stations. Support for new nuclear
baseload power, and will work alongside gas and from the public is also strong. 54% of the public
renewables, as well as future technologies. support Hinkley Point C’s development. Nuclear
needs to be part of a long-term solution to meeting
Hinkley Point C will be the frst nuclear power
the UK’s low-carbon energy requirements.
station to be built in the UK for more than 20 years.
It will have the capacity to generate safe, reliable,
low-carbon electricity, enough to power more than
5 million homes for its anticipated lifespan of
“We are very committed as a 60 years.
Government to making sure that
we build new nuclear and Hinkley
Point will be the frst of those.”
Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
*Hinkley Point C would have a capacity of 3260MW , with at least
Energy and Climate Change Committee evidence session,
a 90% load factor. Over 25TWh per annum would therefore
21 July 2015be produced. 1TWh = 1 billion kWh. 25TWh/annum x 60 years
= 1500 billion kWh.
02With 55% of GB
generating assets
expected to close by
2030, large amounts
of new capacity are
Building the UK’s low-carbon future
Existing and under construction generation and contracted plant in Great Britain
(including interconnection) 2013-2030
Source: Plant capacities and lifetimes based on EDF Energy view. Peak demand based on National Grid’s Future Energy scenarios Slow Progression 2015.
Peak demand + 20%
Peak demand
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Notes: Chart shows forecast installed capacity of power plants in Great Britain by fuel type, based on EDF Energy Best view as of August 2015. The date when
new large-scale baseload generation is needed depends on rate of closure for existing plant. Chart excludes solar PV, due to uncertain availability at peak
times. Assumes 8-yr average lifetime extension for AGR feet. Chart includes interconnection at 3.8GW, de-rated at 50% to refect availability at peak times.
Wind capacities de-rated at 10% to refect limited ability to provide capacity at peak times. Mothballed capacity assumed to remain closed. Capacity under
construction includes ESB’s Carrington CCGT (880MW), SSE’s Ferrybridge CHP (68MW) and ~2.5GW of wind capacity. Peak demand based on National
Grid’s Future Energy scenarios Slow Progression 2015. Lighter area denotes reserve capacity to be procured by National Grid.
“We don’t want to delay, without
reason, the important progress
we need to make on new nuclear
power in our country.”
Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
Former Leader of the Labour Party
Hansard, 28 March 2011
GWKeeping the lights on
04Hinkley Point C achievements
Hinkley Point C
“Under this Government, we
have got Hinkley Point going
ahead. […] I believe there is the
opportunity of more to come.
That is what we are doing:
putting our money where our
mouth is and ensuring that we
have nuclear power providing
a high-quality baseload power
which is carbon-free.”
Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister
Prime Minister’s Questions, 30 April 2014
05Hinkley Point C achievements
Hinkley Point C achievements
EDF Energy is playing a leading role in helping Britain meet its energy challenge.
Hinkley Point C in Somerset would be the frst new nuclear station built by a
publicly listed company in the UK. It is the frst nuclear project in which EDF
has been the lead client outside of France.
The jigsaw pieces of the nuclear new build project new nuclear power station which is capable of
have been pulled together with key milestones providing the UK with secure, reliable, low-carbon
reached along the way. electricity at a fair price for consumers.
Through this ‘Contract for Difference’, a strike
Policy framework
price of £92.50/MWh for Hinkley Point C was
agreed, reducing to £89.50 if Sizewell C goes
The UK policy context ahead. If wholesale prices rise above an agreed
There is strong public and political support for new ‘strike price’, consumers will not pay extra. If they
nuclear power stations in the UK. In July 2011, the fall below this price the generator will receive a
Government designated the frst National Policy top-up payment. Customers pay nothing until the
Statements for Energy Infrastructure, setting out power station is operational. This guaranteed price
the policy framework for a faster, more predictable includes costs for decommissioning in the future and
and accountable planning system. The House of means that EDF Group and its partners take on all
Commons voted overwhelmingly in favour the construction and operational risk.
of the National Policy Statement on Nuclear
Power Generation. The European policy context
The EPR™ design is one of the frst two reactor Electricity Market Reform, which culminated in the
designs to pass the ‘justifcation’ test prior to Energy Act of 2013, confrmed Britain’s commitment
construction. This is a requirement of European law to provide the right framework to encourage
on basic safety standards. The decision justifying use investment in secure, low-carbon electricity supply
of the technology was passed overwhelmingly in a in the most cost-effective way for customers.
UK parliamentary vote in October 2010.
In Octob