ATEACHER'STOGUIDECHILDREN'SBOOKSLarrickByNancyHere is a book that should proveto concernedinvaluable anyonewith the teacher's perennial prob-the book to thelem of rightfittingmoment.child at the rightrightis wealth ofHere a specific sugges-andtions on how to childrenbringbooks through day-by-daytogethercurriculumactivities and over-allplanning.TOA TEACHER'S GUIDEBOOKS combinesCHILDREN'Sinto chil-the sympathetic insightand the detaileddren's interestsbooks thatof children'sknowledgeone ofLarrickhave made Nancyand bestthe nation's most respectedlit-on children'sknown authoritieson sound educa-erature. Basedin aand writtentional philosophyit is at once areadable style,lively,in chil-course of studypracticaland a brass-tacksdren's literaturemanual for the elementaryworkingand student teacherofon her rareDrawing knowledgeI,,books and children, Nancyoffers many suggestionsprovocativeenthu-onhow to a life-longdevelopfor in even reluctantsiasm readingand discouraged youngsters.booklistAn annotated containingan eachaustiveover 400 titles andmakealmostindex of forty pagesvaluable information, immediatelyto even the busiest teacher.available0001 0357LDL4 fl62-05846028.5 L33tLarrickff children ss toA teacher guidebooks62-05846L33t028.5LarrickschildrentoA teacher's guidebocksVikansascity ' public library *iJMiMkansas missouriI city,Books will be issued onlyon of card.presentation libraryPlease lost cards ...
Here is a book that should prove
to concernedinvaluable anyone
with the teacher's perennial prob-
the book to thelem of rightfitting
moment.child at the rightright
is wealth ofHere a specific sugges-
andtions on how to childrenbring
books through day-by-daytogether
curriculumactivities and over-all
into chil-the sympathetic insight
and the detaileddren's interests
books thatof children'sknowledge
one ofLarrickhave made Nancy
and bestthe nation's most respected
lit-on children'sknown authorities
on sound educa-erature. Based
in aand writtentional philosophy
it is at once areadable style,lively,
in chil-course of studypractical
and a brass-tacksdren's literature
manual for the elementaryworking
and student teacher
ofon her rareDrawing knowledge
I,,books and children, Nancy
offers many suggestionsprovocative
enthu-onhow to a life-longdevelop
for in even reluctantsiasm reading
and discouraged youngsters.
booklistAn annotated containing
an eachaustiveover 400 titles and
makealmostindex of forty pages
valuable information, immediately
to even the busiest teacher.available0001 0357LDL4 fl62-05846028.5 L33t
f children ss toA teacher guide
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60-14777Card Number:CatalogLibrary of Congress
1960First July,printing
1960Second September,
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Kurt Wiesefor an illustrationCoward-McCann, Inc., by
Claire H.Five Chinese Brothersfrom The Bishop; copy-by
H.1938 Claire Bishop.right by
Leon-for an illustrationand Inc., byCompany,Doubleday
and editedFavorite Poems Oldard from New, byWeisgard
And anFerris Tibbetts.Helen 1957 HelenFerris; copyright by
to the Rescuefromillustration Robert byBright Georgieby
RobertRobert 1956 Bright.Bright; copyright by
Walshfor an illustrationGolden AnglundPress, Inc., by Joan
with com-selected andfrom The Golden Treasury of Poetry,
1959 Golden Press,Louis byUntermeyer; copyrightmentaryby
for an illustrationandBrace Inc., byHarcourt, Company,
OneThat BeardedNicolas Mordvinoff from by'Alphonse
Carl-1954 NatalieNatalie by SavageSavage Carlson; copyright
The Borrowersand Krush fromson. An illustration Beth Joeby
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1950 WilliamReds Will and Lip-Two Nicolas; bycopyrightby
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CITY (10.)Garth Williamsand Brothers for an illustrationHarper by
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The HouseWilliams. An illustration Maurice Sendak fromby
1956 Mein-Fathers Meindert byDejong; copyrightof Sixty by
Garth Williams fromdert And an illustration byDejong,
LauraLittle House in the Woods Wilder; copy-Big by Ingalls
1953 Garth Williams.right by
illustration from TheMifflin for an Big-Houghton Company
written and illustrated Ward;gest Bear, by Lynd copyright
1952 Ward.Lyndby
illustration Kurt Wiese fromAlfred A. for anKnopf, Inc., by
R. 1939the Politician Walter Brooks; byFreddy by copyright
an Aldren A. WatsonWalter R. Brooks. And illustration by
Hammer W.from and His HaroldJohn Felton;Henry by copy-
1950 Alfred A. Inc.right by Knopf,
Brown and for an illustration LeonardLittle, Company by
Everett Fisher from Mike Fink Bowman;by James Cloyd copy-
1957 Bowman.right by James Cloyd
BookGlass for an illustration from ALooking ofLibrary
Nonsense Edward
The Macmillan for an illustrationCompany by Armstrong
from Call ItSperry Courage by Armstrong Sperry; copyright
1940 by Armstrong Sperry.
William Morrow and for an illustrationInc.,Company, by
Gordon from and Crocodiles Her-James Irving Alligators by
bert S. 1952 William Morrow andZim; copyright by Company,
Inc. an TebbitsAnd illustration Louis from Ellenby Darling
1951by Beverly Cleary; copyright by Beverly Cleary.
Random for an illustration Fritz Kredel fromHouse, Inc., by
All About Moths and Robert S.Butterflies by Lemmon; copy-
1956 Robert S. Lemmon. An illustration Wardright by Lyndby
from The Gold RushCalifornia by McNeer;May copyright
Dr.1950 McNeer Ward. An illustration Seuss fromby May by
The Cat in the Hat Dr. 1957 Dr. Seuss; bycopyright