ANNEX+ 7 tCalifornia3gionalLcilityLi nsEx , FRANZ THEOI'SOGDEN 1 Series ofC. K.ANDSSICAL ORIENTAL GRAMMARS1 withpractical Method, Exercises, Reading-Lessons and Dialogues.All uniform in siie 8vo. and bound in Cloth.neatly f g, dGERMAN GRAMMAR Meissner. 10th Ed. ... 036byto sewed .... 1Key ditto,FRENCH 8thAhn. Ed 03 (5byo 1,, to sewedKey ditto,ITALIAN GRAMMAR 4th 04Marchetti. Edbyto sewed ..,,..010Key ditto, Salvo. Ed o oSPANISH 2nd 4byto sewed 010Key ditto,PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR Cabano. 2nd Ed. ..04bySWEDISH 4 <>Lenstrom. 2nd Ed. .byDANISH GRAMMAR Lund. 2nd Ed 040byto ditto 010KeyDUTCH Ahn. 2nd Ed 04byGRAMMARRUSSIAN Alexandrow 040byMODERN GREEK GRAMMAR Vlachos.... 4byICELANDIC Rask 4byHEBREW GRAMMAR Herxheimer 040byto ditto 020KeyLATIN Seidenstucker. 2nd Ed. ... 3byto ditto 016KeyTheaboveSeries arewritten various on theofGrammars, author's,bylaid down inAhn's French Grammar Franz Thimm.plan published byThe idea in these is that of a lan-prevalent grammars teachingand of it to ofguage easily pleasantly, adapting every capacity,aft difficulties and at the same time ofremoving unecessary impar-theting necessary grammatical knowledge.SERIESNEW OF FOREIGN DIALOGUES,On an new and calculated to insure apracticalentirely plan, rapidof 12mo. Cloth. iacquisition Foreign Languages.GERMAN and ENGLISH Meissner.Dialogues, byFRENCH Dudevaut., byITALIAN Marchetti. obySPANISH Salvo.byPORTUGUESE Monteiro.bySWEDISH Lenstro' Lund.byHarlen ...