UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIALOS ANGELESA MANUALCOLLECTOR AND AMATEUROLD ENGLISH PLAYS.XT"^^^ ^9 iWanualCollector and AmateurOFLD NGLISH LAYS.EDITEDFROM THE MATERIAL FORMED BY KIRKMAN, LANGBAINE.DOWXES, OLDYS, AND HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, WITHEXTE.\S/]'E ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONSBYCAREW HAZLITT.\V.LONDON-PICKERING & CHATTO^AV^rARRET. ,>AV,66.1892CP7 npPREFACE.-5 When I proposed to myself the superintendence of a new edition ofLangbaine,* with the additional matter published by Mr. Halliwell-A'Phillipps, F. R.S., F.S.A., etc., in iS6o, incorporated, I had no conception^beyond the entries and notes which I had gradually drawn togetherfthatbetween i860 and 1S90, much would remain to be done. But during theon everypage of theprocess ofamalgamating these insertions, I discoveredwork a proof that my predecessor had discharged his task in a mannerinfinitely more negligent and perfunctory than I had supposed, and it^became indispensable either to relinquish the undertaking, or to submit^"^ the onerous duty of revising the volume from beginning to end. 1towas too warmly interested in my self-imposed labour to throw it up, and I.^jcan cursorilyhad to face the sole honourable alternative. No one eveni_e.\amine the two impressions side by side without perceiving how entirelygjthe text has been castigated and improved but, of course, it will be;easy for many to point out where I have failed, or might have accom-more.plished^The Dictionary Old ...