LIBRARYOF THEUniversity of California.( rl p-T ( >KAccessions No. 7j^. Class No. /€>0 .&0? THEUNIVERSITY'LATIN READER:WITH REFERENCES TO THE EDITOR'S LATIN GRAMMAR,NOTES, AND VOCABULARY.BY(Ktlingen), LL.D.,B. L. GILDERSLEEVE, Ph.D.lateJohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and ProfessorProfessor of Greek in thein the University Virginia.ofUIIVEEUNIVERSITY PUBLISHING- COMPANY,NEW YORK.1879.LATIN SERIES.GlLDERSLEEVE'SPRIMER.LATINLATIN GRAMMAR.READER.LATINEXERCISE-BOOK.LATINbyCopyright, 1875,University Publishing Company.***352.MAINPREFACE.the exception of the Fifth Part,of this Latin Reader, withThe textLattmann,Lateinisches Lesebuch of Prof.of selections from theconsistsare largely indebted forvolumes of the seriesto whose labors the otherbeen found to possess.practical usefulness they may havewhateverGallic War,of the Fifth Book of Caesar'sThe Fifth Part is made upto serve as a drill-Commentary, originally intendedwith a Syntacticalreferences to the Grammar, theSyntax. Instead of merebook in Latinand a systembriefcompass as practicable,themselves are given in asrulespossible, a thorough masterydevised, to secure, ifof annotation has beenpor-method of working thisinvolved. The followingof the principlesassigned,After the reading of the lessonthe book is suggested.tion ofin response to the citabook and repeat the rulethe pupil is to shut thethe rule has been given in aby the teacher. Whention of the passagemay ask for ...