o m'I IT ROBERT P, KEEP. ^,@,A HOMERIC DICTIONARYJFnr anbScljools CollegerBASED UPON THE GERMAN OFDR. GEOKG AUTENKIETHTRANSLATED BYROBERT P. KEEPREVISED BYISAAC FLAGGNEW YORKHARPER & FRANKLINBROTHERS, SQUARE1895Entered to Act of in theaccording Congress, year 1876, byHARPER & BROTHERS,In the Office of the Librarian of atCongress, Washington.HARPER & BROTHERS.1891, byCopyright,All reserved.rightsPREFACE.THIS was first issued in 1876. In fifteendictionary years,fifteen thousand have been sold- and the book has beencopiesfound well to the which the editor hadadapted promote objectofat heart the of the Iliadviz., rapid reading large portionsand Odyssey.revision has beenThe Professor Isaacpresent performed byof the of whose name is aFlagg, University California, guaran-tee for the of his work. It has seemed toquality proper freelyfrom the German whenever wasdepart original change likelyto result in better to the needs of American andadaptationstudents. An has been made toEnglish attempt distinguishmore between the real and the ofclearly implied meaningswords the for the most with invertedlatter,by printing part,in A andcommas and not italics. more concise treat-simpleofment the and has alsoprepositions, particles, conjunctionsbeen aimed at. v are with the mark of theird, I,Long printedthe book. One of the thequantity throughout changes, strictlyof the words has the warrantdefined,alphabetical arrangementof Dr. Autenrieth's own in the ...