>68253OUP 880 5-8-74 .10,000OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARYCall No.' AccessionU No.poaAuthor OU H'PTitle H;This book ok should bHeturned on or befoAbefoifc the marked^^k^t' below,*nfro.]A HISTORY OF INDIAN MUSICBY AUTHORTHE SAME:On Music1. Historical of Indian MusicDevelopmentPrize inthe Rabindra 1960).(Awarded2. Itihasa OSangiter (Sanglta Samskriti),BharatiyaVols. I & II.the Memorial Prize InStisir(Awarded 1958).3. O and Vols. I & II.Raga Rupa (Melody Form),4. Dhrupada-mala (with Notations).5. Rabindranath.Sangite6. NarahariSangita-sarasamgraha by Ghanashyama(edited).Indian ....in the7. Historical of Music ( press).StudyOn :PhilosophyPerfection.1. of andProgressPhilosophy(A Comparative Study)2. of the World and the Absolute.Philosophy3. Abhedananda-darshana.4. Tirtharenu.Books :Other1. Mana O Manusha.2. Sri Durga (An Iconographical Study).3. Christ the Saviour.uPQOoVMoS>>-J3'C(JIoAINDIAN MUSIC'HISTORY OFbSWAMI PRAJNANANANDAONEVOLUMEAncient Period( )RAMAKRISHNA VEDANTA MATHCALCUTTA : INDIA.Published Swaxni AdytaandabyCalcutta-6.Ramakrishna Vedanta Math,Published in 1963First May,All Reserved byRightsRamakrishna Vedanta Calcutta.Math,Ratan Sinha at Bharati Works,Printed Printingby BenoyCalcutta-6.Vivekananda Road,141,Co. Private Ltd.Plates Messrs.printed by Bengal AutotypeCalcutta.Cornwallis Street,DEDICATED TOSWAMI VIVEKANANDAAND HIS SPIRITUALBROTHERSWAMI ...