If *•^V'A-^^,^^^^^c/^.^-/*• *..>°Sr .vV-A/. .^.-^,* v^ ^^ •^>;. .>•. vf Ao^^"-v-. "^'J)'^:^m^SO O,'O N— X/HISTORY OFHVCOLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW YOEK,^'A—MEMORABILIA OF PERSONS AND THINGSor INTEKEST, PASSED AND PASSING,—BY— /iTHE HON. JOHN FEANCIS COLLIN, EX-M. C,AND EDITED BYPROF. H. S. JOHNSON, A. M.,EDITOR OF THE HILLSDALE HERALD,WITH.jLisr j^:p:PEisrnDi2§:.PHILMONT, N. Y. :PRINTED BY E. J. BEARDSLEY, SENTINEL OFFICE,1883.PREFACE.of cen-The turbulence in Hillsdale for three-fourths atury after its first settlement by civilized people andthe different nationalities of those people has preventedany historic record being kept of them, and their scoresof cemeteries, not being under legal protection, have be-come to a great extent obliterated. For want of historicrecords a majority of the most prominent inhal^itantsliving in town half century ago are now nearly for-the arecords, half hence,gotten. Without such a century amajority of the present population of the town will beforgotten or oidy preserved by our better organized cem-eteries. Availing myself of my social intercourse withthe old inhabitants of the town in the long-ago, I haveattempted, in a crude way, to give the past history of thetown. To am nowpeople of the that end I supplied withmuch additional and interesting matter, and am promisedmuch more that may appear in a future volume. How-ever imperfect these volumes may be they will enablefuture ...