!lM^Denton.FlorenceMary>AHANDBOOKOFJAPANESE.COLLOQUIALBYBASIL HALL CHAMBERLAIN,\\PROFESSOR OF AND PHILOLOGY IN THEJAPANESEIMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN.LONDON : TRUBNER & & LUDGATE HILL.Co., 57 59,TOKYO: THE GINZA.HAKUBUNSHA,YOKOHAMA\KELLY & WALSH LIMITED.>HONGKONG|JSINGAPORE1888,[All rights reserved.}PREFACE.THE author's thanks are due to various Japanesefor kind assistance rendered them to-gentlemen bywards the ofthe andwork, especiallyproduction presentto His Vice-Minister ofExcellency Tsuji Shinji,to Mr. T. Instructor-in-ChiefEducation, Nishimura,at the Fifth Middle School of toKumamoto,UpperofMr. T. of the StatisticalImai, Manager Societyto Mr. of ofS. Chief the Bureau Com-Isawa,Tokyo,in the Educational andpilation Department,Imperialto Mr. Y. of the Household.Sannomiya, ImperialHis thanks are to Mr. Rouwenhorstlikewise due Mulder,and more to Mr. Ernest C. M. G.,Satow,especiallyHer Britannic Minister Resident atMajesty's Bangkok,for to make use of some of the con-permission examplestained in that valuablework unfortu-gentleman's (now"out of the Kuaiwa Hen." The idea ofnately print),each with a literal interlinearfurnishing exampleversion in addition to wasthe usual free translationDr. E. of thesuggested by Baelz, Imperial University,and it is to be one of the most usefulwill, hoped, provefeatures of the work.M17591611 PREFACE.So far the As for the the authorfuture,past.to willwill be most who favourgrateful any ...