. International PublishersChronica Botanica Co., ScientificThe — Elements inWallace et al. : TraceNoteworthy Books: (RothamstedPlant Physiology 4.50$6.00 Symposium)Baldwin: Forest Tree Seed and ForestandVims Dis- Wilde: Forest SoilsBawden: Plant Viruses 5.50edition 6.00 Growtheases, third, revised Willis: Birth and Spread of Plants. . 6.00International Rules ofCamp et al.: Historical Plant Geography . . 5.003.75 Wulff :Botanical Nomenclature en la * * *Chardon: Los Naturalistas 1 4.50America Latina, Vol. CHRONICA BOTANICA, An Inter- Rusts 5.50Chester: The Cereal national Collection of Studies in Long: Adapta-Clements, Martin and the Method and History of Biology the Plant World 6.00tion and Origin in and Agriculture (annual subscrip- 5.50Condit: The Fig tion) 7.50 Filicum 6.50Copeland: Genera Special issues Chronica Botanica which7.50 ofof North America. .Correll: Orchids — are available to non-subscribers: Currier, and Stocking: WaterCrafts, Physiology of Plants 6.00 Arber: Goethe's Botany 2.00in the Barton: Physiology of Asmous: Fontes Hist. Bot. Rossicae 1.25Crocker and 6.00 Year-(shortly) ca. BIOLOGIA, An InternationalSeeds 5.00Dachnowski-Stokes: Peat (shortly) Book (per annual volume) 4.75 Agricul-Principles of Paleobotany, Browne: A Source Book ofDarrah: .ca. 4.75 5.00second, revised edition (shortly) ... tural Chemistry Jefferson and theDarwin: Journal of Researches Browne: Thomas ca. 7.50 His Time 1.25(shortly) Scientific Trends of . 6.00 Freedom from Want ...
International PublishersChronica Botanica Co., ScientificThe
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Department List on RequestCatalogue and Book
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SCIENCE— — —— ———
SartonGeorge was born in Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium,
31 August 1884. His formal educationon was completed at
Athenee and the University of his native city.the Soon after
his doctorate in mathematicsobtaining (1911), he decided to
life the study of thedevote his to history of science. He
founded Isis in 1912. During firstthe World War he emigrated
difficultto America. After a few years. Dr. Sarton was ap-
pointed a research associate of the Carnegie Institution of Wash-
ington, an appointment which enabled him to accomplish his
mission. He held it from 1918 to 1949. Dr. Sarton taught
the history of science at Harvard University from 1916 to 1918,
and from 1920 to 1951. At present, he does not teach any
longer but he is still very active in his chosen field and hopes
to continue his work for many more years.—Dr. Sarton is
honorary president of the History Science Society and ofof
the Biohistorical Club of Boston, and an honorary member of the
history of science societies of Belgium, England, Germany, the
Netherlands, Italy, and Israel.—More information will be found
in the biography included in the Studies and Essays in the
History Science and Learning, edited by M. F. Ashleyof
Montagu, offered in homage to him, on the occasion of his
60th birthday (New York: Schuman).
Main Publications: Introduction to the History Scienceof
(From Homer to the end of the xivth century), 3 vols, in 5,
4332 (Pubfished for the Carnegie Institution of Washingtonp.
by Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1927-48). The History of
Science and the New Humanism (New York: Holt, 1931).
Revised edition (Harvard University Press, 1937). Spanish
translation (Rosario, 1948). translation (Tokyo, 1950),Japanese
—The Study the History Science (Harvard U. Press,of of
1936). The Study the History Mathematics (Harvard U.of of
Press, 1936). The Science: Essays in the HistoryLife ofof
Civilization (New York: Schuman, 1948). The Incubation of
Western Science in the Middle East (Washington, Li-D. C.:
brary of Congress, 1951). Ancient Science the Timeto of
Epicures Press).(to be pubhshed in 1952 by the Harvard U.
devotedFounderand Editor of: Isis, an internationalreview
to the history science Wondelgem,and civilization (Vol. 1,of
Library1913). Vol. 43 is being published in 1952 (Widener
Osiris, commenta-189, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts, U.S.A.).
tiones rationeque (Vol.de scientiarum et eruditionis historia 1,
Bruges, vols. 1-10, will be1936). Vol. 10 including Table of
published Belgium.in 1952 by the St. Catherine Press of Bruges,