ONTAA0,UOcJ^K^X-j\.HjGRAMMARLATIN LANGUAGE,LONDON :ooDB and SHAW.New-street-Square.G R A M M A KLATIN LANGUAGE.BYC. G. PH.D.ZUMPT,IN THEPROFESSOR UNIVERSITY, AND MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY,OF BERLIN.TRANSLATED FROM THE NINTH EDITION OF THE ORIGINAL,AND ADAPTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH STUDENTS,BYF.R.S.E.LEONHARD SCHMITZ, PH.D.,HIGH SCHOOL OFRECTOR OF THE EDINBURGH.WITHADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS BY THENUMEROUS AUTHOR.SECOND EDITION."LONDON:PRINTED FORANDBROWN, GREEN, LONGMANS,LONGMAN,PATERNOSTER-BOW.1847.THE AUTHOR'S PREFACEENGLISH TRANSLATION.IN the 1843 I received a letter from two scholarsyear Englishto me the of a new translation of Latinsuggesting necessity myand assistance in thegrammar, requesting my undertaking.Until then I had not been aware of the fact that theexistingmade from thewhich had been third edition oftranslation, myit not anwork which however was exact as(of representation,the were hadsome of remained in itsportions original omitted),and it had severalcondition,original although gone throughhad andnot beeneditions, adequately corrected,yet improvedwhile the continued labour onGerman byoriginal, my part,in its become a different work. This in-had, details, quiteforformation was of course a sufficient reason me to promisein the new translationbest aid and for what-;my co-operationhave induced learnedever considerations translatormay myto be and in its first andallow work tomy printed again againit was ...