A general directory of Mount Airy, North Carolina : rural routes and suburbs, 1913-1914








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DIRECTORYGENERALAofAIRYMOUNTCAROLINANORTHSUBURBSROUTES andRURAL1913-1914BCOMPILEDcms6A. KYLE SYDNOREDWIN CARTER andJ.Library(khzof ttlfCarolinaof f3ortrjIniucrsitpOMPANYStuffrid NotionsjRortf) Caroltntana:olIrrtion of)fUbrarp otfrom t&e RSHoU^v^svfor-tVirAr5.3.CReceived. Droplesmen Solicitedc.^mmammT B. McCARGO T. B McCARGO. Jr.T. B. McCargo & SonManufacturers ofAll Kinds of LumberBuilding MaterialDoors, Window S;is!i, Mouldings, Mantels. KitchenTables, Apple BarrelsShingles,Factory Corner Franklin and South StreetsPhone 17S Mt. Airy, N. C.UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILLI00031667848This booh must nobe taken thifromLibrary building.CandiesHuyler'sCamerasKodaks andRemediesFamilyNyal'sPensFountainIdealWatermanCandiesMartha WashingtonBottlesTkermosCut GlassRazorsGillettStoreLargest DrugMt. Airy'sDrug Co.GwynDruggistsWholesale and RetailN. C.Mt. Airy,I » I \\\ Voir icon arrow

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DIRECTORYGENERALA of AIRYMOUNT CAROLINANORTH SUBURBSROUTES andRURAL 1913-1914 BCOMPILEDcms6 A. KYLE SYDNOREDWIN CARTER andJ. Library(khz of ttlf Carolinaof f3ortrjIniucrsitp OMPANY Stuff rid Notions jRortf) Caroltntana:olIrrtion of ) fUbrarp otfrom t&e RS HoU^v^svfor-tVirAr5.3.C Received. Drop lesmen Solicited c. ^mmamm T B. McCARGO T. B McCARGO. Jr. T. B. McCargo & Son Manufacturers of All Kinds of Lumber Building Material Doors, Window S;is!i, Mouldings, Mantels. Kitchen Tables, Apple BarrelsShingles, Factory Corner Franklin and South Streets Phone 17S Mt. Airy, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL I 00031667848 This booh must no be taken thifrom Library building. CandiesHuyler's CamerasKodaks and RemediesFamilyNyal's PensFountainIdealWaterman CandiesMartha Washington BottlesTkermos Cut Glass RazorsGillett StoreLargest DrugMt. Airy's Drug Co.Gwyn DruggistsWholesale and Retail N. C.Mt. Airy, I » I \\\n the rural mail routes we had to follow the carriers and !•'.al the gel the names in the K. 1 >. Directory.Btop houses to This Director) is primarily for business purposes and wo made special "floatingno efforl to secure the names of the Airv.population" in and around Mounl We desire to take this opportunity to thank those who have this and thosegiven as their support in undertaking, win. this whichhave had advertisements inserted in volume, have made it- publication possible. We commend their ad- vertisemi ats to your consideration. ' ( »k.\i;ti i; & Sydni 'mil( I'll- I IWM. BY1 III 1 . President \ HU)t.KY Vice-President i. C WBLCH. Vice-Preaidenl P. P.SPARGBR, Caahier ftlje $anfa of iHount [Hup Wc Deposit withInvite You to Us Subject to Check or in DepartmentSaving! Resources $450,000.00 INTRODUCTION isCity of the Mountains,"Airy, "The GraniteMount valley, in Surry County, Northrich and fertilesituated in a .Mountains.Carolina, almost surrounded by the Blue Radge ofsoutheast can Pilot .Mountain, the guideTo the be seen Old stately sentinel of the sur-pioneer days, and now the grim, south, and north, a fewcountry. To the weslrounding whose Lofty peaksis Blue Ridge Range,miles distant, the walls.turrets upon these everlastingstand out like healthful city. It has an elevation ofMount Airy is a climatt fanned by thetwelve hundred feet; an unsurpassed — protected from the severein summer, andmountain breezes pure streamsit watered by three clear,Masts of winter; i- far up in the mountains. Nearbywhich have their sources which is a famous sum-are several mineral springs, at one of resort.mer city. Withinwide-awake, progressiveMount Airy is a its has been doubled and it istin- past ten years population ever before. Five thou-more rapidly today thangrowing sand inhabitants, tine waterworks and electric lighting sys- ; i and electric power for sale, sew-tem, splendid fire protection sidewalks, anderage systems, twelve miles of concrete facts uponmiles of water mains, are some of thetwenty-live statement. We are building goodwhich we make such a township of Mount Airy $80,-streets in the town and in the chain of sand-000.00 is being spent in the construction of a — chil-clay have excellent schools seven hundredroads. We ourgraded schools last year. From pub-dren attended the our and universi-lic high school boys and girls go to colleges ties, and enter without < xaniinations. is situated theJust outside the corporate limits there in the South. Within the town therelargest granite quarry manufacturing enterprises. Theare a number of lame exceeded One-halffreight receipts paid at this office last year also one of to-.Million Dollars. Mount Airy is the Largest bacco markets in North Carolina. Five million pounds of year.leaf tobacco sold lasl Airy State has moreNo town the size of Mount in the blocks, residences, beautifulhandsome business elegant or churches. To those desiring to come to a beautiful, progressive and hospitable people extend a cordial wel-city. Mount Airy's come. 5 W. E. Merritt Company Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE and FURNITURE Largest and Oldest Store in the County PHONE 35 FACTS ABOUT MOUNT AIRYMISCELLANEOUS ( II V GOVERNMENT. w.Kayor <;. Sydnor. Citj Engineer— \v.I. Barber. treasurer—P. m. Poore. Tax Collector—J. I?. Sparger. Citj Lttornej J. H. Folger. Chief of Police—E. M. Taylor. Chief Fire Departmenl W. L. Steele. Hoard <:. c.of Mdermen Welch, Commissioner at Large; P. D. Muse, Mai Davis, a. G. Webb, J. A. Sokley. Water ami Light Commission .1. A. Hadley, J. A. Jackson, A V. West. Hlghwaj Commission- a. a.E. Smith, J. Hadley, Vestal Taylor, Prank Saunders. C. M . Sparger. Educational Department— T.Ira Turlington, Superintendent City Schools. School Board: W. F. Carter (Chairman), J. A. Hadley, J D Minick, C. I". Mitchell, .1. M. Hill. ORGANIZATIONS. Fire Department- -W. L. Steele. Chief; Banner Brannock, Captain. Fire Alarm Boxes: Front of Quesinberry's Hardware Store; In- ectlon of Wilson and Main; Corner Rockford and Spring; Corner Depot and South; Corner Main and Taylor. Houses:Reel On Main between Pine and Rockford; Factory sti ie< : Pace's Liverj Stable. The >T «> it 11 1 Airj ami ». 0. W. Hand Walter Lowry. Manager; E. Leader;Midkiff, t. .1. Lowry, Jr., Secretary. Twenty-four members. Fanners Educational and Co-operatiTe ofUnion Surry County— kR Simmons, President; .1. Treasurer.M. Brinkley, Secretary and MOUNT AIHV POST OFFICE. •' H. Carter, Postmaster; W. AssistantR. Saunders, Postmaster; .1. B. Albright, Chief Clerk; a. Mrs. CarrieE. Tilley, Clerk; Calla- way. Clerk; Henry Wolfe, Clerk.Substitute K. l. Curriers No.D. i. r. e. Edwards; No. Walter2, Jackson; Harris;No. 3, George No. I, Marshall: No. :», .1. Norman;Frank H. No. 6, H. w. Lineback, ofSchedule Outgoing Mails Southern mailsRailway leave office a in.8 16 and 2:30 p.m.; Mount Airy ;md leaves 7:::<>Eastern office a.m.J R. F. I>. mails leave office at 7 a.m.; Star Route mails leave office at a.m. for6 Dobson and Lo^ Cap, \. c.. and Ararat, Va. ; for atBrimm 5:30 a.m. All mail for Star Routes (dose !iat p.m. Schedule of MailsIncoming Southern Railway mails arrive at i! "'"ami pm.;8:16 Mounl a i i \ and Eastern mail arrives at 4 p.m.; mailsR F. D. arrive at I Routep.m.; Star mails arrive at 7 p.m. 6
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