Gc M: L929.2M767m1142260COUl-ECTlbNGENEALOGY3 1833 00859 7186(^tntnU^ml ^isittft^ii m& ^t&ipaTHE FAMILY OF MONTGOMEKY.—1^<]GENEALOGICAL HISTORYFAMILY OF MONTGOMERY.THE MONTGOMERY PEDIGREE.COMPILED BYTHOMAS HARRISON MONTGOMERY.^KTO^"It was in truth a uoble saying of tlie late Lord Clarendon, that birth conveyed no merit, butmuch duty, to its inheritor." Lord Lindsay.PHILADELPHIA:PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION.1863.GENEALOGICALDEPARTMENT.^V-U: Ll-n^^^^^c^;OF New York.INTKODUCTION.1142260The following pages do not contain tlie first History of the Family of Mont-V\have any knowledge,gomery which has been written. Of the four, ofwhich I," Williamthe first in order is known as the Montgomerie MSS," compiled by\^Montgomerie of Rosemont, County Down, grandson of Sir Hugh MontgomerieMontgomerie of the Great Ardes. Mr.\ of Braidstane, afterwards Viscountand his Historyv) Montgomerie died in 1706, at the age of seventy-four years ;"was printed at Belfast, in 1820. The next is that known as the Broomlands^N. Broomlands, Ayrshire, not laterManuscript," written by Hugh Montgomerie of^^ History hasthan the year 1750 ; he died in 1766 at eighty years of age. Thisnot been printed. The third, the second, yet remaining in manuscript, wasas" Genealogy of thewritten in the early part of this century, and is entitled AFamily of Montgomerie, compiled from various authorities;" it is by the lateCaptain John Hamilton Montgomerie, 76th Regiment, ...