3tait>er*ttpColumbiaLIBRARIESTHE— ;WORKSVALUABLEPUBLISHED FOR HENRY COLBURN,BY R. BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET ;Bell and Edinburgh and John Cumming, Dublin.And sold also by Bradfute, ;'2 illustrated with upwards of forty Portraits of distinguished curiousi,i vols. 4to. Characters,Letters and Documents, in Fac-simile, &c.HISTORY OF THE IRISH UNION,principal Characters connected withWith Delineations of the that important measure.By SIR JONAH BARRINGTON,Member of the late Irish Parliament for the cities of Tuam and Clogher." to open wide the eyes of Great Britain to theAuthor hopes, by this history, presentThecurtain of ignorance and prejudice by which her historyof Ireland ; to draw aside thedangerscompare her once rising prosperity with her existing miserieshas been so long obscured ; tofalse principlescauses of their continuance, and the of her misrule toto discover the occult ;libellers in both countries.her sacrifices for England, and to unmask her In manydisplayunimportant actor. He possessed also the advantageevents he was himself a not ofof thewith the most celebrated personages of all parties with-individual intimacy or acquaintance ;contemporary and independent pen, the delineation of theirout which, and the fidelity of arecord of their conduct, if not lost for ever, and thereby leaving a widecharacters, and thewould have descendedhighly-interesting epocha of British History, to posteritychasm in aauthenticity." Author's Preface ...